Supremes Rule In Favor Of Baker

Not much to the link. This has just happened.

5 or 6 year old case where Baker refused, on religious grounds and beliefs
that he wouldn't bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. SCOTUS
overruled all the other courts in this case.

Notice one thing about the link, which is from CNN. Their wording. "A narrow
decision." lol. In SCOTUS rulings 7-2 isn't narrow, it's a fucking rout.

Supreme Court rules for Colorado baker in same-sex wedding cake case - CNNPolitics
You do not understand what you posted.
This is the LGBT that I support:

the problem here is that any bigot, racist, homophobe, Islamophobe POS can claim a religious exemption from Public Accommodation laws if they gave in to this baker.

That's not true. You can get in big trouble for discriminating against someone for the race they were born, their country of origin, their actual gender or the faith they adhere to.

It's right there in the Constitution. Colorado violated the baker's civil rights. Habitual behaviors outside spirituality aren't mentioned as protected in th US Constitution. Nowhere. I've scanned it numerous times & I can't find a line about those endless possibilities anywhere.
SCOTUS should have declared that there's no such thing as a gay cake, because well... there is no such thing, so how can you refuse to bake one?
Interesting development.

I think I'm beginning to smell the butthurt across the land.

I can't tell if this poster is right or left. So far, he's just obscene and disgusting. Well, I'll wait and see if he is able to post anything coherent that isn't communist or dirty.
Is baking a cake for a morbidly obese person a sin since by doing so the baker is approving of gluttony?

Agreed --- religion is a useless excuse for trying to get what we really want, which is freedom to do business how and with whom we please.
Get rid of all PA laws...and any business can reject anyone based on religion, race, handicap or gender. Wooot!

That would be great, and how it should be. But what does "PA" mean?
I hope so. People have a right to be bigots if they wish.
PA laws are fascist bullshit.

Every time you guys post this, I read it as "Pennsylvania laws" .

So did I. I have no idea what it is supposed to mean, if it's not Pennsylvania. I wish people communicated more clearly. Without mystery acronyms.
Get rid of all PA laws...and any business can reject anyone based on religion, race, handicap or gender. Wooot!

That would be great, and how it should be. But what does "PA" mean?
I hope so. People have a right to be bigots if they wish.
PA laws are fascist bullshit.

Every time you guys post this, I read it as "Pennsylvania laws" .

So did I. I have no idea what it is supposed to mean, if it's not Pennsylvania. I wish people communicated more clearly. Without mystery acronyms.
Public accommodation
Its just so many letters and people are lazy! lol
Nobody has any control of their race or permanent skin color. And there is no religious support for a GOD who holds anyone accountable for the race they have been given by Him (and HIM alone). Everyone is responsible for their actions. There is no religious or Biblical support that says anyone must engage in sex and that any kind of sex is acceptable. Sorry, but gay sex in not a religious right. And marriage is a gift from GOD and not to be taken lightly.

The primary cause for the Civil War was a religious confrontation regarding the interpretation of the Bible and Judeo/Christian values towards who is our neighbor and how we should treat them. Anyone who does any research concerning the Civil War will have to come to the conclusion that religious fervor was a major contributing factor. And Christianly was the driving force that ended slavery in England. The song Amazing Grace was written by a man who was once a slave trader but came to know Christ as his person Savor.

The entire gay movement is founded on sexual indulgence of any sort and is neither necessary nor divinely inspired. Fornication, adultery, incest, and sodomy are highly condemned and have been Biblically demonstrated not to promote wholesome attitudes, a virtuous life, nor a moral tone to set as an example before children.
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Why should I allow you to ignore your childish name calling? I’m going to rub your nose in your pile of crap every chance I get.

That's one solution, but the one I'm trying is just deleting every leftist obscenity/insult poster. The whole world is hunting us for our attention 24/7. Why give it to all these leftwing parasites and predators? They are here for the one purpose of destroying us: but we can get rid of them on our forum feed.

