Super Tuesday: March 1, 2016

Anything to worry about?
Live Coverage of the Super Tuesday Primary Elections

"Mary Katherine Ham says on CNN that Donald Trump is the story today: 'We’re talking about the things he might not win.”

"For that reason, Republicans opposed to the front runner are coming to terms with the possibility that he will be their nominee––and some are rallying around the hashtag #neverTrump, a phenomenon Megan McArdle delved into in a fascinating column yesterday.

"In it, she summarizes the scores of emails she received from these Republicans. 'These people are not quietly concerned about Trump. They are appalled, repulsed, afraid and dismayed that their party could have let this happen,' she explained. 'They wrote in the strongest possible language, and many were adamant that they would not stay home on Election Day, but in fact would vote for Hillary Clinton in the general and perhaps leave the Republican Party for good.'”
We let Obabble happen. We let McCain and Mitt happen. Why not try trump?
What if Trump fractures the Republican Party this summer in Cleveland? Glen Ford is an angry black man suggesting in this ~8:00 TRNN interview both Trump and Sanders could end the two party system as we know it if their supporters feel cheated at their conventions:

Brokered Conventions and Party Breaks Ups Would Make Tuesday Truly Super

"It now appears that both wings of this rich man's party are on the verge of a split.

"On Super Tuesday that will become a closer possibility, especially for the Republicans.

"Donald Trump could become unbeatable after these 12 states have their primaries on Tuesday.

"Significant segments of the Republican party are already saying that they cannot back the GOP if Donald Trump is at the top of the ticket.

"And others are talking about a brokered convention in Cleveland

"And in a brokered convention, all of the delegates that Trump has not won would be, there would be an attempt to unify them behind some other candidate. And although that may or may not deny Trump the nomination, it certainly would infuriate his followers.

"And Trump's followers, at present, constitute 49 percent of the Republican party.

"And that's more than all of his primary opponents combined.

"They don't add up to 49 percent of the party."
Anything to worry about?
Live Coverage of the Super Tuesday Primary Elections

"Mary Katherine Ham says on CNN that Donald Trump is the story today: 'We’re talking about the things he might not win.”

"For that reason, Republicans opposed to the front runner are coming to terms with the possibility that he will be their nominee––and some are rallying around the hashtag #neverTrump, a phenomenon Megan McArdle delved into in a fascinating column yesterday.

"In it, she summarizes the scores of emails she received from these Republicans. 'These people are not quietly concerned about Trump. They are appalled, repulsed, afraid and dismayed that their party could have let this happen,' she explained. 'They wrote in the strongest possible language, and many were adamant that they would not stay home on Election Day, but in fact would vote for Hillary Clinton in the general and perhaps leave the Republican Party for good.'”
We let Obabble happen. We let McCain and Mitt happen. Why not try trump?
What if Trump fractures the Republican Party this summer in Cleveland? Glen Ford is an angry black man suggesting in this ~8:00 TRNN interview both Trump and Sanders could end the two party system as we know it if their supporters feel cheated at their conventions:

Brokered Conventions and Party Breaks Ups Would Make Tuesday Truly Super

"It now appears that both wings of this rich man's party are on the verge of a split.

"On Super Tuesday that will become a closer possibility, especially for the Republicans.

"Donald Trump could become unbeatable after these 12 states have their primaries on Tuesday.

"Significant segments of the Republican party are already saying that they cannot back the GOP if Donald Trump is at the top of the ticket.

"And others are talking about a brokered convention in Cleveland

"And in a brokered convention, all of the delegates that Trump has not won would be, there would be an attempt to unify them behind some other candidate. And although that may or may not deny Trump the nomination, it certainly would infuriate his followers.

"And Trump's followers, at present, constitute 49 percent of the Republican party.

"And that's more than all of his primary opponents combined.

"They don't add up to 49 percent of the party."
If the democrats can stand solidly behind the empty pantsuit of Mrs Clinton, the republicans can do the same for Trump. Did we not learn anything from the past two presidential elections?
Anything to worry about?
Live Coverage of the Super Tuesday Primary Elections

"Mary Katherine Ham says on CNN that Donald Trump is the story today: 'We’re talking about the things he might not win.”

"For that reason, Republicans opposed to the front runner are coming to terms with the possibility that he will be their nominee––and some are rallying around the hashtag #neverTrump, a phenomenon Megan McArdle delved into in a fascinating column yesterday.

