Suppose Trump is elected. How long will the GOP elite allow him to stay president?

Eight years on and Obama is still president. Does that answer your question?
Remember, Trump has made enemies of the entire GOP elite.

His Trump Foundation is under multiple investigations. They've already been found guilty once and that's just the tip if the iceberg.

The Trump U trial starts Nov 28th and it's very unlikely Trump will win. And when he loses, he will be open to criminal charges.

His financials will come under intense scrutiny just for national security. That means the 650 million he owes to the Bank and China, India and Russia will be closely looked at.

Trump could have the shortest presidency in the history of the United States. And the media will take a severe lashing for not seriously vetting Trump. Even giving him free infomercials for his golf courses and hotels.

More and more stories like the one below will come out and the media will be under intense scrutiny. Most Republicans don't even know Trump has upcoming court dates.

Donald Trump Cut Off Medical Support For Baby In Will Battle With Late Brother's Family
Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog

Trump will end up disgraced. The GOP will pay a terrible price at the mid terms and the media will lose a lot of it's talking heads for not doing their job.

All this if Trump is elected.

So what it is you think will happen if he becomes president? Thoughts?
Till he becomes a career politician...
Remember, Trump has made enemies of the entire GOP elite.

His Trump Foundation is under multiple investigations. They've already been found guilty once and that's just the tip if the iceberg.

The Trump U trial starts Nov 28th and it's very unlikely Trump will win. And when he loses, he will be open to criminal charges.

His financials will come under intense scrutiny just for national security. That means the 650 million he owes to the Bank and China, India and Russia will be closely looked at.

Trump could have the shortest presidency in the history of the United States. And the media will take a severe lashing for not seriously vetting Trump. Even giving him free infomercials for his golf courses and hotels.

More and more stories like the one below will come out and the media will be under intense scrutiny. Most Republicans don't even know Trump has upcoming court dates.

Donald Trump Cut Off Medical Support For Baby In Will Battle With Late Brother's Family
Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog

Trump will end up disgraced. The GOP will pay a terrible price at the mid terms and the media will lose a lot of it's talking heads for not doing their job.

All this if Trump is elected.

So what it is you think will happen if he becomes president? Thoughts?
Till he becomes a career politician...
How do you become a career anything at 69?

Hillary is a career criminal, but she started many years ago.
Let's see.....then we get Pence as Prez....I'm in.
Except his history of hating gay people will be a problem for younger Republicans not to mention the rest of America. Either one will do enormous damage to the GOP.

And look at their policies. What are they?

Sorry son, you're enamored of Hillary, you don't get to pass judgment on anyone else.
Pence would be an amazing President, sorry.

a pence presidency would be a theocratic presidency, & that goes against everything this secular nation stands for. mikey boy would not want a wall between church & state.

"I'm a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order."

Hyperbole much?
What a crock, the checks and balances (until Obama) have ALWAYS worked. America would never become a Theocracy, you do realize that the Constitution prohibits that....right?

uh-huh... save your faux indignation. it's crystal clear that is exactly what the agenda is from the extremist far right wing & pence is part of... & that is to create laws based on religion. it's no secret that overturning roe v wade & marriage equality is a fundie's wet dream & is on their agenda. oh ya.... how'z about all the bullshit about obama being a Muslim 'eh? why did it matter SO much then 'eh? it's also crystal clear in the constitution, that no religious litmus test will EVER be required to hold office in the United States... but that never stopped the (R) freaks from making that an issue, riiiiight?

Suppose Trump is elected. How long will the GOP elite allow him to stay president?

I give him four months, tops.
Remember, Trump has made enemies of the entire GOP elite.

His Trump Foundation is under multiple investigations. They've already been found guilty once and that's just the tip if the iceberg.

The Trump U trial starts Nov 28th and it's very unlikely Trump will win. And when he loses, he will be open to criminal charges.

His financials will come under intense scrutiny just for national security. That means the 650 million he owes to the Bank and China, India and Russia will be closely looked at.

Trump could have the shortest presidency in the history of the United States. And the media will take a severe lashing for not seriously vetting Trump. Even giving him free infomercials for his golf courses and hotels.

More and more stories like the one below will come out and the media will be under intense scrutiny. Most Republicans don't even know Trump has upcoming court dates.

Donald Trump Cut Off Medical Support For Baby In Will Battle With Late Brother's Family
Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog

Trump will end up disgraced. The GOP will pay a terrible price at the mid terms and the media will lose a lot of it's talking heads for not doing their job.

All this if Trump is elected.

So what it is you think will happen if he becomes president? Thoughts?
Till he becomes a career politician...
How do you become a career anything at 69?

Hillary is a career criminal, but she started many years ago.
And what are her crimes? Name her convictions.

Ten Commandments:
Unless you have proof of that, then you are committing a mortal sin. And the punishment? Go directly to Hell, do not pass Go, do not collect 200 dollars.
Eight years on and Obama is still president. Does that answer your question?
Obama has been a great president and he's popular. Except with Republicans. But what do they know. They still believe Bush Jr. was a great president.
Remember, Trump has made enemies of the entire GOP elite.

