Supercommitte fails; Wow, Obama is worst leader of all time!!!

It's impossible to "lead" people in congress that are effectively "nullifying" your presidency. And I am not making this up. Republican Congressional leaders have openly said they want to make President Obama a one term president. I've never heard anything like it. That's what they are working overtime to do.
He had no problem nullifying the people when the dems had control of the house and senate
It's impossible to "lead" people in congress that are effectively "nullifying" your presidency. And I am not making this up. Republican Congressional leaders have openly said they want to make President Obama a one term president. I've never heard anything like it. That's what they are working overtime to do.

when you go into negotiations, as republicans did, and say you refuse to raise revenue, there isn't a lot of headway you are going to make... no matter who the president is.

but the o/p is a hack so he wouldn't get that.

now the decision is made for them... there will be across the board cuts and the bush taxes will expire.. .and no repub fingerprints will be on it so grover won't primary them.

so there ya go.

But the big lie you just told is that "Republicans refused to make revenue" should a lawyer lie? really?
The very notion that this country allowed the formation of the unconstitutional super committee can only place the blame on the truly responsible, that being the American people. We have for so long now listened to the corrupted main stream media waiting to hear what misrepresentation of the facts we should spread. We no longer take the time to research for ourselves the constitutionality of the actions being taken by politicians or the truths of the matters, if we did we would not have these arguments and finger pointing rather court proceedings and recalls. To sit by and watch this country be destroyed by those we voted into office and do nothing upon violation after violation of our constitution lays the fault squarely at the feet of the people and no other. You allow it now live with it. We all know that are politics are the most corrupt in the world. We all know the destruction of the middle class and the transfer of wealth and power to the top continues and yet you wish to blame a party?. A politician? A program? No my friends it is a people who are at fault.
The very notion that this country allowed the formation of the unconstitutional super committee can only place the blame on the truly responsible, that being the American people. We have for so long now listened to the corrupted main stream media waiting to hear what misrepresentation of the facts we should spread. We no longer take the time to research for ourselves the constitutionality of the actions being taken by politicians or the truths of the matters, if we did we would not have these arguments and finger pointing rather court proceedings and recalls. To sit by and watch this country be destroyed by those we voted into office and do nothing upon violation after violation of our constitution lays the fault squarely at the feet of the people and no other. You allow it now live with it. We all know that are politics are the most corrupt in the world. We all know the destruction of the middle class and the transfer of wealth and power to the top continues and yet you wish to blame a party?. A politician? A program? No my friends it is a people who are at fault.

As this crisis ccontinues, more people are taking the time to individually investigate and take the time to know what is going on. One particular example was the grass roots development of the Tea Party and it made a difference in Congress, albeit, not enough.
Of course, Obama will get NONE of the blame. Kinda like a football team being 1-10, but the head coach gets no blame at all.

Our country is ripping apart at the seams. And Obama has show NO leadership at all. Just blame rich people and let the rest take care of itself.

He is quite possibly the worst leader, in ANY career profession, we have ever witnessed.

1) Obama has shown NO leadership in the area of debt and defecit reduction thus far.
2) Obama has shown a willingness to increase the national debt at the fastest rate ever.
3) Congressional Democrats and Congressional Republicans have shown no willingness to make serious cuts and both share equal blame.
Of course, Obama will get NONE of the blame. Kinda like a football team being 1-10, but the head coach gets no blame at all.

Our country is ripping apart at the seams. And Obama has show NO leadership at all. Just blame rich people and let the rest take care of itself.

He is quite possibly the worst leader, in ANY career profession, we have ever witnessed.

1) Obama has shown NO leadership in the area of debt and defecit reduction thus far.
2) Obama has shown a willingness to increase the national debt at the fastest rate ever.
3) Congressional Democrats and Congressional Republicans have shown no willingness to make serious cuts and both share equal blame.