So far, this is working well for me. Feels a bit like the Augean Stables and me the Hercules with the shovel, but little by little it gets more civil.
That's one solution, but the one I'm trying is just deleting every leftist obscenity/insult poster. The whole world is hunting us for our attention 24/7. Why give it to all these leftwing parasites and predators? They are here for the one purpose of destroying us: but we can get rid of them on our forum feed.

So far, this is working well for me. Feels a bit like the Augean Stables and me the Hercules with the shovel, but little by little it gets more civil.
Tell me about it. I've been hammering on about the false premise (behaviors do not = race) for about 13 years now with 100s of thousands of posts during that time on various political sites. For the first 9 years or so I was literally in the top 10 most prolific and beaten up poster on the internet calling this perverted emperor out for not actually having any clothes on.

This indeed has been a long shovel-out of a heavily manured bullshit load. But the USSC's decision this week FINALLY calls out the false premise. No, Christians do NOT have to be forced to abdicate their faith for BEHAVIORS they cannot abide by. Thanks for setting the premise straight USSC. Jesus it took long enough!

Yup... they said that they said bad things about his Bronze Age superstitions and they shouldn't have.

the problem here is that any bigot, racist, homophobe, Islamophobe POS can claim a religious exemption from Public Accommodation laws if they gave in to this baker.

What is wrong with that? It is called freedom. Why should the oppressive government force me to accept your filthy life style?

Liberals are really hung up on having the oppressive government to force people to do what they don't want to do, aren't you? It is despicable, isn't it?
Normal behavior is behavior that can be observed by the majority of a species. The 'hardwired drive to procreate" is normalized by that very need. Evolution is predicated upon this 'normalized' behavior.

I Myself don't care. Evolution will always attempt divergence and many behaviors lead to evolutionary dead ends or the extinction of a species. Homosexuality is one of these blind evolutionary paths and survives only because the 'normalized' behavior of humans to have relations with the opposite sex keeps us going. These are not agenda driven rules devised by people, but nature acting in accordance with natural laws.

I'm not so sure that's true. It seems clear to me the world is becoming grossly overpopulated, and worse and worse, fast. Presto, up pops legalized homosexuality, which is anti-natalist, against population growth.

I expect it's an instinctive reaction of an overcrowded species. Mate with unproductive partners, don't make more humans. Overcrowded species also do a lot more violence and wars in the case of people: killing each other also works.

I suppose homosexuality may be one of the Four Horsemen, like war and famine and disease that Malthus pointed out restrict endless and infinite reproduction: Death. It can be death, often is, what with AIDS.
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That's one solution, but the one I'm trying is just deleting every leftist obscenity/insult poster. The whole world is hunting us for our attention 24/7. Why give it to all these leftwing parasites and predators? They are here for the one purpose of destroying us: but we can get rid of them on our forum feed.

So far, this is working well for me. Feels a bit like the Augean Stables and me the Hercules with the shovel, but little by little it gets more civil.
Tell me about it. I've been hammering on about the false premise (behaviors do not = race) for about 13 years now with 100s of thousands of posts during that time on various political sites. For the first 9 years or so I was literally in the top 10 most prolific and beaten up poster on the internet calling this perverted emperor out for not actually having any clothes on.

This indeed has been a long shovel-out of a heavily manured bullshit load. But the USSC's decision this week FINALLY calls out the false premise. No, Christians do NOT have to be forced to abdicate their faith for BEHAVIORS they cannot abide by. Thanks for setting the premise straight USSC. Jesus it took long enough!
Christians do NOT have to be forced to abdicate their faith for BEHAVIORS they cannot abide by.
That is not the decision the SC made; I wish they'd made a decision one way or the other, too, but they didn't.
Try reading a few pages of this thread, or the SC decision. Or a news article.
I hope so. People have a right to be bigots if they wish.
PA laws are fascist bullshit.
As long as PA laws are gone for ALL instances. All instances.
Naah, you don't actually believe that.

It used to be that way, I can remember. These "serve all, no matter how disruptive and despicable" laws are very recent. Used to be you could limit sales of housing, rentals, hotels, restaurants, everything. You took a hit on income by not allowing some customers, maybe, but gained a lot in respectability and safety.

I want that back. That freedom was a lot better, and put the burden where it belongs: on the customer to act right. Be civilized.

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