His Trump Foundation is under multiple investigations. They've already been found guilty once and that's just the tip if the iceberg.

The Trump U trial starts Nov 28th and it's very unlikely Trump will win. And when he loses, he will be open to criminal charges.

His financials will come under intense scrutiny just for national security. That means the 650 million he owes to the Bank and China, India and Russia will be closely looked at.

Trump could have the shortest presidency in the history of the United States. And the media will take a severe lashing for not seriously vetting Trump. Even giving him free infomercials for his golf courses and hotels.

More and more stories like the one below will come out and the media will be under intense scrutiny. Most Republicans don't even know Trump has upcoming court dates.

Donald Trump Cut Off Medical Support For Baby In Will Battle With Late Brother's Family
Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog

Trump will end up disgraced. The GOP will pay a terrible price at the mid terms and the media will lose a lot of it's talking heads for not doing their job.

All this if Trump is elected.

So what it is you think will happen if he becomes president? Thoughts?

You want a fair trial at the end of which Trump will be found guilty and immediately executed on the court house steps?
Just as long as the Democrats allowed Jimmy Carter to be prez.
Remember, Trump has made enemies of the entire GOP elite.

His Trump Foundation is under multiple investigations. They've already been found guilty once and that's just the tip if the iceberg.

The Trump U trial starts Nov 28th and it's very unlikely Trump will win. And when he loses, he will be open to criminal charges.

His financials will come under intense scrutiny just for national security. That means the 650 million he owes to the Bank and China, India and Russia will be closely looked at.

Trump could have the shortest presidency in the history of the United States. And the media will take a severe lashing for not seriously vetting Trump. Even giving him free infomercials for his golf courses and hotels.

More and more stories like the one below will come out and the media will be under intense scrutiny. Most Republicans don't even know Trump has upcoming court dates.

Donald Trump Cut Off Medical Support For Baby In Will Battle With Late Brother's Family
Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog

Trump will end up disgraced. The GOP will pay a terrible price at the mid terms and the media will lose a lot of it's talking heads for not doing their job.

All this if Trump is elected.

So what it is you think will happen if he becomes president? Thoughts?
Till he becomes a career politician...
How do you become a career anything at 69?

Hillary is a career criminal, but she started many years ago.
And what are her crimes? Name her convictions.

Ten Commandments:
Unless you have proof of that, then you are committing a mortal sin. And the punishment? Go directly to Hell, do not pass Go, do not collect 200 dollars.

Violating the ten commandments is just a sin, it is not a mortal sin, you are stupid as fucking shit
Remember, Trump has made enemies of the entire GOP elite.

His Trump Foundation is under multiple investigations. They've already been found guilty once and that's just the tip if the iceberg.

The Trump U trial starts Nov 28th and it's very unlikely Trump will win. And when he loses, he will be open to criminal charges.

His financials will come under intense scrutiny just for national security. That means the 650 million he owes to the Bank and China, India and Russia will be closely looked at.

Trump could have the shortest presidency in the history of the United States. And the media will take a severe lashing for not seriously vetting Trump. Even giving him free infomercials for his golf courses and hotels.

More and more stories like the one below will come out and the media will be under intense scrutiny. Most Republicans don't even know Trump has upcoming court dates.

Donald Trump Cut Off Medical Support For Baby In Will Battle With Late Brother's Family
Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog

Trump will end up disgraced. The GOP will pay a terrible price at the mid terms and the media will lose a lot of it's talking heads for not doing their job.

All this if Trump is elected.

So what it is you think will happen if he becomes president? Thoughts?
Till he becomes a career politician...
How do you become a career anything at 69?

Hillary is a career criminal, but she started many years ago.
And what are her crimes? Name her convictions.

Ten Commandments:
Unless you have proof of that, then you are committing a mortal sin. And the punishment? Go directly to Hell, do not pass Go, do not collect 200 dollars.
all of the above
If Trump did win, it would be one of the biggest snow jobs in US History. He will turn his back on you Trumpettes as fast as he grabs a "pus_y."
Just as long as the Democrats allowed Jimmy Carter to be prez.
During Carter's presidency, there were no wars, unemployment was low, 10 million new jobs in four years. Republicans prefer Bush Jr.
Just as long as the Democrats allowed Jimmy Carter to be prez.
During Carter's presidency, there were no wars, unemployment was low, 10 million new jobs in four years. Republicans prefer Bush Jr.
I can envision Trump having to deal with the animosity from the party establishment similar to that encountered by Carter. Imagine he'll too face a party challenge when up for re-election in 2020.
Just as long as the Democrats allowed Jimmy Carter to be prez.
During Carter's presidency, there were no wars, unemployment was low, 10 million new jobs in four years. Republicans prefer Bush Jr.
I can envision Trump having to deal with the animosity from the party establishment similar to that encountered by Carter. Imagine he'll too face a party challenge when up for re-election in 2020.
Trump's animosity will be coming from his own party.

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