Obama never came out and encouraged the Super Committee to come to a deal. He never said "Failurre is not an option" But he was right on the footstep to say he would veto any effort to alter the defense cuts. What is this man's agenda?
Of course, Obama will get NONE of the blame. Kinda like a football team being 1-10, but the head coach gets no blame at all.

Our country is ripping apart at the seams. And Obama has show NO leadership at all. Just blame rich people and let the rest take care of itself.

He is quite possibly the worst leader, in ANY career profession, we have ever witnessed.

1) Obama has shown NO leadership in the area of debt and defecit reduction thus far.
2) Obama has shown a willingness to increase the national debt at the fastest rate ever.
3) Congressional Democrats and Congressional Republicans have shown no willingness to make serious cuts and both share equal blame.

Obama never came out and encouraged the Super Committee to come to a deal. He never said "Failurre is not an option" But he was right on the footstep to say he would veto any effort to alter the defense cuts. What is this man's agenda?

My answer to your question is too negative for me to want to believe or state.
Easy it.

Obama never had a filibuster proof majority either. Never.

And it's not that Obama is's that his opposition is crazy and radical. The United States isn't a company..and Obama can't fire anyone in congress.

Neither Bush was impeached..and neither was Reagan. There was more then enough reason to impeach George W. Bush or Ronald Reagan. They committed real live crimes. Clinton, however, was impeached..over nonsense.

So you obviously don't know what you are talking about here. The Bushes or Reagan didn't face the same sort of radical opposition that either Clinton or Obama has..

Here's your quote...

Kerry courts black voters -

Reagan wasn't impeached because the Democrats would have to scream, "I want Reagan impeached for saving American Lives!"

The American people looked at them like they were special retards, and that kind of was the end of that.

Other than that, The democraps tried to sabotage those Republican presidents at every term, as much as they thought they could get away with it.

The difference was, those guys were leaders.

Obama... meh, not so much.

He's had three years to submit a budget. He never has. He's let congress keep passing continuing resolutions. He could have vetoed an extention of the Bush Tax cuts. He didn't do that, either.

There's lots of stuff he could have done. He hasn't done them.

Ah so you are equating stuff a presidential candidate says on the campaign trail to what congress people say in the halls of congress while working on policy.

Got it.


You guys are just amazing.
Of course, Obama will get NONE of the blame. Kinda like a football team being 1-10, but the head coach gets no blame at all.

Our country is ripping apart at the seams. And Obama has show NO leadership at all. Just blame rich people and let the rest take care of itself.

He is quite possibly the worst leader, in ANY career profession, we have ever witnessed.

You obviously don't know anything about the supercommittee. For one thing, the Republicans on the committee told Obama to stay out of the talks completely because they felt it would make it too political. Obama had nothing to do with their deadlock.

In fact, Obama proposed a 4 TRILLION deficit reduction plan, but congress wouldn't even look at it. If you think Obama is doing nothing, than you are obviously getting all of your information from Fox News.

That's bullshit. Obama ignored the true plan ceated by Simpson-Bowles. His own commitee he created.

Just a year ago, Obama’s bipartisan fiscal commission, headed by Democrat Erskine Bowles and Republican Alan Simpson, defied naysayers by forging a major $4 trillion deficit reduction plan. Their proposal: $3 in cuts to government services, defense and entitlement programs – including Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid – for every $1 of new tax revenue gained by eliminating loopholes. The Simpson-Bowles commission served as a guidepost to the White House, lawmakers and budget and tax policy experts in seeking a long-term deal.

But President Obama’s refusal to get behind his commission’s plan in a timely fashion led to the debt ceiling debacle last summer and the sorry and ultimately unsuccessful deliberations of the 12-member Super Committee. The Simpson-Bowles exercise in futility threw a spotlight on unbridgeable differences between the two parties over taxes and reform of federal health care and retirement programs. That spotlight lit a fire during the Super Committee negotiations, and no one could douse it.

