Surging inflation hurts low-income Americans the most

Slade3200 was playing that game yesterday.

We have to understand this from the perspective of the Nazis. For Slade or Care, it isn't just that the new party line is that "inflation is global and dear leader has no blame" but that the lie of last week that inflation wasn't real, it was "just temporary" never happened.

For the Nazi democrats, "the lie of the now" is all that exists. When the party shifts or pivots, what the Nazi drones were bleating an hour ago no longer exists. The lie of the now was always their position.

Slade and Care truly believe that the party line of this moment is what they have always said, and nothing else. And when the party line changes in an hour or a day, that will be what they have always claimed.

They have always been at war with EastAsia.
It’s just a matter of being educated and honest neither of which apply to you. First of all I never said Biden had zero blame. Don’t lie about things I’ve said we already know you can’t back them up. Massive spending contributes to inflation and Biden has not spent responsibly, that will have an impact. Same goes for Trump who spent like a busted water pipe.
But the “inflation” happening right now is an accute result of the pandemic and supply chain issues. It is happening globally.
Dems didn't cause inflation by with stimulus checks, which were small potatoes to begin with.
However, I agree that they should have ceased months ago. Shutting down domestic energy projects
had no effect, since work was available.
of course it made a difference, forecast on available blendstocks went down meaning higher price feedstocks had to be acquired. Energy across the board is off the charts. Coal burning facilities are now buying NG at 4 times the price of coal
If you have a mortgage, inflation is nice.
Not for those getting a mortgage---the FEDS job is to raise interest rates to fight inflation---something which the FEDS have PURPOSELY been failing to do for now. Most with mortgages have other debt that will also be affected. THOSE that own their own home, see their hard assets rise in official dollar amount. Most with mortgages aren't sophisticated enough to profit off leveraging debt. Companies on the other hands, may or may not be able to leverage their debt to their benefit in inflationary times in most instances....but we are heading toward new grounds where the US looks more like socialist nations of debt--Cuba, Venzuela and Zimbawee..
of course it made a difference, forecast on available blendstocks went down meaning higher price feedstocks had to be acquired. Energy across the board is off the charts. Coal burning facilities are now buying NG at 4 times the price of coal
Shutting down energy projects have not affected pricing, as pricing is determined by the international market, regardless.
Shutting down energy projects have not affected pricing, as pricing is determined by the international market, regardless.
not so, re-refiners need feedstock, refiners need feedstock and secure pricing as far in advance as possible, for instance most cement producers burn coal, NG, or AF. Coal is the cheapest and forecasted pricing for cement is based on that, if coal goes away, guess what, NG is 4 times that cost so cement cost have to rise as does mortar and concrete.
It’s just a matter of being educated and honest neither of which apply to you.

Educated? You? BWAHAHAHA

It's as I said, the "lie of the now."

Whatever lie the party conditions you to at the moment is immutable truth which you have always believed, until the second the Reich changes the "lie of the now" and suddenly you never believed it and always believed the new lie.

It's how you drones operate.

First of all I never said Biden had zero blame. Don’t lie about things I’ve said we already know you can’t back them up.

You did come in here spinning to try and shift blame from Biden, "da hoe wurld iz inflatifying"

Dude, we can read your posts, you know....
Massive spending contributes to inflation and Biden has not spent responsibly, that will have an impact. Same goes for Trump who spent like a busted water pipe.
But the “inflation” happening right now is an accute result of the pandemic and supply chain issues. It is happening globally.

As a fascist democrat, hatred of Trump is your sacred duty. But Xi's man Biden has spent as much in 10 months as Trump did in 4 years.

Trump spent an insane $2.1 trillion over his tenure as the last legitimate president.

Quid Pro spent $2.6 trillion in 10 months.

