Supreme Court upholds nationwide health care law subsidies

well we are totally screwed. so ENJOY giving your hard earned MONIES to others while having to short change YOUR FAMILIES

the supreme is worthless.
I hope this law can be improved upon as the rate of increase is going up fast...
Scalia's dissent signed on by Alito and Thomas, is laughable. For those who read the decisions, compare Scalia's words in Heller with those released today. Both strongly suggest he tries his hardest to make a case he ideologically supports or rejects without real concern people.

Odd, the three who dissented are all Catholics:

"“1951. Law is a rule of conduct enacted by competent authority for the sake of the common good. The moral law presupposes the rational order, established among creatures for their good and to serve their final end, by the power, wisdom, and goodness of the Creator. All law finds its first and ultimate truth in the eternal law. Law is declared and established by reason as a participation in the providence of the living God, Creator and Redeemer of all.”
The Catholic Church, Catechism of the Catholic Church
I hope this law can be improved upon as the rate of increase is going up fast...

You joke right? look at Amtrak, the post office, SS, Medicaid, the VA, EPA, IRS, BLM, AND on and on and on. We now have ANOTHER government BOTTEMLESS pit for a bunch of worthless bureaucrats we will ALL get to pay for. just enjoy being bent over
Stephanie is correct (HUH!??). Well, that was too strong, what she meant was wrong, but the fact remains that those of us who live in blue/civilized states, will now continue to pay for the poor in red/uncivilized states.

As for her whine about costs going up, she as usual has no perspective - only biases.

Mr. Roof deserves some sort of prize for starting the landslide which dominates the news. Dixie and the flag was the catalyst. Obamacare and the subsidies was the next shoe to drop. If the cascade isn't stopped and damned soon, we will move on to guns, income inequality, climate change and the rest of the fronts in this Great Revolution of the Suburban Proletariat.

Gay marriage should have been a warning to the forces of reaction that two generations of lies and chicanery in the name of conservatism have finally run out of gas. The 2016 election will be the climactic watershed. America is awakening from the bad dreams induced by Reagan. Limbaugh and their partners. We are going to pick up where we left off. All the right wingnuts are going to fade into oblivion as swiftly as Sarah Palin did. It's over, folks, the new dawn has arrived and In the East the Sky is Red.
well we are totally screwed. so ENJOY giving your hard earned MONIES to others while having to short change YOUR FAMILIES

the supreme is worthless.

To Stephanie: How right you are. The ruling should not have surprised media pundits who are supposed to be so politically astute.

I can predict every Supreme Court case with 100 percent accuracy when it involves tax dollars. I’ve said it a hundred times: “No Supreme Court will ever vote to deny, reduce, or eliminate government revenues.”

They proved me right again. In this case they enriched the insurance industry with tax dollars:

"Congress passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health insurance markets, not to destroy them," Roberts declared in the majority opinion.

Jun 25, 12:11 PM EDT
Supreme Court upholds nationwide health care law subsidies

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