Surging inflation hurts low-income Americans the most

yet this time it is attributed to Trump shutting down the US.
Trump didn't shut down anything, Moonie! He left that up to individual State Governors to decide. Some like Kristi Noem in South Dakota didn't shut down anything. Some like Mario Cuomo shut down EVERYTHING! Trump is no more responsible for the shut downs in New York than he is for the non shut downs in South Dakota!
Inflation isn't good! But this inflation has a known cause and is suppose to be temporary.
Didn't you get the memo, Care? The Biden White House has ditched the "temporary" claim and replaced it with "it'll be back to normal in a year or so".
In a remarkable coincidence that's about the exact same time a whole lot of Democrats are going to sent packing by the voters! :)
Trump didn't shut down anything, Moonie! He left that up to individual State Governors to decide. Some like Kristi Noem in South Dakota didn't shut down anything. Some like Mario Cuomo shut down EVERYTHING! Trump is no more responsible for the shut downs in New York than he is for the non shut downs in South Dakota!
Trump shut down federal activities since Trump can and did, the states followed Trump's lead with declarations of health emergencies.
Didn't you get the memo, Care? The Biden White House has ditched the "temporary" claim and replaced it with "it'll be back to normal in a year or so".
In a remarkable coincidence that's about the exact same time a whole lot of Democrats are going to sent packing by the voters! :)
Let's see, if a Repub was in charge he would use the excuse that the inflation is all the fault of the Dems to ruin their time in office.
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Didn't you get the memo, Care? The Biden White House has ditched the "temporary" claim and replaced it with "it'll be back to normal in a year or so".
In a remarkable coincidence that's about the exact same time a whole lot of Democrats are going to sent packing by the voters! :)
A year or so, would be temporary.
Trump didn't shut down anything, Moonie! He left that up to individual State Governors to decide. Some like Kristi Noem in South Dakota didn't shut down anything. Some like Mario Cuomo shut down EVERYTHING! Trump is no more responsible for the shut downs in New York than he is for the non shut downs in South Dakota!
That's simply NOT TRUE.

Trump and team called every governor, of every state and told them we had to go in to lockdown, before he made his speech to shut it all down. He made sure they were all on the same page, before he made the announcement to shut down....including SD.
That's simply NOT TRUE.

Trump and team called every governor, of every state and told them we had to go in to lockdown, before he made his speech to shut it all down. He made sure they were all on the same page, before he made the announcement to shut down....including SD.
You are one of the more delusional people on the planet, Care! Trump NEVER called every Governor and told them that. He left the decision to shut down totally up to them. It's why Governors like Noem made the call NOT to shut down! Trump never made an announcement to shut down! You need to think that because you desperately need to blame Trump for the shut downs.
A year or so, would be temporary.
Can't bring yourself to admit that they were blowing smoke up your ass when they told you it was temporary...can you, Care? This Administration lies to the American people on a daily basis and you eat it up and ask for seconds!
Don’t worry, I’m sure flooding the economy with 1.2 trillion dollars of government money will slow inflation down.

1.2 trillion dollars over more than 5 years that actually serves a very needed purpose.

The CARES Act flooded the economy with $2.2 trillion in a year and I bet I cannot find a single post form you whining about that
Let's see, if a Repub was in charge he would use the excuse that the inflation is all the fault of the Dems to ruin their time in office.
If a Republican was in charge we wouldn't need excuses because the inflation wouldn't be even CLOSE to what it is now! What you're seeing is the result of Biden Administration policies. They WANTED the price of gas, oil and natural gas to go up because that helps them implement their "green" agenda! They OWN this! When the price of gas goes up...the cost of delivering everything goes up.
1.2 trillion dollars over more than 5 years that actually serves a very needed purpose.

The CARES Act flooded the economy with $2.2 trillion in a year and I bet I cannot find a single post form you whining about that
Of course you understand that the additional 5 trillion in stimulus spending the left wants to add to that 1.2 trillion is going to cause even more inflation...right, GG? So you're of course AGAINST that...right?
Of course you understand that the additional 5 trillion in stimulus spending the left wants to add to that 1.2 trillion is going to cause even more inflation...right, GG? So you're of course AGAINST that...right?

Yes, I am AGAINST that. Good thing it will not make it past the Senate.
What a surprise, proven again and again, Democrats do not care about the poor nor represent their interests-OG

American consumers are grappling with the highest inflation rate in more than three decades, and the surge in the price of everyday goods is disproportionately hurting low-income workers, according to a new analysis published Monday by the Joint Economic Committee Republicans.

The research concluded that higher inflation – which erodes individual purchasing power – is especially harmful to low- and middle-income Americans. The GOP lawmakers cited research from both the Federal Reserve Banks of Cleveland and New York, which found that inflation reduces poor individuals’ lifetime consumption opportunities more than their wealthier counterparts – largely due to rising gasoline prices.


"Inflation reduces poor Americans’ quality of life, and rising gas prices specifically increase the cost of living for poor Americans living in rural areas much more than for richer Americans," the JEC analysis said.
How true, how true! However, blaming the Democrats for the inflationary spiral is nonsensical.
The supply and demand chain hold-up bears responsibility, as does the ridiculous trade war, the pandemic, and the international market control of oil pricing. So stop politicizing it and try to research the issue, and not by listening to Tuckums, Sean, and tump who should know better.
Nice subject change.

Right, I shouldn't bring up the causes of inflation while you're lying and deflecting from Xi's Biden regime causing massive inflation.

But you fetched the wrong ball bucko. You made up a claim that I said something that I never said… that was a lie. Why should I respect or even read anything else you say when you’re outright lying about me?

Go fetch is the first troll rule of you fascists.

We both know, no one else cares, I don't waste my time. Try one of the other troll tactics.
Yet another crisis is also unfolding for American farm exports.

The same congestion at U.S. ports and shortage of truck drivers that have brought the flow of some goods to a halt have also left farmers struggling to get their cargo abroad and fulfill contracts before food supplies go bad. Ships now take weeks, rather than days, to unload at the ports, and backed-up shippers are so desperate to return to Asia to pick up more goods that they often leave the United States with empty containers rather than wait for American farmers to fill them up.
And all it took was increasing the national debt by 180%.

How much has Xi's Biden adulteration raised the debt in a mere 10 months?

I know how much you hate Reagan, he destroyed your dreams. But this seems a pretty stupid tack given the circumstances.

I get it though, anything to distract from the massive fuckup of your Reich.

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