Suppose Trump is elected. How long will the GOP elite allow him to stay president?

I think they will impeach him once the Trump university trial or the rape trial, finds him guilty...fairly early on, so they have time for Pence to be acting President, before the next election.

exactly right. most rwingers in the GOP HATE him... but the party over country cowards on the right will vote him in & will take the first chance they can to get rid of him.... slicking the road for pence to take over. the nutter fundies want that no doubt & the mainstream (R) nutters just want trump gone.
I believe there will be a bipartisan effort to impeach him. Same with Clinton.
Definitely a bipartisan effort to impeach Trump. They won't have any choice. High crimes and misdemeanors.

But Hillary? They have been going after her for over 30 years. Like I said, unlimited taxpayer money and the full resources of the FBI and CIA. And can't find anything.

And "private server" aren't "magic words". Not when so many in Washington used a private server. And Colin's AOL account was way, way worse than a private server. Everyone knows that. And Republicans will have to explain why they didn't go after Colin and Condi for turning over ZERO emails after they were ordered to. For some reason, the media just won't report the double standard. But if Hillary becomes President, I believe they will be forced to.
However, I think the real scum are Trump's advisers.
What? You clowns say he's running it all on his own? Now, with your fear escalating, you abandon the party line with this? C'mon, that's no shill talk!
Look at George Bush's advisors. I think it was near his second term, he finally realized what they had done in his name. And he worked hard but couldn't fix the disaster. That's why he lays low now. Carter, Clinton and soon, Obama will continue to matter in American politics. But Bush stays hidden. He can't leave the country for fear of being arrested as a war criminal. He doesn't show up at GOP conventions because he would remind everyone what a disaster his administration was and how he damaged the country and the world economy.
Trump is no where near as good as Bush.
Shills pretending they know everything again. Really, it gets old. Stop lying, you have lost.
When I say someone is lying, I tell them why and prove it.

When I do that, this is what happens:


Proof? You can't prove jack. All you can do is pretend too make a point. You liars all got 5 days.
Is the Trump Foundation under investigation?

Did the IRS already order the Trump Foundation to pay a fine for the Florida Attorney General bribe?

Has the Trump Foundation received a "Cease and Desist" order for being uncertified and illegal?

Did Trump use OPM (other people's money) to buy himself gifts when that money was supposed to go to charity?

Was the Trump Foundation used as an illegal tax shelter?

Come one now. Are these true or not? Which ones do you want me to prove?
All this if Trump is elected.

So what it is you think will happen if he becomes president? Thoughts?

My guess. The GOP will think they can control him and be horrified when they find they can't. A lot of these moderate Republicans will find themselves "Primaried" in 2018 by Trumpkins if they get out of line.

Of course, after he crashes the economy, I suspect Congress will flip tothe Democrats in 2018.
Remember, Trump has made enemies of the entire GOP elite.

His Trump Foundation is under multiple investigations. They've already been found guilty once and that's just the tip if the iceberg.

The Trump U trial starts Nov 28th and it's very unlikely Trump will win. And when he loses, he will be open to criminal charges.

His financials will come under intense scrutiny just for national security. That means the 650 million he owes to the Bank and China, India and Russia will be closely looked at.

Trump could have the shortest presidency in the history of the United States. And the media will take a severe lashing for not seriously vetting Trump. Even giving him free infomercials for his golf courses and hotels.

More and more stories like the one below will come out and the media will be under intense scrutiny. Most Republicans don't even know Trump has upcoming court dates.

Donald Trump Cut Off Medical Support For Baby In Will Battle With Late Brother's Family
Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog

Trump will end up disgraced. The GOP will pay a terrible price at the mid terms and the media will lose a lot of it's talking heads for not doing their job.

All this if Trump is elected.

So what it is you think will happen if he becomes president? Thoughts?

1. Democratic Party will not win the Mid-Term election no matter how much you pray for it...

2. Donald Trump legal battles will not result in him being impeached.

3. If Trump is impeached then it will because of something he will do when President...
Agreed. Removing all of obastards illegal EO's will be an impeachable offense to the lib scum dims. Only it will fail like all dim scum attempts to burn us down.

1. If Trump win that mean the House and Senate will stay GOP.

2. Seeing the House will be GOP mean if Trump is impeached by his own political party it because of something he did that the GOP could not let go unpunished...

