Supremes Rule In Favor Of Baker

Because he is offering his product in public commerce.

I am curious to see what the Commission will do.

Gay Wedding cakes isn't a product that's on his list of services.

Just like Roast Pork isn't on the local Jihadi restaurant's Iftar buffet.

But I'm not going to sue them to put it on their menu.
I hope so. People have a right to be bigots if they wish.
PA laws are fascist bullshit.
bigots yes
discrimination no

Discrimination is a daily activity for everyone. This is about biases that government has targeted for suppression.
There are two definitions of discrimination.
1. Recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another

2. The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.

The 1st definition is normal human behavior. The 2nd is normal behavior for Racists.
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The Supreme Court basically whiffed on their decision

They set no precedent and failed to enforce guidelines for business that were established 50 years ago

Justice Thomas wanted a decisive decision.
The Supreme Court basically whiffed on their decision

They set no precedent and failed to enforce guidelines for business that were established 50 years ago

Every SCOTUS decision can be a precedent.

They passed on a real decision and sent it back to a lower court
The Supreme Court basically whiffed on their decision

They set no precedent and failed to enforce guidelines for business that were established 50 years ago

Justice Thomas wanted a decisive decision.
The Supreme Court basically whiffed on their decision

They set no precedent and failed to enforce guidelines for business that were established 50 years ago

Every SCOTUS decision can be a precedent.

They passed on a real decision and sent it back to a lower court

Yeah they kicked the can down the road basically because of the staunch leftists on the court.
It's settled law. You'll just have to live with it.
Nope. It was returned to the Commission to look at again.

Your sex life is your business, I won't bake a cake for you Jake. You have the "right" to your faggotry.
You make me laugh out loud. The insecurity in their sexuality is so apparent in so many of the alt right.

I'd be afraid to eat it after forcing them to bake it. Don't piss off the chef before you order...just sayin'.

Anyway...instead of fighting this person..why not go to a gay baker who would love to have the business???
Using terms like "fag" or "homo" or "cum guzzler" are expressions of childish homophobia.
Well..homophobia for sure. Childish? are not naturally homophobic. It take adults to program that into them.
Bullshit. Any normal boy would be offended, even sickened, at the thought of having sex with another male. That doesn't take training to be homophobic because it's not homophobic. It's being normal.
Bullshit. Homophobia is not about wanting or not wanting to have sex with another male. It's about hating some else for their decisions or who they are. What does it matter to you what someone else chooses to do with another consenting adult?
Homophobia is not natural..and it is declining rapidly in the US. That is what bothers many here on this board...their prejudices are not being passed on to the next generation.
Though you often hit the point dead on, homophobia is not hatred of homosexuals, It is fear of homosexuality. It generates the hatred, but is not defined by it. Some who hate homosexuals are not homophobic.
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Using terms like "fag" or "homo" or "cum guzzler" are expressions of childish homophobia.
Well..homophobia for sure. Childish? are not naturally homophobic. It take adults to program that into them.
Bullshit. Any normal boy would be offended, even sickened, at the thought of having sex with another male. That doesn't take training to be homophobic because it's not homophobic. It's being normal.
Normal is just a set of rules devised by people out of fear of others that are different than themselves. It is a favorite word of bigots, racists, bullies, and hatemongers. Which are you?
We need to tell the queers to just shut the fuck up. Nobody needs to be made to accept that vile lifestyle. Not in a country where we suppose to have Liberty.
We need to tell the queers to just shut the fuck up. Nobody needs to be made to accept that vile lifestyle. Not in a country where we suppose to have Liberty.
I guess you don't see the contradiction in calling us a country that's supposed to have liberty....and denying it to some because you don't like their sexual practices?

You see..we ARE a country that has liberty...thus we tolerate many weirdos..hey..we even allow you to spew your hate and discontent. Ain't American great!
It's settled law. You'll just have to live with it.
Nope. It was returned to the Commission to look at again.

Your sex life is your business, I won't bake a cake for you Jake. You have the "right" to your faggotry.
You make me laugh out loud. The insecurity in their sexuality is so apparent in so many of the alt right.

View attachment 196710

But Jake, you seem to envision yourself as non biased yet you seem to lean toward pro homosexuality. Why? Can you deny that heterosexuality is, by far, the overwhelming scientific definition of sex?
This whole cake thing is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while.

