Super PAC supporting Cory Booker for president shuts down

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Aw, you mean another DEMONRAT CLOWN is going to head to the great dustbin of asterisks for the 2020 party of INFANTICIDES American history lesson......only 134 more clowns to go!... ROTFLMFAO!!!


A super PAC formed to support Sen. Cory Booker's presidential campaign announced Wednesday that it would cease operations.

Steve Phillips, a San Francisco lawyer and founder of Dream United, indicated in a news release that the super PAC had struggled to raise money. Booker, D-N.J., has publicly disavowed support from super PACs, which aren't required to disclose their donors publicly.

"We remain firm in our belief that Senator Cory Booker is uniquely qualified to unite and heal Americans across this country at this critical point in our history," a statement on Dream United's website read. "Respecting the Senator’s publicly-stated sentiments about SuperPACs, Dream United will cease operations effective immediately."

Phillips, a Stanford University classmate of Booker, said in his statement that it became clear while trying to fundraise "that the donor community is strictly adhering to Senator Booker’s publicly articulated wishes that he does not welcome independent support."

Super PAC supporting Cory Booker for president shuts down

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