"In it, she summarizes the scores of emails she received from these Republicans. 'These people are not quietly concerned about Trump. They are appalled, repulsed, afraid and dismayed that their party could have let this happen,' she explained. 'They wrote in the strongest possible language, and many were adamant that they would not stay home on Election Day, but in fact would vote for Hillary Clinton in the general and perhaps leave the Republican Party for good.'”
We let Obabble happen. We let McCain and Mitt happen. Why not try trump?
What if Trump fractures the Republican Party this summer in Cleveland? Glen Ford is an angry black man suggesting in this ~8:00 TRNN interview both Trump and Sanders could end the two party system as we know it if their supporters feel cheated at their conventions:

Brokered Conventions and Party Breaks Ups Would Make Tuesday Truly Super

"It now appears that both wings of this rich man's party are on the verge of a split.

"On Super Tuesday that will become a closer possibility, especially for the Republicans.

"Donald Trump could become unbeatable after these 12 states have their primaries on Tuesday.

"Significant segments of the Republican party are already saying that they cannot back the GOP if Donald Trump is at the top of the ticket.

"And others are talking about a brokered convention in Cleveland

"And in a brokered convention, all of the delegates that Trump has not won would be, there would be an attempt to unify them behind some other candidate. And although that may or may not deny Trump the nomination, it certainly would infuriate his followers.

"And Trump's followers, at present, constitute 49 percent of the Republican party.

"And that's more than all of his primary opponents combined.

"They don't add up to 49 percent of the party."
If the democrats can stand solidly behind the empty pantsuit of Mrs Clinton, the republicans can do the same for Trump. Did we not learn anything from the past two presidential elections?

You have many prominent Republicans saying they'll never support Trump. You don't have any Democrats saying that about Hillary.
Anything to worry about?
Live Coverage of the Super Tuesday Primary Elections

"Mary Katherine Ham says on CNN that Donald Trump is the story today: 'We’re talking about the things he might not win.”

"For that reason, Republicans opposed to the front runner are coming to terms with the possibility that he will be their nominee––and some are rallying around the hashtag #neverTrump, a phenomenon Megan McArdle delved into in a fascinating column yesterday.

"In it, she summarizes the scores of emails she received from these Republicans. 'These people are not quietly concerned about Trump. They are appalled, repulsed, afraid and dismayed that their party could have let this happen,' she explained. 'They wrote in the strongest possible language, and many were adamant that they would not stay home on Election Day, but in fact would vote for Hillary Clinton in the general and perhaps leave the Republican Party for good.'”
We let Obabble happen. We let McCain and Mitt happen. Why not try trump?
What if Trump fractures the Republican Party this summer in Cleveland? Glen Ford is an angry black man suggesting in this ~8:00 TRNN interview both Trump and Sanders could end the two party system as we know it if their supporters feel cheated at their conventions:

Brokered Conventions and Party Breaks Ups Would Make Tuesday Truly Super

"It now appears that both wings of this rich man's party are on the verge of a split.

"On Super Tuesday that will become a closer possibility, especially for the Republicans.

"Donald Trump could become unbeatable after these 12 states have their primaries on Tuesday.

"Significant segments of the Republican party are already saying that they cannot back the GOP if Donald Trump is at the top of the ticket.

"And others are talking about a brokered convention in Cleveland

"And in a brokered convention, all of the delegates that Trump has not won would be, there would be an attempt to unify them behind some other candidate. And although that may or may not deny Trump the nomination, it certainly would infuriate his followers.

"And Trump's followers, at present, constitute 49 percent of the Republican party.

"And that's more than all of his primary opponents combined.

"They don't add up to 49 percent of the party."
If the democrats can stand solidly behind the empty pantsuit of Mrs Clinton, the republicans can do the same for Trump. Did we not learn anything from the past two presidential elections?

You have many prominent Republicans saying they'll never support Trump. You don't have any Democrats saying that about Hillary.
Millions of non-prominent Bernie Democrats will support Jill Stein before voting for Hillary.
Anything to worry about?
Live Coverage of the Super Tuesday Primary Elections

"Mary Katherine Ham says on CNN that Donald Trump is the story today: 'We’re talking about the things he might not win.”

"For that reason, Republicans opposed to the front runner are coming to terms with the possibility that he will be their nominee––and some are rallying around the hashtag #neverTrump, a phenomenon Megan McArdle delved into in a fascinating column yesterday.

"In it, she summarizes the scores of emails she received from these Republicans. 'These people are not quietly concerned about Trump. They are appalled, repulsed, afraid and dismayed that their party could have let this happen,' she explained. 'They wrote in the strongest possible language, and many were adamant that they would not stay home on Election Day, but in fact would vote for Hillary Clinton in the general and perhaps leave the Republican Party for good.'”
We let Obabble happen. We let McCain and Mitt happen. Why not try trump?
What if Trump fractures the Republican Party this summer in Cleveland? Glen Ford is an angry black man suggesting in this ~8:00 TRNN interview both Trump and Sanders could end the two party system as we know it if their supporters feel cheated at their conventions:

Brokered Conventions and Party Breaks Ups Would Make Tuesday Truly Super

"It now appears that both wings of this rich man's party are on the verge of a split.