If baking a cake for a sinner is a sin then the baker is a sinner because we all know he still bakes cakes for thieves, rapists, adulterers, murderers etc

How does the baker know that if they do not come right out and proclaim it?

Doesn't matter.

If the baker wants to live a life free of sin it is up to him to make sure he is not baking cakes for sinners

Is there no level of idiocy to which you will not stoop?
you're saying, if Al Capone and Ma Barker wanted a cake baked celebrating the St Valentines Day Massacre, they should be out of luck?

Wouldn't it be a sin to bake a cake for them since baking a cake is an acceptance of their lifestyle?

Might work for Al and Ma.

how about baking a cake for the Boston Strangler?

same thing isn't it?

If baking a cake for gays is endorsing and accepting their lifestyle isn't baking a cake for any sinner an endorsement of their particular sin or sins?

Again, how will you know?

Again it doesn't matter.

It's up to the baker to make sure he isn't committing a sin by baking a cake for a sinner so he should vet all of his customers so he can deny service to all the sinners only then will his immortal soul be safe

Repeating your idiocy just makes you look even more stupid.

When dd this sudden streak of liberalism hit you?
So if a person who is 600 lbs overweight wants a cake is it a sin to bake it for him?
Gluttony is one of the big seven sins so baking a cake for a glutton is endorsing gluttony is it not?

This baker is just one more hypocrite

Nope, totally different.

Gluttony is the act of overeating.

Baking a cake for a fat person is not endorsing him overeating it. He has to exercise self control. But taking your thought process, why sell food to a fat person? Why stop at a wedding cake? Why give them ANYTHING? Or what is allowed? Can they have cheese? Bread? Tacos? Spinach?

A cake by itself is not endorsing gluttony. But a wedding cake FOR A GAY COUPLE can easily be seen as directly against Christianity. But another baker might ask the Lord for forgiveness and bake the cake because he needs the money. But that choice is up to the person, not the fags.

Its not one of the commandments and so Paul overrules the words of Jesus. By the baker anything goes by the way one interprets the bible. How fortunate for him he can pick and choose who he bakes for.

This is obviously written by someone who has never cracked a Bible in their miserable existence.

Give me the quotes, only Paul said it, I kid you not and Christians do not follow the laws of Moses. Now give me some quote of the NT??? I suspect you have not studied the bible.

I suspect, no check that, I know you are either an idiot or brain damaged. Which is it?
Nope, totally different.

Gluttony is the act of overeating.

Baking a cake for a fat person is not endorsing him overeating it. He has to exercise self control. But taking your thought process, why sell food to a fat person? Why stop at a wedding cake? Why give them ANYTHING? Or what is allowed? Can they have cheese? Bread? Tacos? Spinach?

A cake by itself is not endorsing gluttony. But a wedding cake FOR A GAY COUPLE can easily be seen as directly against Christianity. But another baker might ask the Lord for forgiveness and bake the cake because he needs the money. But that choice is up to the person, not the fags.

Its not one of the commandments and so Paul overrules the words of Jesus. By the baker anything goes by the way one interprets the bible. How fortunate for him he can pick and choose who he bakes for.

This is obviously written by someone who has never cracked a Bible in their miserable existence.

Give me the quotes, only Paul said it, I kid you not and Christians do not follow the laws of Moses. Now give me some quote of the NT??? I suspect you have not studied the bible.

It's clear if you don't know homosexuality is a Biblical sin YOU have never studied the Bible.

Good grief

Give me a quote and not from Moses or Paul. You have never studied the bible. In Eze 16 it says why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, and homosexuality was not the reason.

When did I say it was? Why do you have to make up things I have said in order to have a discussion? Homey don't play that!
Hey Ad, can you combine your replies into one? Believe it or not its not hard to do, doesn't take that long, and makes the thread easier to follow. Having 4 replies in a row is a bit much. You don't need your own reply for each thing, just lump them all into one.

Of course if you're just looking to pad your post count....
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I'd be afraid to eat it after forcing them to bake it. Don't piss off the chef before you order...just sayin'.

Anyway...instead of fighting this person..why not go to a gay baker who would love to have the business???

They wanted to provoke a fight with a Christian baker. They could've gone to a number of other bakeries if all they wanted was a cake.

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