3. The comment about him doing away with President Obama EO's will not be the cause...
2. Seeing the House will be GOP mean if Trump is impeached by his own political party it because of something he did that the GOP could not let go unpunished...

I believe that's exactly what will happen. They GOP just won't be able to let it go unpunished.
Be real, it will take Democrats two years just to get out of the fetal position.
I believe there will be a bipartisan effort to impeach him. Same with Clinton.
Definitely a bipartisan effort to impeach Trump. They won't have any choice. High crimes and misdemeanors.

But Hillary? They have been going after her for over 30 years. Like I said, unlimited taxpayer money and the full resources of the FBI and CIA. And can't find anything.

And "private server" aren't "magic words". Not when so many in Washington used a private server. And Colin's AOL account was way, way worse than a private server. Everyone knows that. And Republicans will have to explain why they didn't go after Colin and Condi for turning over ZERO emails after they were ordered to. For some reason, the media just won't report the double standard. But if Hillary becomes President, I believe they will be forced to.

The Federal Records Act was modified in 2009 that made what Clinton did expressly illegal. It has been implied by Federal Law since at least 1999 that personal emails were prohibited for Government communications but since 2009 it has been clearly stated.

She broke the law in no uncertain terms. Now we find that all her closest advisors have also.

Oh and the dirt in her communications shows everyone just how much of a low down slug she is.
Not only did she violate the law for this offense but she did so because she was violating so many other laws that she thought that violating this one would help to keep her safe.

She a complete piece of shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I wonder how many republicans say they are voting for the draft dodger and pussy groper Donnie, and then select Hillary or the libertarian? Trump is embarrassing, a failure in marriage, business, an out-sourcer of work, and pays no taxes to the nation he wants to preside over. What a joke - and some follow him still.

"Donald J. Trump proudly acknowledges he did not pay a dime in federal income taxes for years on end. He insists he merely exploited tax loopholes legally available to any billionaire — loopholes he says Hillary Clinton failed to close during her years in the United States Senate. “Why didn’t she ever try to change those laws so I couldn’t use them?” Mr. Trump asked during a campaign rally last month."
There are no GOP elite. They are RINO/UN representatives. Trump is the New Republican candidate. He will be allowed to continue as long as he keeps his campaign promises.
Remember, Trump has made enemies of the entire GOP elite.

His Trump Foundation is under multiple investigations. They've already been found guilty once and that's just the tip if the iceberg.

The Trump U trial starts Nov 28th and it's very unlikely Trump will win. And when he loses, he will be open to criminal charges.

His financials will come under intense scrutiny just for national security. That means the 650 million he owes to the Bank and China, India and Russia will be closely looked at.

Trump could have the shortest presidency in the history of the United States. And the media will take a severe lashing for not seriously vetting Trump. Even giving him free infomercials for his golf courses and hotels.

More and more stories like the one below will come out and the media will be under intense scrutiny. Most Republicans don't even know Trump has upcoming court dates.

Donald Trump Cut Off Medical Support For Baby In Will Battle With Late Brother's Family
Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog

Trump will end up disgraced. The GOP will pay a terrible price at the mid terms and the media will lose a lot of it's talking heads for not doing their job.

All this if Trump is elected.

So what it is you think will happen if he becomes president? Thoughts?

1. Democratic Party will not win the Mid-Term election no matter how much you pray for it...

2. Donald Trump legal battles will not result in him being impeached.

3. If Trump is impeached then it will because of something he will do when President...
Agreed. Removing all of obastards illegal EO's will be an impeachable offense to the lib scum dims. Only it will fail like all dim scum attempts to burn us down.
That's why I like to explain what I'm talking about. Because you didn't make a lick of sense. Just sort of repeated GOP talking point but in a strange and disjointed manner.
Agreed...with a liberal (see what I did there) dose of the word "shill".
Remember, Trump has made enemies of the entire GOP elite.

His Trump Foundation is under multiple investigations. They've already been found guilty once and that's just the tip if the iceberg.

The Trump U trial starts Nov 28th and it's very unlikely Trump will win. And when he loses, he will be open to criminal charges.

His financials will come under intense scrutiny just for national security. That means the 650 million he owes to the Bank and China, India and Russia will be closely looked at.