Obama did this so he could run against the "do nothin" congress since he can not run on his record of stagnant economic growth and 9% unemployement.
Of course the MSM ignores the fact that the congress is made up of 2 houses and the Senate refuses to even consider any proposals of the Republican lead house.

And then this super committe joke where the repuclicans came up with a real plan but the dems just called it a joke and refused to offer a counter proposal or a plan of their own.
Of course, Obama will get NONE of the blame. Kinda like a football team being 1-10, but the head coach gets no blame at all.

Our country is ripping apart at the seams. And Obama has show NO leadership at all. Just blame rich people and let the rest take care of itself.

He is quite possibly the worst leader, in ANY career profession, we have ever witnessed.

1) Obama has shown NO leadership in the area of debt and defecit reduction thus far.
2) Obama has shown a willingness to increase the national debt at the fastest rate ever.
3) Congressional Democrats and Congressional Republicans have shown no willingness to make serious cuts and both share equal blame.

1. Sure he has. But I think it's bullshit. Cutting spending during a recession is far worse then raising taxes.
2. That's sort of unfair. Most of the spending is a result of Republican shennigans. The Bush tax cut extension, however, was maddening.
3. This is more a cut for thee, pork for me, thing. Everyone wants long as their "other" people's cuts.
Of course, Obama will get NONE of the blame. Kinda like a football team being 1-10, but the head coach gets no blame at all.

Our country is ripping apart at the seams. And Obama has show NO leadership at all. Just blame rich people and let the rest take care of itself.

He is quite possibly the worst leader, in ANY career profession, we have ever witnessed.

You obviously don't know anything about the supercommittee. For one thing, the Republicans on the committee told Obama to stay out of the talks completely because they felt it would make it too political. Obama had nothing to do with their deadlock.

In fact, Obama proposed a 4 TRILLION deficit reduction plan, but congress wouldn't even look at it. If you think Obama is doing nothing, than you are obviously getting all of your information from Fox News.

That's bullshit. Obama ignored the true plan ceated by Simpson-Bowles. His own commitee he created.

Just a year ago, Obama’s bipartisan fiscal commission, headed by Democrat Erskine Bowles and Republican Alan Simpson, defied naysayers by forging a major $4 trillion deficit reduction plan. Their proposal: $3 in cuts to government services, defense and entitlement programs – including Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid – for every $1 of new tax revenue gained by eliminating loopholes. The Simpson-Bowles commission served as a guidepost to the White House, lawmakers and budget and tax policy experts in seeking a long-term deal.

But President Obama’s refusal to get behind his commission’s plan in a timely fashion led to the debt ceiling debacle last summer and the sorry and ultimately unsuccessful deliberations of the 12-member Super Committee. The Simpson-Bowles exercise in futility threw a spotlight on unbridgeable differences between the two parties over taxes and reform of federal health care and retirement programs. That spotlight lit a fire during the Super Committee negotiations, and no one could douse it.

Obama did this so he could run against the "do nothin" congress since he can not run on his record of stagnant economic growth and 9% unemployement.
Of course the MSM ignores the fact that the congress is made up of 2 houses and the Senate refuses to even consider any proposals of the Republican lead house.

And then this super committe joke where the repuclicans came up with a real plan but the dems just called it a joke and refused to offer a counter proposal or a plan of their own.

Democrats were basically told to ignore Simpson-Bowles because Republicans were going to come up with cuts and it would kill that process. Of course Republicans weren't dealing in good faith. And yeah..Obama is going to run against a do nothing congress? Why? Because they do nothing.
Of course, Obama will get NONE of the blame. Kinda like a football team being 1-10, but the head coach gets no blame at all.

Our country is ripping apart at the seams. And Obama has show NO leadership at all. Just blame rich people and let the rest take care of itself.

He is quite possibly the worst leader, in ANY career profession, we have ever witnessed.

1) Obama has shown NO leadership in the area of debt and defecit reduction thus far.
2) Obama has shown a willingness to increase the national debt at the fastest rate ever.
3) Congressional Democrats and Congressional Republicans have shown no willingness to make serious cuts and both share equal blame.

