Super Committee Democrats Reject GOP Tax Proposal

Funny how the left ALWAYS wants to cut our defense. which is the ONE THING our Guberment is SUPPOSE TO FUND..

And yeah. lets CLOSE down all our oversees bases and bring home ALL THE TROOPS to that already 9% UNEMPLOYMENT. sounds like a HELL OF A PLAN
The defense industry has been hands-off until now, no waste has been cut there at all. It is time to take a hard look at what exactly we are getting for our money. We are still buying $1000 dollar toilet seats, $10 gallons of fuel and useless super weapon programs that produce nothing of value. If our social contract is up for hard cuts then the MIC can give up some cash also.
The Super committee...isn't. This is though...

[ame=""]I'm Super![/ame]
Funny how the left ALWAYS wants to cut our defense. which is the ONE THING our Guberment is SUPPOSE TO FUND..

And yeah. lets CLOSE down all our oversees bases and bring home ALL THE TROOPS to that already 9% UNEMPLOYMENT. sounds like a HELL OF A PLAN

We don't fund "defense". We fund the ability to annihilate all life on the planet six or seven times over.

Are you seriously advocating leaving our troops in Iraq, in harms way, as a fucking jobs plan? Keep the US in perpetual war to keep unemployment down?

How about we use some of the money we've been wasting in Iraq and put it towards rebuilding OUR country. How about we beef up the GI bill for those returning vets...let them get training in new technologies so that companies will be eager to hire them upon graduation.

Fund programs like "troops to teachers" which will help returning soldiers get their teaching credentials.

Start putting some of that money we've been wasting in Iraq into hiring more cops and firefighters, jobs that attract veterans.

There's a lot we could do, right here at home, with the money we've been throwing into Iraq and Afghanistan.

Cost of War
The Dems are aware that they cannot get the Pubs to give in to reasonable tax revenue increases, so they will say pull the trigger on the before-agreed-to compromise from the summer, and then blame the Pubs for taxes going across the board for every body when the Bush tax cuts extension runs out at the end of 2012. This gives the Dems a real campaign cry for class warfare.
With just two weeks left to craft a deficit reduction package, members of the bipartisan Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction remain far from a deal, this according to both Democratic and Republican aides close to the negotiations.

Two days after Republicans on the so-called super committee, led by Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey, offered a $1.5 trillion package that included, for the first time, new tax revenue to the tune of about $300 billion, Democrats are rejecting the offer.

"We have a big gap with respect to where we are on revenue," panel Democrat John Kerry told a handful of reporters Wednesday morning. "The Toomey approach will not work. We've told them that very directly. We have to find a different way to come at it."

The senior Massachusetts senator met behind closed doors in his third floor Capitol office Tuesday night with a key bipartisan core group from the committee, including Toomey, Reps. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., Dave Camp, R-Mich., Fred Upton, R-Mich., and Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont.

"This is not complicated. They've got to put real revenue on the table that helps us get the job done," Kerry said, adding that he is "still hopeful" a deal can be reached by November 23.

In reality, that deadline will hit even sooner, though. The budget crunchers at the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) must get a complete product soon, in order to have time to analyze and score a bill for floor consideration. Super committee aides say CBO must then publish that score by November 21.

Read more: Super Committee Democrats Reject GOP Tax Proposal - Fox News

See: Senate GOP: Willing to Accept Up to $300 Billion in Net Tax Increases

The Democrats aren’t interested in tax reform, even if it produces more revenue; they’re only interested in tax increases, a rather static model that always fail.

This is just the Democrat's electoral strategy to paint Republicans as obstructionists. Anyone paying attention and with some intelligence, will immediately see this for what it really is - a bad case of projection on the Democrat's part.
300 Billion in new tax revenues is pretty reasonable. The Democrats are aware they can't run on Papa Obama's failed economic policies, so they need some fake issue to run on..

According to Rich Lowry

It would have (the numbers are rough) offset the revenue loss and raised $250 billion in new revenue by limiting the value of deductions, especially on the high end. It would have gotten another $40 billion with an adjustment to the CPI, moving to “chained indexing.” It would have raised another $110 billion through growth effects of the lower rates and another $100 billion through asset sales and the like. That’s about $500 billion in revenue...There had also been discussions about reforming corporate taxes to go to a 25 percent top rate and a territorial system. John Kerry, Max Baucus, and Chris Van Hollen had initially seemed open to the idea. That’s dead, too.

