Supposed recording of angels singing


VIP Member
Jun 6, 2011

This is wonderful :)

Listen to the high pitch of angels in the background.

The story goes that there were only 4 singers and NOBODY was singing behind them solo or the other 3 singers... and the pitch they reach in the background was a pitch that NO human can reach. Also notice that the angels never take a breath and the notes are constant. When the tape starts,NOBODY was singing... but when they played the tape back,they heard the high voices singing and didnt know where they came from...

This was recorded a long time ago so the recording is not that great.

Remember...There were only 4 people singing.

Makes me happy listening to it :)

This is wonderful :)

Listen to the high pitch of angels in the background.

The story goes that there were only 4 singers and NOBODY was singing behind them solo or the other 3 singers... and the pitch they reach in the background was a pitch that NO human can reach. Also notice that the angels never take a breath and the notes are constant. When the tape starts,NOBODY was singing... but when they played the tape back,they heard the high voices singing and didnt know where they came from...

This was recorded a long time ago so the recording is not that great.

Remember...There were only 4 people singing.

Makes me happy listening to it :)
Amazing, if true. I'm a little skeptical, however. I did a search and there are so many different versions. Although it's one of these feel good exaggerations, I'll give it the benefit of the doubt.
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This is wonderful :)

Listen to the high pitch of angels in the background.

The story goes that there were only 4 singers and NOBODY was singing behind them solo or the other 3 singers... and the pitch they reach in the background was a pitch that NO human can reach. Also notice that the angels never take a breath and the notes are constant. When the tape starts,NOBODY was singing... but when they played the tape back,they heard the high voices singing and didnt know where they came from...

This was recorded a long time ago so the recording is not that great.

Remember...There were only 4 people singing.

Makes me happy listening to it :)

Very interesting, but it doesn't sound to this singer, a tenor, that the higher notes are beyond the human range. Sopranos could hit those notes or ones even higher, unless there's something above that range on the recording I'm not making out due to the quality of the recording.
Sounds like an ouji board concept to me except they are using a tape recorder instead of a board.

Galatians 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

This is wonderful :)

Listen to the high pitch of angels in the background.

The story goes that there were only 4 singers and NOBODY was singing behind them solo or the other 3 singers... and the pitch they reach in the background was a pitch that NO human can reach. Also notice that the angels never take a breath and the notes are constant. When the tape starts,NOBODY was singing... but when they played the tape back,they heard the high voices singing and didnt know where they came from...

This was recorded a long time ago so the recording is not that great.

Remember...There were only 4 people singing.

Makes me happy listening to it :)

Very interesting, but it doesn't sound to this singer, a tenor, that the higher notes are beyond the human range. Sopranos could hit those notes or ones even higher, unless there's something above that range on the recording I'm not making out due to the quality of the recording.
The question always arises, as with miracles or supernatural events, how come there are no modern occurrences or recordings?

This is wonderful :)

Listen to the high pitch of angels in the background.

The story goes that there were only 4 singers and NOBODY was singing behind them solo or the other 3 singers... and the pitch they reach in the background was a pitch that NO human can reach. Also notice that the angels never take a breath and the notes are constant. When the tape starts,NOBODY was singing... but when they played the tape back,they heard the high voices singing and didnt know where they came from...

This was recorded a long time ago so the recording is not that great.

Remember...There were only 4 people singing.

Makes me happy listening to it :)

Very interesting, but it doesn't sound to this singer, a tenor, that the higher notes are beyond the human range. Sopranos could hit those notes or ones even higher, unless there's something above that range on the recording I'm not making out due to the quality of the recording.
The question always arises, as with miracles or supernatural events, how come there are no modern occurrences or recordings?

Why is the latter part of your statement not true?
Very interesting, but it doesn't sound to this singer, a tenor, that the higher notes are beyond the human range. Sopranos could hit those notes or ones even higher, unless there's something above that range on the recording I'm not making out due to the quality of the recording.
The question always arises, as with miracles or supernatural events, how come there are no modern occurrences or recordings?

Why is the latter part of your statement not true?

If the first part of the premise is not true or provable then the whole is considered flawed by a lot of people.

This is wonderful :)

Listen to the high pitch of angels in the background.

The story goes that there were only 4 singers and NOBODY was singing behind them solo or the other 3 singers... and the pitch they reach in the background was a pitch that NO human can reach. Also notice that the angels never take a breath and the notes are constant. When the tape starts,NOBODY was singing... but when they played the tape back,they heard the high voices singing and didnt know where they came from...

This was recorded a long time ago so the recording is not that great.

Remember...There were only 4 people singing.

Makes me happy listening to it :)

Very interesting, but it doesn't sound to this singer, a tenor, that the higher notes are beyond the human range. Sopranos could hit those notes or ones even higher, unless there's something above that range on the recording I'm not making out due to the quality of the recording.
The question always arises, as with miracles or supernatural events, how come there are no modern occurrences or recordings?

