Supreme Court Reconsiders Case to Reinstate Trump

It's a nothing burger, but there is a point, and that is the election was rigged; not in the way most people think, but by government (The FBI) suppressing information on social media which polls show if that didn't happen, Trump would have won the election. it's a clear violation of our 4th amendment rights by the government.

You are so full of bullshit. Everyone knew about the story. Both Fox and the WSJ could tie Joe Biden into anything.
You figuring on an August reinstatement for Trump?

There is going to be any reinstatement. This is all just for fun in discussion.

But let's go out and say it actually happened: first of all it would be bad because it would count as Trump's second term giving him less than two years. Secondly, as much damage as Dementia has done to this country, Trump could never repair this amount of damage in just two years. Third, the morons in this country didn't suffer enough. That means less of a chance for another Republican to takeover after Trump, and likely not get leadership of the Senate either.

We need to suffer like we never suffered before to wake up the idiots that put Democrats in charge. It's like Dan Bongino said after the last election: Like a drunk or somebody that's addicted to drugs, we need to hit rock bottom first before many will seek help. We need the entire world to collapse around us. Dementia will get us there, but it's going to take time.
There is going to be any reinstatement. This is all just for fun in discussion.

But let's go out and say it actually happened: first of all it would be bad because it would count as Trump's second term giving him less than two years. Secondly, as much damage as Dementia has done to this country, Trump could never repair this amount of damage in just two years. Third, the morons in this country didn't suffer enough. That means less of a chance for another Republican to takeover after Trump, and likely not get leadership of the Senate either.

We need to suffer like we never suffered before to wake up the idiots that put Democrats in charge. It's like Dan Bongino said after the last election: Like a drunk or somebody that's addicted to drugs, we need to hit rock bottom first before many will seek help. We need the entire world to collapse around us. Dementia will get us there, but it's going to take time.
Dan Bongino is a first class moron. He's got all the answers? Why doesn't he run for office? Because he's too busy lining his pockets over at Fox making big bucks blowing smoke up your ass just like the test of them, that's why.

The entire "stop the steal" that people like Bongino parroted is the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the American people & hacks like Bongino all got rich over it. But go ahead, keep believing their bullshit if it makes you feel better.
You are so full of bullshit. Everyone knew about the story. Both Fox and the WSJ could tie Joe Biden into anything.

A lot of people don't watch Fox or read the WSJ because it's a pay site. A lot of people get their news from social media and that's where the Communists concentrated their efforts on. So yes, the FBI acting as government employees violated our Constitution to get this confused dementia patient elected. It's what anti-Americans do.

Had these voters been exposed to this story and more, it would mean Trump being reelected. That means we would have never lost the hundreds or thousands of dollars on ridiculous fuel costs. It means our border would still be secure, and possibly more secure since Trump would have taken more action against illegal crossings, it means we would have left Afghanistan the right way taking our 83 billion dollars of US military equipment with us and 13 American men and women still alive today, it means OPEC would never have pulled their shit under Trump and our strategic oil reserves never drained to this dangerous 40 year low, it means our stock market likely never going down the tubes and people like myself suffering thousands of dollars of losses in our retirement accounts, it means Putin never dreaming of invading Ukraine, something that put us an additional 100 billion in the hole.
A lot of people don't watch Fox or read the WSJ because it's a pay site. A lot of people get their news from social media and that's where the Communists concentrated their efforts on. So yes, the FBI acting as government employees violated our Constitution to get this confused dementia patient elected. It's what anti-Americans do.

Had these voters been exposed to this story and more, it would mean Trump being reelected. That means we would have never lost the hundreds or thousands of dollars on ridiculous fuel costs. It means our border would still be secure, and possibly more secure since Trump would have taken more action against illegal crossings, it means we would have left Afghanistan the right way taking our 83 billion dollars of US military equipment with us and 13 American men and women still alive today, it means OPEC would never have pulled their shit under Trump and our strategic oil reserves never drained to this dangerous 40 year low, it means our stock market likely never going down the tubes and people like myself suffering thousands of dollars of losses in our retirement accounts, it means Putin never dreaming of invading Ukraine, something that put us an additional 100 billion in the hole.
Everything would have been just peachy keen if Dear Leader was reelected, right?
Dan Bongino is a first class moron. He's got all the answers? Why doesn't he run for office? Because he's too busy lining his pockets over at Fox making big bucks blowing smoke up your ass just like the test of them, that's why.

The entire "stop the steal" that people like Bongino parroted is the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the American people & hacks like Bongino all got rich over it. But go ahead, keep believing their bullshit if it makes you feel better.

Dan Bongino is far from any idiot. And his assessment was spot on. Who other than the mentally retarded would vote for a party that put our country in this bad of shape? He's correct. People are working which is a good thing, but pay little attention to what's going on outside of their four walls. In spite of our ridiculous fuel costs, life is fine. They can pay their rent or mortgage, still able to afford food as high as the prices are, so getting rid of Democrats was not a high priority on their list.

Think of all the damage this nitwit brought our country in just two years. So Bongino is correct, he's going to send us to rock bottom, but it may take another two years for him to accomplish that.
Dan Bongino is far from any idiot. And his assessment was spot on. Who other than the mentally retarded would vote for a party that put our country in this bad of shape? He's correct. People are working which is a good thing, but pay little attention to what's going on outside of their four walls. In spite of our ridiculous fuel costs, life is fine. They can pay their rent or mortgage, still able to afford food as high as the prices are, so getting rid of Democrats was not a high priority on their list.

Think of all the damage this nitwit brought our country in just two years. So Bongino is correct, he's going to send us to rock bottom, but it may take another two years for him to accomplish that.
Bongino loves gullible rubes like you. He's paid millions to blow smoke up your asses & you believe it. A match made in heaven.
Bongino loves gullible rubes like you. He's paid millions to blow smoke up your asses & you believe it. A match made in heaven.

You just hate him (like any other right-wing broadcaster) because he tells the truth.
"We need the entire world to collapse around us."

And presto, good poster Ray spells out the sense of responsibility and optimism his GOP, MAGA, and QAnon colleagues offer America. Our 330+ million citizens (including women and children) have Ray's wished-for dystopia to look forward to.

Personally, I find it a bit dire. And a bit bankrupt.
And, I suppose, rather dumb.

But, to Ray.....You be you, amigo.
And you can be you ----alongside your QAnon comrades.
And presto, good poster Ray spells out the sense of responsibility and optimism his GOP, MAGA, and QAnon colleagues offer America. Our 330+ million citizens (including women and children) have Ray's wished-for dystopia to look forward to.

Personally, I find it a bit dire. And a bit bankrupt.
And, I suppose, rather dumb.

But, to Ray.....You be you, amigo.
And you can be you ----alongside your QAnon comrades.

I don't know if it's public education or what, but I have no idea how damn near every leftist has such terrible comprehension skills, but it's like you on the left all do. Why is it you people claim we said things we never did? Do you think everybody is as stupid as you are and just believe you? Amazing.

In any case I never said "I" want to hit rock bottom, nor did Bongino. All he pointed out is that's what it would take to wake people up in this country already. He didn't say he hoped for it and neither did I. He said on this terrible path this moron put us on, it's bound to keep going in that direction until we do.

Now if you can't understand that, see if you can find a fourth grader to read if for you and explain what I just said.
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