Trump could have the shortest presidency in the history of the United States. And the media will take a severe lashing for not seriously vetting Trump. Even giving him free infomercials for his golf courses and hotels.

More and more stories like the one below will come out and the media will be under intense scrutiny. Most Republicans don't even know Trump has upcoming court dates.

Donald Trump Cut Off Medical Support For Baby In Will Battle With Late Brother's Family
Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog

Trump will end up disgraced. The GOP will pay a terrible price at the mid terms and the media will lose a lot of it's talking heads for not doing their job.

All this if Trump is elected.

So what it is you think will happen if he becomes president? Thoughts?

Dear rdean with both Trump and Hillary, the GOP and conservatives/constitutionalists
will be left to prove the premise touted all along -- that people should NOT depend on federal govt
to lead their lives and businesses, but be independent enough that they tell govt what to do.

People already HAVE no choice but to build their own solutions from the ground up
because these aren't coming from DC.

The difference is the GOP can't rely on any help from DC to do so,
but will TRULY have to do the grassroots work themselves,
of reaching out, like the Greens and Libertarians have been doing to DIY
because they have no support of either party in DC either!

This will force the REAL leadership to come out of the GOP who is true to the principle of DIY, and it will weed out the people who depend on career politicians to pull strings.
same with how Clinton allows the limousine liberals and corporate elite to keep running the party and censors and robs resources and credits from the grassroots workers doing all the real work to help the poor and minority interests with no real help but just promises and hype.

DIY, that's what Trump would force, even more than Clinton.
With Clinton people will still have the federal and legal corporate and media monopoly
to keep running things as is, complain about it, while not doing the work it takes to build independently.

It's like voting whether to remove both crutches, left and right, or just one on the left.
Some people would rather hold on to the left leaning crutch and hobble on that.

Some people are ready to let go of both, and make everyone walk on their own two legs
instead of depending on govt. Then griping we can't control what direction we're doing
because of the monopoly in charge.
Let's see.....then we get Pence as Prez....I'm in.
Except his history of hating gay people will be a problem for younger Republicans not to mention the rest of America. Either one will do enormous damage to the GOP.

And look at their policies. What are they?

Sorry son, you're enamored of Hillary, you don't get to pass judgment on anyone else.
Pence would be an amazing President, sorry.

a pence presidency would be a theocratic presidency, & that goes against everything this secular nation stands for. mikey boy would not want a wall between church & state.

"I'm a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order."

Hyperbole much?
What a crock, the checks and balances (until Obama) have ALWAYS worked. America would never become a Theocracy, you do realize that the Constitution prohibits that....right?
I believe there will be a bipartisan effort to impeach him. Same with Clinton.
Definitely a bipartisan effort to impeach Trump. They won't have any choice. High crimes and misdemeanors.

But Hillary? They have been going after her for over 30 years. Like I said, unlimited taxpayer money and the full resources of the FBI and CIA. And can't find anything.

And "private server" aren't "magic words". Not when so many in Washington used a private server. And Colin's AOL account was way, way worse than a private server. Everyone knows that. And Republicans will have to explain why they didn't go after Colin and Condi for turning over ZERO emails after they were ordered to. For some reason, the media just won't report the double standard. But if Hillary becomes President, I believe they will be forced to.

You are one of the silliest posters on this board.
Remember, Trump has made enemies of the entire GOP elite.

His Trump Foundation is under multiple investigations. They've already been found guilty once and that's just the tip if the iceberg.

The Trump U trial starts Nov 28th and it's very unlikely Trump will win. And when he loses, he will be open to criminal charges.

His financials will come under intense scrutiny just for national security. That means the 650 million he owes to the Bank and China, India and Russia will be closely looked at.

Trump could have the shortest presidency in the history of the United States. And the media will take a severe lashing for not seriously vetting Trump. Even giving him free infomercials for his golf courses and hotels.

More and more stories like the one below will come out and the media will be under intense scrutiny. Most Republicans don't even know Trump has upcoming court dates.

Donald Trump Cut Off Medical Support For Baby In Will Battle With Late Brother's Family
Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog

Trump will end up disgraced. The GOP will pay a terrible price at the mid terms and the media will lose a lot of it's talking heads for not doing their job.

All this if Trump is elected.

