Super Bowl halftime looked like a Black Panther invasion

You know ol' Bee-once Knowles played a singing whore in the movie Cadillac Records. I suppose the director just told her to be herself.
You know, for a few seconds there I couldnt decide to like, agree or laugh.

Laugh won.

What do you have against Etta James? (Yes, that is who Beyonce played on that movie...)
Aside from her personality, politics, looks and arrogance?

Not much really if you like whores.
WATCH: BEYONCE To Perform Sickening, Cop-Hating, Anti-White Song At Super Bowl »

The half time show looked a little like a Black Panther invasion during the Coldplay concert. Beyonce and her crew looked quite militants rather than glamorous.

Then I saw this. She used the stage to perform her new anti cop, anti white song "Formation".

And the NFL allowed this bullshit?

Since I was at a bar, and couldn't hear what she was singing- which of these images 'looked like a Black Panther invasion' to you?

Please don't show those thighs again.
Lol, another libtard arguing that evil is good and wrong is right if it is popular.

What a freaking fool.

"Good" and "evil" are incredibly reductive terms and completely subjective.

No, they are not. And people like you are proof of that.

How am I proof that good and evil are not incredibly reductive terms and are not completely subjective?

Observe yourself and you will know.
Super Bowl Halftime Anti-Police Rally
Angry raised fists and Beyoncé’s glorification of the Black Panther Party.
February 9, 2016
Dawn Perlmutter


Beyoncé’s glorification of the Black Panther Party during the Pepsi Super Bowl halftime show is the latest example of the war on police. In a tribute to the 50th anniversary of the founding of the militant anti-police group The Black Panther Party (BPP), Beyoncé’s backup dancers wore the groups signature black berets, 60’s Afro hairstyles and raised their fists in the classic Black Power gesture of the group. During the performance on the field the dancers formed an ‘X’ which has been described as an homage to Malcom X, the ideological inspiration for the Black Panther Party. After the performance Beyoncé’s dancers posed with a sign that read “Justice 4 Mario Woods”, a career criminal and gang member who was shot and killed by San Francisco police after slashing a man with a knife and threatening others.

Many media reports of the performance applauded Beyoncé’s use of the Super Bowl halftime show to showcase her political message on racism and police brutality. This is consistent with the liberal medias characterization of the Black Panthers as an important civil rights movement regardless of the fact that they were a violent anti-police organization. The Black Panther Party (BPP) was founded in 1966 by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale in Oakland, California, close to where the Super Bowl 50 was played. They believed that Martin Luther King’s non-violent protests had failed and they advocated the use of force and armed self-defense in order to obtain freedom from white oppression. They protested against police brutality and used violence to achieve their revolutionary goal of igniting a race war in the United States. The Black Panthers coined the phrase off the pigs and openly advocated the killing of police officers as a form of political protest and justice. DiscoverTheNetworks reveals that “while they were radical icons by day, by night the Panthers grew into a criminal organization that engaged widely in drug dealing, pimping, extortion, theft, assault, and homicide. Indeed, BPP members were arrested 348 times for murder, armed robbery, rape, and burglary in 1969 alone.”


The fact that the super bowl, the very symbol of American identity, sanctioned Beyoncé’s performance demonstrates that the mythology of institutional racism and the war on police just reached a new level of incitement. The signs are everywhere. There has been a tremendous increase in anti-police graffiti and desecration of fallen officer memorials.


Super Bowl Halftime Anti-Police Rally


2017 the prisons will be full of liberals...
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