Super-Delegates are Anti-Democratic


Apr 22, 2007
Super D are not bound by the vote. A state could vote 100% for one candidate but a super D could still pledge their vote for the other guy. Take the Democrat this year. Sanders should be in spitting distance of Clinton, but Clintons 450 super Ds to Sanders 20 put Clinton well ahead. Is this Iran where the Ayatollahs pick who can run and who can't and ultimately put 2 hardliners on both sides of the race?

It is anti-Democratic and makes no sense and for the record I am glad Sanders is losing!

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 â?? Democratic Delegate Count

The number
Total delegates: 1000
Reg delegates: 543
Super D: 457

Total Delegates: 371
Rey Delegates: 349
Super D: 22

With the super D Sanders trails Clinton by 629, without them he trails her by 194. That is the state of FL.

The Elitist are choosing the Democrat primary. And I personally think Sanders is one of the scariest candidates to ever win the WH.
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