Sure republicans keep winning, but you have to wonder why when they are so obviously terrible at...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011

The DNC definitely needs to do so some soul searching about the party's future, but we can already tell terrible of an alternative republicans are.

Once again their overhaul of ACA has failed to reach the amount of votes they need to pass it, but USMB cons will still make excuses for them.

But hey I get it, it doesn't matter how much the GOP fails or tries to fuck over average joe - their mindless base still votes for them

Senate finally unveils secret health care bill

The DNC definitely needs to do so some soul searching about the party's future, but we can already tell terrible of an alternative republicans are.

Once again their overhaul of ACA has failed, but USMB cons will still make excuses for them.

Senate finally unveils secret health care bill
so they make excuses for the shit their party does,and you make excuses for your partys are you any different?...

The DNC definitely needs to do so some soul searching about the party's future, but we can already tell terrible of an alternative republicans are.

Once again their overhaul of ACA has failed, but USMB cons will still make excuses for them.

Senate finally unveils secret health care bill
so they make excuses for the shit their party does,and you make excuses for your partys are you any different?...
Democrats are terrible at explaining why poverty level voters should vote for them, but they still come up with policies that benefit the nation as a whole.
Speak for yourself Billybob. It isn't confusing at all. You belong to the party of hate and hate doesn't sell to those that don't hate.
The GOP wins. The Republicans win.
The populace does not win.

They haven't so far and they haven't won with other Repub presidents and they won't "win" any time in the next 3 years.

But hey I get it, it doesn't matter how much the GOP fails or tries to fuck over average joe - their mindless base still votes for them


You mean like these dumbass Moon Bats that still vote for Democrats after Obama gave them more poverty, less family income, more income disparity, tremendous debt, racial strife and dismal economic growth?

Talk about mindless nitwits.

The DNC definitely needs to do so some soul searching about the party's future, but we can already tell terrible of an alternative republicans are.

Once again their overhaul of ACA has failed to reach the amount of votes they need to pass it, but USMB cons will still make excuses for them.

But hey I get it, it doesn't matter how much the GOP fails or tries to fuck over average joe - their mindless base still votes for them

Senate finally unveils secret health care bill

They are cheering they won republican safe seats.'s like betting on a horse vs a human in a foot race then cheering that the horse won

The DNC definitely needs to do so some soul searching about the party's future, but we can already tell terrible of an alternative republicans are.

Once again their overhaul of ACA has failed, but USMB cons will still make excuses for them.

Senate finally unveils secret health care bill
so they make excuses for the shit their party does,and you make excuses for your partys are you any different?...
Democrats are terrible at explaining why poverty level voters should vote for them, but they still come up with policies that benefit the nation as a whole.

So almost doubling the national debt in 8 years, financing terrorist nations, paying off their elitist fat cats for campaign contributions, devastating the military, creating a nation of freeloading whiners, refusing to legislate for the American people, welcoming terrorists and lawbreakers into the nation, creating an atmosphere of hate and sedition.. etc. .. is a great benefit for the nation as a whole... :lol:
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The DNC definitely needs to do so some soul searching about the party's future, but we can already tell terrible of an alternative republicans are.

Once again their overhaul of ACA has failed, but USMB cons will still make excuses for them.

Senate finally unveils secret health care bill
so they make excuses for the shit their party does,and you make excuses for your partys are you any different?...
Democrats are terrible at explaining why poverty level voters should vote for them, but they still come up with policies that benefit the nation as a whole.

Their terrible explanation is simple.

Nothing complex.

Vote for us and we will give you free shit, no questions asked.

If you refuse you are...








The poor have become generational.

The results have not been beneficial.

The ACA is a disaster in it's inception and any attempt to fix it will only make it worse.

I'd prefer our Representatives enter into permanent gridlock until they work together.

Sequester them and make them write, read and deliberate the bills they create and actually fund them without raising 1 more cent in taxes, and include themselves in this legislation.

If they can't go home, they will cooperate.
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How in the hell are you going to keep this level of whining up for 7 1/2 more years?

They have been whining all my life. They whined like hell throughout the meat puppet faggot's regime because they didn't get ENOUGH communism. They should be ignored, like Trump is doing.


The DNC definitely needs to do so some soul searching about the party's future, but we can already tell terrible of an alternative republicans are.

Once again their overhaul of ACA has failed, but USMB cons will still make excuses for them.

Senate finally unveils secret health care bill
so they make excuses for the shit their party does,and you make excuses for your partys are you any different?...
Democrats are terrible at explaining why poverty level voters should vote for them, but they still come up with policies that benefit the nation as a whole.

So almost doubling the national debt in 8 years, financing terrorist nations, paying off their elitist fat cats, devastating the military, creating a nation of freeloading whiners, refusing to legislate for the American people, welcoming terrorists and lawbreakers into the nation, creating an atmosphere of hate and sedition is a great benefit for the nation as a whole... :lol:

Get some new lies.

And please stop blindly believing every lie the cheeto tells you.


The DNC definitely needs to do so some soul searching about the party's future, but we can already tell terrible of an alternative republicans are.

Once again their overhaul of ACA has failed to reach the amount of votes they need to pass it, but USMB cons will still make excuses for them.

But hey I get it, it doesn't matter how much the GOP fails or tries to fuck over average joe - their mindless base still votes for them

Senate finally unveils secret health care bill

"You can fool some of the people all the time." Modern conservatism proves this.

The DNC definitely needs to do so some soul searching about the party's future, but we can already tell terrible of an alternative republicans are.

Once again their overhaul of ACA has failed, but USMB cons will still make excuses for them.

Senate finally unveils secret health care bill
so they make excuses for the shit their party does,and you make excuses for your partys are you any different?...
Democrats are terrible at explaining why poverty level voters should vote for them, but they still come up with policies that benefit the nation as a whole.

So almost doubling the national debt in 8 years, financing terrorist nations, paying off their elitist fat cats, devastating the military, creating a nation of freeloading whiners, refusing to legislate for the American people, welcoming terrorists and lawbreakers into the nation, creating an atmosphere of hate and sedition is a great benefit for the nation as a whole... :lol:

Get some new lies.

And please stop blindly believing every lie the cheeto tells you.


etc. .. and representing myopic hypocrites that don't know their ass from a whole in the ground is a benefit for the nation as a whole...:wink_2:
Democrats don't understand that average Joes voted them OUT because Democrat policies were hurting them. Middle America was forgotten in Democrats efforts to create a voting bloc out of illegals, refugees, and the hefty percentage of people who don't want to work.

Average Joe has been stuck with the bill for Obamacare.....higher premiums, deductibles and less coverage. Joe's income is stagnant. Joe's kids can't find jobs and neither can a lot of other people. Democrats give lip service to "hard-working families" but that's all and people who realize they've been getting the shaft....Democrats call "stupid."

The DNC definitely needs to do so some soul searching about the party's future, but we can already tell terrible of an alternative republicans are.

Once again their overhaul of ACA has failed to reach the amount of votes they need to pass it, but USMB cons will still make excuses for them.

But hey I get it, it doesn't matter how much the GOP fails or tries to fuck over average joe - their mindless base still votes for them

Senate finally unveils secret health care bill

They are cheering they won republican safe seats.'s like betting on a horse vs a human in a foot race then cheering that the horse won

I'll bet those DEM donors who threw away $31 million on AssOff's campaign aren't Lol-ing. I guess they should have consulted with USMB Liberals who all apparently knew it was a lost cause. Would have saved them some big dough.

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