Surprise! Ahmed "clock boys" sister was suspended months ago for threatening to blow school up!

Oh shit! Scariest BOMB ever!!!


Now please take a look at the plug and realize how fucking TINY it is!

You can create a bomb in a tape box or cigarette box, so why should police not schooled in electronics think this might not be a detonator to a bomb.

You don't have to bring a gun to be in trouble for bullets in your pocket in school or security check point.

What is this was a conspiracy and another student planted or brought home made plastic.

If he had brought a smoke or stink bomb or even a water bomb to school, the kid would get in trouble. Even in chemistry lab, there are some things you are not supposed to try to make.

Even gas cartridge powered car models, the student builds the car but the teacher provides the cartridges, not the students. Can you imagine a student builds a trojan horse for a project and puts a smoke bomb inside and sets it off in class? Or worse an actual grenade?

It is sad that we have to even consider these possibilities happening in school. There are places in the world where kids half the age of Ahmed are learning to do these things to kill not just scare people or close the school for a day

I've seen smart kids play pranks and I've seen kids kill. Schools today can't allow either.

Yep. And thats exactly what this was. A prank his pissed off sister...and maybe father too...put him up to.
'Surprise! Ahmed "clock boys" sister was suspended months ago for threatening to blow school up!'

No surprise – the thread premise fails as a guilt by association fallacy.

Look at dad's history. Look at sisters past threat. Apple didn't fall far did it?
Which sister, Ayisha or Eyman, was suspended?
‘Man, I Went Viral’: My Day With Ahmed Mohamed, the Most Famous Boy on Earth
After the MSNBC segment, Eyman and I sit down in the hallway where she says the same thing happened to her as Ahmed.

“I got suspended from school for three days from this stupid same district, from this girl saying I wanted to blow up the school, something I had nothing to do with.”

Eyman talks with the slightest lisp, almost imperceptible, but it becomes stronger as she gets emotional.

“I got suspended and I didn’t do anything about it and so when I heard about Ahmed, I was so mad because it happened to me and I didn’t get to stand up, so I’m making sure he’s standing up because it’s not right. So I’m not jealous, I’m kinda like—it’s like he’s standing for me.”

Eyman said her suspension was in her first year of middle school, “my first year of attempting middle school in America. I knew English, but the culture was different, the people were different.”​

Yes our culture is different, over here we don't threaten to blow people up.
But we do make up stuff about other people wanting to blow things up....just look what they've done to this kid.
Ya know what?...Fuck this kid and his whole Islamist family.

They are sufi, not that most american's would understand the difference.
'Surprise! Ahmed "clock boys" sister was suspended months ago for threatening to blow school up!'

No surprise – the thread premise fails as a guilt by association fallacy.

It does if there was a conspiracy between the siblings, or some sort of pay back
I'm up to here.....

with that Ahmed and his bloody clock! :mad-61:
'Surprise! Ahmed "clock boys" sister was suspended months ago for threatening to blow school up!'

No surprise – the thread premise fails as a guilt by association fallacy.

They weren't guilty because they were associated moron, they were guilty because they both broke the rules, and possibly the law.

Oh shit! Scariest BOMB ever!!!


Now please take a look at the plug and realize how fucking TINY it is!

You can create a bomb in a tape box or cigarette box, so why should police not schooled in electronics think this might not be a detonator to a bomb.

You don't have to bring a gun to be in trouble for bullets in your pocket in school or security check point.

What is this was a conspiracy and another student planted or brought home made plastic.

If he had brought a smoke or stink bomb or even a water bomb to school, the kid would get in trouble. Even in chemistry lab, there are some things you are not supposed to try to make.

Even gas cartridge powered car models, the student builds the car but the teacher provides the cartridges, not the students. Can you imagine a student builds a trojan horse for a project and puts a smoke bomb inside and sets it off in class? Or worse an actual grenade?

It is sad that we have to even consider these possibilities happening in school. There are places in the world where kids half the age of Ahmed are learning to do these things to kill not just scare people or close the school for a day

I've seen smart kids play pranks and I've seen kids kill. Schools today can't allow either.
Wow it's sad that you live in so much terror every day.
Oh shit! Scariest BOMB ever!!!


Now please take a look at the plug and realize how fucking TINY it is!

You can create a bomb in a tape box or cigarette box, so why should police not schooled in electronics think this might not be a detonator to a bomb.

You don't have to bring a gun to be in trouble for bullets in your pocket in school or security check point.

What is this was a conspiracy and another student planted or brought home made plastic.

If he had brought a smoke or stink bomb or even a water bomb to school, the kid would get in trouble. Even in chemistry lab, there are some things you are not supposed to try to make.

Even gas cartridge powered car models, the student builds the car but the teacher provides the cartridges, not the students. Can you imagine a student builds a trojan horse for a project and puts a smoke bomb inside and sets it off in class? Or worse an actual grenade?

It is sad that we have to even consider these possibilities happening in school. There are places in the world where kids half the age of Ahmed are learning to do these things to kill not just scare people or close the school for a day

I've seen smart kids play pranks and I've seen kids kill. Schools today can't allow either.
Wow it's sad that you live in so much terror every day.

Used to live there. Students had arsenals in their closets and car trunks. They were in the same classes and on weekends might be trying to kill each other. When we needed to protect the school the weapons were pulled out and the younger children were helping create traps, alarms and weapons out thinks on campus. It was a bit like home alone, taps and real genius, through the movies came years later. I left when too many of my friends were killed and I witnessed too many massacres.

It is depressing to see schools here turn into targets of violence. I was horrified, though not completely surprised to see the towers fall. It really did change things. I still remember another tower in flames after being attacked, well before Oklahoma. I had hoped I was getting away from all that.

Oddly growing up, it was not so much terror but just an unfortunate part of life. In the US it became more terrifying actually.
Liberals can go donate to clock boy's GoFundMe account!

LOL this was all a scam by this Islamist family, and liberals are falling for it.
Oh shit! Scariest BOMB ever!!!


Now please take a look at the plug and realize how fucking TINY it is!

You can create a bomb in a tape box or cigarette box, so why should police not schooled in electronics think this might not be a detonator to a bomb.

You don't have to bring a gun to be in trouble for bullets in your pocket in school or security check point.

What is this was a conspiracy and another student planted or brought home made plastic.

If he had brought a smoke or stink bomb or even a water bomb to school, the kid would get in trouble. Even in chemistry lab, there are some things you are not supposed to try to make.

Even gas cartridge powered car models, the student builds the car but the teacher provides the cartridges, not the students. Can you imagine a student builds a trojan horse for a project and puts a smoke bomb inside and sets it off in class? Or worse an actual grenade?

It is sad that we have to even consider these possibilities happening in school. There are places in the world where kids half the age of Ahmed are learning to do these things to kill not just scare people or close the school for a day

I've seen smart kids play pranks and I've seen kids kill. Schools today can't allow either.
Wow it's sad that you live in so much terror every day.
Wow, it is sad that you go around with your head in the sand every day.

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