You are one of the more delusional people on the planet, Care! Trump NEVER called every Governor and told them that. He left the decision to shut down totally up to them. It's why Governors like Noem made the call NOT to shut down! Trump never made an announcement to shut down! You need to think that because you desperately need to blame Trump for the shut downs.
The president and corona virus team notified the states that Trump was declaring a National Disaster emergency and the CDC was issuing guidelines to follow. Trump asked citizens to stay home for 2 weeks, 15 days, to flatten the curve....Trump and cdc, extended that to 6 weeks.

+/-42 states and territories put in stay at home mandates, and the other states, including south dakota, gave stay at home orders for all of their citizens, but not mandatory....then she dropped it down to stay at home, for affected counties, then went back to all the state, then in late May, dropped those orders.

Trump claimed, he as president, had all power to do this.

President Donald Trump on Monday released a series of coronavirus guidelines to slow the spread that calls for a lockdown of America, including the closing of restaurants and schools.

'Each and every one of us has a critical role to play in stopping the spread,' the president said in the White House briefing room.

And while his guidelines will be revisited after the initial 15 day proposal, the president warned the virus could affect American life well into the summer

The president and corona virus team notified the states that Trump was declaring a National Disaster emergency and the CDC was issuing guidelines to follow. Trump asked citizens to stay home for 2 weeks, 15 days, to flatten the curve....Trump and cdc, extended that to 6 weeks.

+/-42 states and territories put in stay at home mandates, and the other states, including south dakota, gave stay at home orders for all of their citizens, but not mandatory....then she dropped it down to stay at home, for affected counties, then went back to all the state, then in late May, dropped those orders.

Trump claimed, he as president, had all power to do this.

President Donald Trump on Monday released a series of coronavirus guidelines to slow the spread that calls for a lockdown of America, including the closing of restaurants and schools.

'Each and every one of us has a critical role to play in stopping the spread,' the president said in the White House briefing room.

And while his guidelines will be revisited after the initial 15 day proposal, the president warned the virus could affect American life well into the summer

Ah, Care? Your own cited article states that there was no nation wide lockdown. Care to try again?
Any lockdowns that were put in place were done by individual State's Governors...not by Donald Trump.
The difference between me and your ignorant ass is I've read Capitol Vol. 1 and the Manifesto, where you never quite got through "Green Eggs and Ham."
And, still no better solutions at lower cost "even after twenty years in the industry". Why is That, right-winger?
Ah, Care? Your own cited article states that there was no nation wide lockdown. Care to try again?
Any lockdowns that were put in place were done by individual State's Governors...not by Donald Trump.
Ok, that's fine.....

Then your side needs to stop saying there, our nation never had a lockdown, our country had not been through hell and back, kids all went to school in person, Trump/cdc never asked active covid states to close schools, bars, and restaurants, whatever you want to believe......oldstyle. :rolleyes:
Ah, Care? Your own cited article states that there was no nation wide lockdown. Care to try again?
Any lockdowns that were put in place were done by individual State's Governors...not by Donald Trump.

Press conference:

"[W]e're announcing new guidelines for every American to follow over the next 15 days as we combat the virus... [M]y administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible. Avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people. Avoid discretionary travel. And avoid eating and drinking at bars, restaurants, and public food courts."

Source: White House, "Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Briefing,", Mar. 16, 2020
Post ports can generate revenue for the general Government and the States in a more market friendly manner than direct taxation.

Press conference:

"[W]e're announcing new guidelines for every American to follow over the next 15 days as we combat the virus... [M]y administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible. Avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people. Avoid discretionary travel. And avoid eating and drinking at bars, restaurants, and public food courts."

Source: White House, "Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Briefing,", Mar. 16, 2020

I think the 15 days are over, Comrade.

Press conference:

"[W]e're announcing new guidelines for every American to follow over the next 15 days as we combat the virus... [M]y administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible. Avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people. Avoid discretionary travel. And avoid eating and drinking at bars, restaurants, and public food courts."

Source: White House, "Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Briefing,", Mar. 16, 2020
Don't grasp the difference between a mandate and a recommendation, Care?

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