So what it is you think will happen if he becomes president? Thoughts?
And there folks is the acknowledgement that even the most hardcore partisans are concerned Hillary may lose. A Crack in the facade if you will.
There are no GOP elite. They are RINO/UN representatives. Trump is the New Republican candidate. He will be allowed to continue as long as he keeps his campaign promises.
What happened to the Wall promise?

It's alive and well and waiting for us to vote on it. Open borders is the UN restructuring us into Hemisphere #1. It is accomplished by the removable of both of our borders. Hemisphere 1 is us, Canada, Mexico. We will no longer be a people or a country. And this is no longer some New World Order conspiracy. This is Hillary's dream. She said so:

This is what we are voting on Tues.
Clinton has been investigated for 30 years with unlimited taxpayer money, the full resources of the FBI and CIA and so far, they can't find anything.

The Republicans have an extremely powerful and comprehensive information system. Posters like Jim Bowie like completely inside it. All his news sources tell him that his nation has been stolen by crooked liberals.

Bill Clinton's tax rate on the top bracket was only 4 percentage points higher than Bush 43. Hillary is proposing the same thing. The gun legislation she proposes is weaker than Reagan's Brady Bill. However, Jim has been told Hillary wants to double his taxes and take his guns. He has no way of knowing the actual truth because he doesn't have time/energy to study actual policies. He only has one extremely powerful echo chamber that whispers in his ear every day. I don't blame him for not understanding this stuff. If I listened exclusively to Limbaugh, Savage Levine and Hannity, I would believe Hillary was the devil.

This is how power works. Wealthy people take advantage of uneducated people by placing them in a tightly controlled ideological prison where science itself is seen as a conspiracy.

Welcome to the new Dark Ages.
I believe there will be a bipartisan effort to impeach him. Same with Clinton.
Definitely a bipartisan effort to impeach Trump. They won't have any choice. High crimes and misdemeanors.

But Hillary? They have been going after her for over 30 years. Like I said, unlimited taxpayer money and the full resources of the FBI and CIA. And can't find anything.

And "private server" aren't "magic words". Not when so many in Washington used a private server. And Colin's AOL account was way, way worse than a private server. Everyone knows that. And Republicans will have to explain why they didn't go after Colin and Condi for turning over ZERO emails after they were ordered to. For some reason, the media just won't report the double standard. But if Hillary becomes President, I believe they will be forced to.

The Federal Records Act was modified in 2009 that made what Clinton did expressly illegal. It has been implied by Federal Law since at least 1999 that personal emails were prohibited for Government communications but since 2009 it has been clearly stated.

She broke the law in no uncertain terms. Now we find that all her closest advisors have also.

Oh and the dirt in her communications shows everyone just how much of a low down slug she is.
Not only did she violate the law for this offense but she did so because she was violating so many other laws that she thought that violating this one would help to keep her safe.

She a complete piece of shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh wow, you know what the law is and no one else does?


In Clinton’s defense, we should note that it was only after Clinton left the State Department, that the National Archives issued a recommendation that government employees should avoid conducting official business on personal emails (though they noted there might be extenuating circumstances such as an emergency that require it). Additionally, in 2014, President Barack Obama signed changes to the Federal Records Act that explicitly said federal officials can only use personal email addresses if they also copy or send the emails to their official account.

Because these rules weren’t in effect when Clinton was in office, "she was in compliance with the laws and regulations at the time," said Gary Bass, founder and former director of OMB Watch, a government accountability organization.

Hillary Clinton's email: Did she follow all the rules?

Try 2014.
There are no GOP elite. They are RINO/UN representatives. Trump is the New Republican candidate. He will be allowed to continue as long as he keeps his campaign promises.
What happened to the Wall promise?

It's alive and well and waiting for us to vote on it. Open borders is the UN restructuring us into Hemisphere #1. It is accomplished by the removable of both of our borders. Hemisphere 1 is us, Canada, Mexico. We will no longer be a people or a country. And this is no longer some New World Order conspiracy. This is Hillary's dream. She said so:

This is what we are voting on Tues.
That's flat out nonsense. Try again.
There are no GOP elite. They are RINO/UN representatives. Trump is the New Republican candidate. He will be allowed to continue as long as he keeps his campaign promises.
Which promises are those. They've changed so much over time.

So go ahead, tell us.

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