It is pretty obvious, the Democrats are putting their party above country
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When Republicans talk about "expanding the tax base", they mean poor people should pay more. Some people think we would do better growing the economy.
Typical Government mess. Call something "Super" that will be anything but super. How much in cuts are we really talking about here? $1-2 Trillion? Just a drop in a bucket. Our Debt will grow to a staggering $20 Trillion by 2015. What's $1-2 Trillion in cuts? And they can't even agree on such small cuts. Nothing "Super" about this committee. Nothing at all.

but it looks and sounds good on the surface just like all the bullshit that comes out of dc
First this Super Committee strikes me as well beyond the bounds what congress is empowered to do. It also strikes me as both the Senate and the House being derelict in it's duties and assigning duties otherwise reserved for both houses to a small group of individuals. I'm also of the opinion that this is an excercise that will eventually lead right back where it started and that is cuts that will kick in automatically. or some with both sides posturing for some last minute deal.
I tend to agree with you. I think the Democrats have less incentive to come to an an agreement than the Republicans.
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A "Super Committee" that's anything but super. Only Polticians could be so silly. I mean they're squabbling over $1-2 Trillion in cuts. Wont even be a drop in a bucket. Our Debt will be at a staggering $20 Trillion by 2015. This is just more political theatre for dumbed-down America. They're not serious.
I heard Republicorp's plan can't be scored by the CBO. What say you WT?
But during an appearance on Fox News Sunday, another panel member, Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., took a swipe at the so-called “dynamic scoring” that some Republican members of the deficit reduction committee reportedly are considering as a way to estimate how changes in tax policy might generate changes in the economy.
“We’ve got to come up with a plan that [the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office] will score,” said Clyburn, as opposed, he said, to “dynamic growth.” Clyburn said, “Let’s take this down to actual numbers, tax cuts, tax increases, entitlement cuts and entitlement increases.”
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First this Super Committee strikes me as well beyond the bounds what congress is empowered to do. It also strikes me as both the Senate and the House being derelict in it's duties and assigning duties otherwise reserved for both houses to a small group of individuals. I'm also of the opinion that this is an excercise that will eventually lead right back where it started and that is cuts that will kick in automatically. or some with both sides posturing for some last minute deal.
I tend to agree with you. I think the Democrats have less incentive to come to an an agreement than the Republicans.

The Dems can turn the problem into a class war cry next year, and the Pubs can't shake their "let the rich off easy" mill stone around their neck.
First this Super Committee strikes me as well beyond the bounds what congress is empowered to do. It also strikes me as both the Senate and the House being derelict in it's duties and assigning duties otherwise reserved for both houses to a small group of individuals. I'm also of the opinion that this is an excercise that will eventually lead right back where it started and that is cuts that will kick in automatically. or some with both sides posturing for some last minute deal.
I tend to agree with you. I think the Democrats have less incentive to come to an an agreement than the Republicans.

The Dems can turn the problem into a class war cry next year, and the Pubs can't shake their "let the rich off easy" mill stone around their neck.
I think the Whitehouse sees inaction by Congress as helping Obama politically. This crisis will be an extension of the debt limit crisis that house republicans orchestrated last summer, an action that was not received well by the public.
Cut spending first. We can possibly talk Tax-Hikes down the road. I wont support them but it will have to be discussed at some point. The Democrats are chomping at the bit to screw Taxpayers again so they will force the discussion to happen. I wont accept anything till i see real substantial spending cuts first. That's how i feel anyway.
A 8 to 1 or a 9 to 1 balance will happen, Pauli. No way around it. Hikes will happen.
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Are you people aware that the GOP 300 million proposal stipulates that the Bush tax cuts be made permanent? That is a net loss in revenue in the TRILLIONS.

Try harder.
When Republicans talk about "expanding the tax base", they mean poor people should pay more. Some people think we would do better growing the economy. taxing the rich. What a laugher.

Don't tax the poor for heavens sake...they pay to much as as it is and they create all those jobs.

Moron....thy name starts with an R.
I have a rather interesting question when it comes to cutting, if you do not reform the way Federal Govt. spends money, and just make cuts in a random manner, does this address this issue that caused the problem to begin with? For example, If the Federal Govt. allows Defense projects to stretch for 21 years, cost billions, yet produce nothing other than revenue for the contractor, then just cutting spending does not address the issue that caused this in the first place. One more thing that comes to mind as well, if you cut spending and at the same time advocate for cutting taxes even more while still engaged in combat are you not saying to the American public that the only people that have any responsiblity in this nations War's are the young men and women that fight them?, and is this not contrary to very spirit of the constitution in general? Still further for advocating for even more tax cuts alongside spending cuts, are we not ignoring the massive amount of debt we have already built up? In my humble opinion the existing tax rates are not the issue and in large part the way Govt. spends it's money is. It would seem to me that by rewarding those individuals and companies who wished to participate in this nations economy by allowing them to take advantage of a tax system that rewarded them for doing so would be one place to start, and those who did not, pay your taxes. The other thing this nation can do is streamline the Federal Govt. so that it doesn't do things like spend billions on holes in the Nevada Desert which to date has still not been used, and get into the business of promoting this nation and this nations economy and I submit in doing so, we make the entire world stronger by being the model to follow not by trying to change it by force or trying to follow others.
When Republicans talk about "expanding the tax base", they mean poor people should pay more. Some people think we would do better growing the economy. taxing the rich. What a laugher. Don't tax the poor for heavens sake...they pay to much as as it is and they create all those jobs. Moron....thy name starts with an R.

Revenue must be increased. Spending must be cut. The wealthy must pay their fair share. I believe the poor should pay a nominal federal tax as well, because they benefit from our government and others' taxes.

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