"On Super Tuesday that will become a closer possibility, especially for the Republicans.

"Donald Trump could become unbeatable after these 12 states have their primaries on Tuesday.

"Significant segments of the Republican party are already saying that they cannot back the GOP if Donald Trump is at the top of the ticket.

"And others are talking about a brokered convention in Cleveland

"And in a brokered convention, all of the delegates that Trump has not won would be, there would be an attempt to unify them behind some other candidate. And although that may or may not deny Trump the nomination, it certainly would infuriate his followers.

"And Trump's followers, at present, constitute 49 percent of the Republican party.

"And that's more than all of his primary opponents combined.

"They don't add up to 49 percent of the party."
If the democrats can stand solidly behind the empty pantsuit of Mrs Clinton, the republicans can do the same for Trump. Did we not learn anything from the past two presidential elections?

You have many prominent Republicans saying they'll never support Trump. You don't have any Democrats saying that about Hillary.
That's my point. The dems will stand solid behind a turd to stay in power. Repubs bitch and moan like they're in search of Jesus Christ.

Ironic isn't it? Here is a northeastern, elitist billionaire with an Ivy league degree whose base is a bunch of bitter, poor, white southern trash that have an education level of high school or less, and they love him because he is going to give them their country back! LOL. Fucking idiots.

Ironic isn't it? Here is a northeastern, elitist billionaire with an Ivy league degree whose base is a bunch of bitter, poor, white southern trash that have an education level of high school or less, and they love him because he is going to give them their country back! LOL. Fucking idiots.
I didn't know Massatwoshits was in the south...Very Odiferous Rectum needs a map.

Ironic isn't it? Here is a northeastern, elitist billionaire with an Ivy league degree whose base is a bunch of bitter, poor, white southern trash that have an education level of high school or less, and they love him because he is going to give them their country back! LOL. Fucking idiots.

If they had enough sense they would be embarrassed ...mercifully they have none...
Anything to worry about?
Live Coverage of the Super Tuesday Primary Elections

"Mary Katherine Ham says on CNN that Donald Trump is the story today: 'We’re talking about the things he might not win.”

"For that reason, Republicans opposed to the front runner are coming to terms with the possibility that he will be their nominee––and some are rallying around the hashtag #neverTrump, a phenomenon Megan McArdle delved into in a fascinating column yesterday.

"In it, she summarizes the scores of emails she received from these Republicans. 'These people are not quietly concerned about Trump. They are appalled, repulsed, afraid and dismayed that their party could have let this happen,' she explained. 'They wrote in the strongest possible language, and many were adamant that they would not stay home on Election Day, but in fact would vote for Hillary Clinton in the general and perhaps leave the Republican Party for good.'”
We let Obabble happen. We let McCain and Mitt happen. Why not try trump?
What if Trump fractures the Republican Party this summer in Cleveland? Glen Ford is an angry black man suggesting in this ~8:00 TRNN interview both Trump and Sanders could end the two party system as we know it if their supporters feel cheated at their conventions:

Brokered Conventions and Party Breaks Ups Would Make Tuesday Truly Super

"It now appears that both wings of this rich man's party are on the verge of a split.

"On Super Tuesday that will become a closer possibility, especially for the Republicans.

"Donald Trump could become unbeatable after these 12 states have their primaries on Tuesday.

"Significant segments of the Republican party are already saying that they cannot back the GOP if Donald Trump is at the top of the ticket.

"And others are talking about a brokered convention in Cleveland

"And in a brokered convention, all of the delegates that Trump has not won would be, there would be an attempt to unify them behind some other candidate. And although that may or may not deny Trump the nomination, it certainly would infuriate his followers.

"And Trump's followers, at present, constitute 49 percent of the Republican party.

"And that's more than all of his primary opponents combined.

"They don't add up to 49 percent of the party."
If the democrats can stand solidly behind the empty pantsuit of Mrs Clinton, the republicans can do the same for Trump. Did we not learn anything from the past two presidential elections?

You have many prominent Republicans saying they'll never support Trump. You don't have any Democrats saying that about Hillary.
That's my point. The dems will stand solid behind a turd to stay in power. Repubs bitch and moan like they're in search of Jesus Christ.
Captain Moroni, maybe?


Ironic isn't it? Here is a northeastern, elitist billionaire with an Ivy league degree whose base is a bunch of bitter, poor, white southern trash that have an education level of high school or less, and they love him because he is going to give them their country back! LOL. Fucking idiots.
I didn't know Massatwoshits was in the south...Very Odiferous Rectum needs a map.

whether in Massachusetts or in the South the GOP is just as stupid...

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