1. Sure he has. But I think it's bullshit. Cutting spending during a recession is far worse then raising taxes.
2. That's sort of unfair. Most of the spending is a result of Republican shennigans. The Bush tax cut extension, however, was maddening.
3. This is more a cut for thee, pork for me, thing. Everyone wants long as their "other" people's cuts.

1.Proof? If spending was the fix we wouldn't be in this mess as the governemt has been doing nothing but.
2. The failed stimulus created by a failure of a governor and CEO in Corzine.
Your third point is about the only valid point in this hole thread. But that is the problem with politicians. They mostly only care for getting reelected.
You obviously don't know anything about the supercommittee. For one thing, the Republicans on the committee told Obama to stay out of the talks completely because they felt it would make it too political. Obama had nothing to do with their deadlock.

In fact, Obama proposed a 4 TRILLION deficit reduction plan, but congress wouldn't even look at it. If you think Obama is doing nothing, than you are obviously getting all of your information from Fox News.

That's bullshit. Obama ignored the true plan ceated by Simpson-Bowles. His own commitee he created.

Just a year ago, Obama’s bipartisan fiscal commission, headed by Democrat Erskine Bowles and Republican Alan Simpson, defied naysayers by forging a major $4 trillion deficit reduction plan. Their proposal: $3 in cuts to government services, defense and entitlement programs – including Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid – for every $1 of new tax revenue gained by eliminating loopholes. The Simpson-Bowles commission served as a guidepost to the White House, lawmakers and budget and tax policy experts in seeking a long-term deal.

But President Obama’s refusal to get behind his commission’s plan in a timely fashion led to the debt ceiling debacle last summer and the sorry and ultimately unsuccessful deliberations of the 12-member Super Committee. The Simpson-Bowles exercise in futility threw a spotlight on unbridgeable differences between the two parties over taxes and reform of federal health care and retirement programs. That spotlight lit a fire during the Super Committee negotiations, and no one could douse it.

Obama did this so he could run against the "do nothin" congress since he can not run on his record of stagnant economic growth and 9% unemployement.
Of course the MSM ignores the fact that the congress is made up of 2 houses and the Senate refuses to even consider any proposals of the Republican lead house.

And then this super committe joke where the repuclicans came up with a real plan but the dems just called it a joke and refused to offer a counter proposal or a plan of their own.

Democrats were basically told to ignore Simpson-Bowles because Republicans were going to come up with cuts and it would kill that process. Of course Republicans weren't dealing in good faith. And yeah..Obama is going to run against a do nothing congress? Why? Because they do nothing.

Prove it.
Of course, Obama will get NONE of the blame. Kinda like a football team being 1-10, but the head coach gets no blame at all.

Our country is ripping apart at the seams. And Obama has show NO leadership at all. Just blame rich people and let the rest take care of itself.

He is quite possibly the worst leader, in ANY career profession, we have ever witnessed.

The committee worked exactly as designed.
Obama can prevent the Bush tax cuts from being extended beyond their 2012 expiration even if he loses the election.
Please explain to me anyone how much revenue is collected every time you cut a job from this country? How much revenue is spent supporting those same people who have no job? If you keep cutting all you wind up doing is bleeding to death this economy, true?
obama is the worst leader of all time at least in this country.

He has failed to perform the foundational task of a leader, he has failed to command respect. If a leader cannot lead because "there are people who won't let him" then he is not a leader. If people will not accept his leadership, he can't be a leader at all. If he was head coach of the football team, his excuse for losing the game would be "The other team wouldn't let us score any points".
Please explain to me anyone how much revenue is collected every time you cut a job from this country? How much revenue is spent supporting those same people who have no job? If you keep cutting all you wind up doing is bleeding to death this economy, true?

Every time the government raises taxes and dreams up new regulations companies have no choice but to leave, that's what takes the jobs and reduces revenue.

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