Very interesting, but it doesn't sound to this singer, a tenor, that the higher notes are beyond the human range. Sopranos could hit those notes or ones even higher, unless there's something above that range on the recording I'm not making out due to the quality of the recording.
The question always arises, as with miracles or supernatural events, how come there are no modern occurrences or recordings?

Why is the latter part of your statement not true?

All I'm asking for is undeniable scientific proof.

Look, don't get me wrong, I do believe in God, and I also believe there are many inexplicable things that happen that go way beyond them being a "coincidence". I just think that most if not all of the ancient "miracles" have simple explanations that weren't really understood, exaggerated, or misinterpreted.

Ten thousand years ago, men thought that the stars and planets were people looking at us from far away.
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Ya I mean I KNOW WHAT IM HEARING! (Someone singing in various pitches BEHIND THE GUY!!)

This is wonderful :)

Listen to the high pitch of angels in the background.

The story goes that there were only 4 singers and NOBODY was singing behind them solo or the other 3 singers... and the pitch they reach in the background was a pitch that NO human can reach. Also notice that the angels never take a breath and the notes are constant. When the tape starts,NOBODY was singing... but when they played the tape back,they heard the high voices singing and didnt know where they came from...

This was recorded a long time ago so the recording is not that great.

Remember...There were only 4 people singing.

Makes me happy listening to it :)

Very beautiful. I believe these are angels. This worship reminds me of angels singing Hallelujah at Benny Hinn's church Orlando Christian Center back in 1989. What happened was a woman had gone back into the sanctuary after church, the lights had been dimmed, no one was in the sanctuary. No one but her. She heard this very same song, Hallelujah, same melody. She had a tape recorder which many did bring to church for recording Pastors sermons. She recorded it. It was then announced in church the following Sunday what had happened with the woman recording the music of angels singing Hallelujah in the sanctuary after evening church service. Pastor then played the song and it sounded like this music you are playing with angels singing at such a high note it would be impossible for any human to sing it.

The worship leader did confirm that the notes the angelic host had reached in worship would have been impossible to have been reached. It makes me long for the moment when those who love the LORD shall see the LORD face to face and hear the worship of the angelic host in heaven! What a glorious day that shall be! God bless you for sharing this beautiful music with us. It has been a blessing to listen to.

This is wonderful :)

Listen to the high pitch of angels in the background.

The story goes that there were only 4 singers and NOBODY was singing behind them solo or the other 3 singers... and the pitch they reach in the background was a pitch that NO human can reach. Also notice that the angels never take a breath and the notes are constant. When the tape starts,NOBODY was singing... but when they played the tape back,they heard the high voices singing and didnt know where they came from...

This was recorded a long time ago so the recording is not that great.

Remember...There were only 4 people singing.

Makes me happy listening to it :)

Very interesting, but it doesn't sound to this singer, a tenor, that the higher notes are beyond the human range. Sopranos could hit those notes or ones even higher, unless there's something above that range on the recording I'm not making out due to the quality of the recording.
The question always arises, as with miracles or supernatural events, how come there are no modern occurrences or recordings?

I'm a soprano whose grandmother used to make sing solos in church when I was a kid, and my voice carries. So a few years ago I was in church and everyone was singing. I was in the back and I just felt like banging it out. The guest preacher looked back in my direction and then went back to singing. When he went to the pulpit he said, "Praise God, while we were singing, there was an angel in the back of the church singing with us." So I said, "Thanks". :eusa_angel:

Anyway, to answer your question:
Because the supernatural events were a sign, for a time. They got people's attention and made them believers. Those believers were necessary to spread the news that the Messiah had come and He showed them these things.

During the tribulation period, both Satan and God will be using supernatural techniques again.
Satan will make a statue talk. God is going to raise 2 dead prophets 3 1/2 days after they are killed in the street.

This is wonderful :)

Listen to the high pitch of angels in the background.

The story goes that there were only 4 singers and NOBODY was singing behind them solo or the other 3 singers... and the pitch they reach in the background was a pitch that NO human can reach. Also notice that the angels never take a breath and the notes are constant. When the tape starts,NOBODY was singing... but when they played the tape back,they heard the high voices singing and didnt know where they came from...

This was recorded a long time ago so the recording is not that great.

Remember...There were only 4 people singing.

Makes me happy listening to it :)

Someone farted in my living room last night. As a father, I can tell you it wasn't me. My kids and wife all pointed at me. But there is no way any human could carry a fart note like that.

I believe in god as well, but the human interpretation of god has always been out of hand. I don't even believe some of the bible because it was written by humans and have outstanding flaws.
[ame=]MOTHMAN CAUGHT ON CAMERA - YouTube[/ame]
I don't mean to poke fun I just think there are real questions. Ask yourself how many organs we need to live. Did a random "big bang" give us all the necessary organs randomly? Did it balance tree/human oxygen/carbon dioxide? Did it balance the things that keep the planet cool and the things that keep the planet warm?

There is proof of god without a spoof "bigfoot" style video in my opinion.

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