Supercommitte fails; Wow, Obama is worst leader of all time!!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Of course, Obama will get NONE of the blame. Kinda like a football team being 1-10, but the head coach gets no blame at all.

Our country is ripping apart at the seams. And Obama has show NO leadership at all. Just blame rich people and let the rest take care of itself.

He is quite possibly the worst leader, in ANY career profession, we have ever witnessed.
It's impossible to "lead" people in congress that are effectively "nullifying" your presidency. And I am not making this up. Republican Congressional leaders have openly said they want to make President Obama a one term president. I've never heard anything like it. That's what they are working overtime to do.
It's impossible to "lead" people in congress that are effectively "nullifying" your presidency. And I am not making this up. Republican Congressional leaders have openly said they want to make President Obama a one term president. I've never heard anything like it. That's what they are working overtime to do.

Never heard anything like it? I recall 1984 and 2004. I guess you are just deaf when your side does it, right?

As for blaming the republicans? They offered tax increases on the super committee, the dems refused unless they got more spending.
It's impossible to "lead" people in congress that are effectively "nullifying" your presidency. And I am not making this up. Republican Congressional leaders have openly said they want to make President Obama a one term president. I've never heard anything like it. That's what they are working overtime to do.

Never heard anything like it? I recall 1984 and 2004. I guess you are just deaf when your side does it, right?

As for blaming the republicans? They offered tax increases on the super committee, the dems refused unless they got more spending.

Find the quotes. Link them.

I want to see where elected Democratic leaders were openly calling for either Reagan or Bush to be a one term president. I also want to see where elected Democratic congress people openly called either Reagan or Bush a liar in the halls of congress. You might want to point to where a Democratic congress person said that they wanted a particular bill to fail and become Reagan or Bush's Waterloo. And heck, find a elected Democratic leader asking for Reagan or Bush birth certificate..or making hay about their national origins.

Go for it. And while I am not really sure what "Tax increases" they are talking about..if it was the re-patriation scheme..I can understand why it was laughed out of the Super Committee.
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Some would say that holding people accountable for their actions/failure to act is a key component of leadership.
Of course, Obama will get NONE of the blame. Kinda like a football team being 1-10, but the head coach gets no blame at all.

Our country is ripping apart at the seams. And Obama has show NO leadership at all. Just blame rich people and let the rest take care of itself.

He is quite possibly the worst leader, in ANY career profession, we have ever witnessed.

You obviously don't know anything about the supercommittee. For one thing, the Republicans on the committee told Obama to stay out of the talks completely because they felt it would make it too political. Obama had nothing to do with their deadlock.

In fact, Obama proposed a 4 TRILLION deficit reduction plan, but congress wouldn't even look at it. If you think Obama is doing nothing, than you are obviously getting all of your information from Fox News.
It's impossible to "lead" people in congress that are effectively "nullifying" your presidency. And I am not making this up. Republican Congressional leaders have openly said they want to make President Obama a one term president. I've never heard anything like it. That's what they are working overtime to do.

And they obviously have lots of minions assisting them.
It's impossible to "lead" people in congress that are effectively "nullifying" your presidency. And I am not making this up. Republican Congressional leaders have openly said they want to make President Obama a one term president. I've never heard anything like it. That's what they are working overtime to do.

And they obviously have lots of minions assisting them.

Well sure.

But you see that on both sides. The new and novel thing here is that elected republicans are abandoning statesmanship and are openly echoing what FOX and talk radio has been saying. The "Failure meme" came from Rush Limbaugh. I was pretty shocked hearing it come from people like DeMint. This is very radical.
Some would say that holding people accountable for their actions/failure to act is a key component of leadership.

You mean like how you are pretending the democrats were actually trying to cut the budget?

I think they were...and are.....just not at the expense of the middle class.

You are conveniently forgetting to mention that the "tax cuts" that you say were offered by the GOP members in the committee........were bullshit......since they were insisting that the Bush tax cuts be made permanent. I think you knew that.....and chose to be dishonest.
It's impossible to "lead" people in congress that are effectively "nullifying" your presidency. And I am not making this up. Republican Congressional leaders have openly said they want to make President Obama a one term president. I've never heard anything like it. That's what they are working overtime to do.

when you go into negotiations, as republicans did, and say you refuse to raise revenue, there isn't a lot of headway you are going to make... no matter who the president is.

but the o/p is a hack so he wouldn't get that.

now the decision is made for them... there will be across the board cuts and the bush taxes will expire.. .and no repub fingerprints will be on it so grover won't primary them.

so there ya go.
It's impossible to "lead" people in congress that are effectively "nullifying" your presidency. And I am not making this up. Republican Congressional leaders have openly said they want to make President Obama a one term president. I've never heard anything like it. That's what they are working overtime to do.

when you go into negotiations, as republicans did, and say you refuse to raise revenue, there isn't a lot of headway you are going to make... no matter who the president is.

but the o/p is a hack so he wouldn't get that.

now the decision is made for them... there will be across the board cuts and the bush taxes will expire.. .and no repub fingerprints will be on it so grover won't primary them.

so there ya go.

Republicans are already working on bills to kill the trigger they agreed upon.

Go fig.
It's impossible to "lead" people in congress that are effectively "nullifying" your presidency. And I am not making this up. Republican Congressional leaders have openly said they want to make President Obama a one term president. I've never heard anything like it. That's what they are working overtime to do.

You've never heard that? Were you in a coma during the first term of Dubya, when the Democrats said, "Like Father, Like Son, one term and you're done?"

Please. Running against the guy in office is the game, dude.

The thing is, Obama was ineffective even when his party controlled congress. Even when he had a filibuster proof majority in the Senate. He still couldn't get stuff done, he still never submitted a budget.

If Obama is such a weak leader that his presidency can be nullified, then he needs to go. Period. No company would tolerate a CEO who was that ineffective in his leadership.

Clinton, Reagan, both Bushes encounterd rabid oppossition from the other party in Congress. They still managed to submit budgets, draft legislation, etc.
The republicans today want power back and based on their lack of American 'can do' values, they care not if the country becomes a banana republic so long as they are well feed.

"A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both." Dwight D. Eisenhower

"President Eisenhower describes his administration's political philosophy as 'dynamic conservatism,' then as 'progressive, dynamic conservatism,' then as 'progressive moderation,' then as 'moderate progressivism,' and then as 'positive progressivism.'" William Manchester
Of course, Obama will get NONE of the blame. Kinda like a football team being 1-10, but the head coach gets no blame at all.

Our country is ripping apart at the seams. And Obama has show NO leadership at all. Just blame rich people and let the rest take care of itself.

He is quite possibly the worst leader, in ANY career profession, we have ever witnessed.

I'll believe in those automatic cuts when they actually happen.

Among the details of that plan include ONE TRILLION dollars in cuts to the Defence Department during the period 2013-2023.

Will those cuts really happen?

I doubt it.

Congress can overide those cuts at it descretion.

Even if the agreement says otherwise, I believe that future Congresses will cut or spend as they see fit.
It's impossible to "lead" people in congress that are effectively "nullifying" your presidency. And I am not making this up. Republican Congressional leaders have openly said they want to make President Obama a one term president. I've never heard anything like it. That's what they are working overtime to do.

You've never heard that? Were you in a coma during the first term of Dubya, when the Democrats said, "Like Father, Like Son, one term and you're done?"

Please. Running against the guy in office is the game, dude.

The thing is, Obama was ineffective even when his party controlled congress. Even when he had a filibuster proof majority in the Senate. He still couldn't get stuff done, he still never submitted a budget.

If Obama is such a weak leader that his presidency can be nullified, then he needs to go. Period. No company would tolerate a CEO who was that ineffective in his leadership.

Clinton, Reagan, both Bushes encounterd rabid oppossition from the other party in Congress. They still managed to submit budgets, draft legislation, etc.

Easy it.

Obama never had a filibuster proof majority either. Never.

And it's not that Obama is's that his opposition is crazy and radical. The United States isn't a company..and Obama can't fire anyone in congress.

Neither Bush was impeached..and neither was Reagan. There was more then enough reason to impeach George W. Bush or Ronald Reagan. They committed real live crimes. Clinton, however, was impeached..over nonsense.

So you obviously don't know what you are talking about here. The Bushes or Reagan didn't face the same sort of radical opposition that either Clinton or Obama has..
Easy it.

Obama never had a filibuster proof majority either. Never.

And it's not that Obama is's that his opposition is crazy and radical. The United States isn't a company..and Obama can't fire anyone in congress.

Neither Bush was impeached..and neither was Reagan. There was more then enough reason to impeach George W. Bush or Ronald Reagan. They committed real live crimes. Clinton, however, was impeached..over nonsense.

So you obviously don't know what you are talking about here. The Bushes or Reagan didn't face the same sort of radical opposition that either Clinton or Obama has..

Here's your quote...

Kerry courts black voters -

Reagan wasn't impeached because the Democrats would have to scream, "I want Reagan impeached for saving American Lives!"

The American people looked at them like they were special retards, and that kind of was the end of that.

Other than that, The democraps tried to sabotage those Republican presidents at every term, as much as they thought they could get away with it.

The difference was, those guys were leaders.

Obama... meh, not so much.

He's had three years to submit a budget. He never has. He's let congress keep passing continuing resolutions. He could have vetoed an extention of the Bush Tax cuts. He didn't do that, either.

There's lots of stuff he could have done. He hasn't done them.











Aye aye cap'n.

Of course, Obama will get NONE of the blame. Kinda like a football team being 1-10, but the head coach gets no blame at all.

Our country is ripping apart at the seams. And Obama has show NO leadership at all. Just blame rich people and let the rest take care of itself.

He is quite possibly the worst leader, in ANY career profession, we have ever witnessed.
It's impossible to "lead" people in congress that are effectively "nullifying" your presidency. And I am not making this up. Republican Congressional leaders have openly said they want to make President Obama a one term president. I've never heard anything like it. That's what they are working overtime to do.

You've never heard that? Were you in a coma during the first term of Dubya, when the Democrats said, "Like Father, Like Son, one term and you're done?"

Please. Running against the guy in office is the game, dude.

The thing is, Obama was ineffective even when his party controlled congress. Even when he had a filibuster proof majority in the Senate. He still couldn't get stuff done, he still never submitted a budget.

If Obama is such a weak leader that his presidency can be nullified, then he needs to go. Period. No company would tolerate a CEO who was that ineffective in his leadership.

Clinton, Reagan, both Bushes encounterd rabid oppossition from the other party in Congress. They still managed to submit budgets, draft legislation, etc.

Easy it.

Obama never had a filibuster proof majority either. Never.

And it's not that Obama is's that his opposition is crazy and radical. The United States isn't a company..and Obama can't fire anyone in congress.

Neither Bush was impeached..and neither was Reagan. There was more then enough reason to impeach George W. Bush or Ronald Reagan. They committed real live crimes. Clinton, however, was impeached..over nonsense.

So you obviously don't know what you are talking about here. The Bushes or Reagan didn't face the same sort of radical opposition that either Clinton or Obama has..

Easy Alice. You're going to blow a gasket. You really are a fucking simpleton, ya know that?

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