Surprise! Ahmed "clock boys" sister was suspended months ago for threatening to blow school up!

Two years ago a girl was arrested and sent to juvi for a month because of a volcano project.

If children bring projects the teacher and school office should be told ahead of time and have it cleared before hand. Schools can not take for granted the safety of the students or the school. Sadly that time has long passed.

Ahmed should be glad he was not charged. After the suspension, he withdrew from school. There is not way that he was not wrong to bring the clock to school. For such a smart kid, it was a dumb move, at best. At worse he was part of a conspiracy that endangered not only his class mates but the whole student body.

If he made a paper gun, noise maker, he would have been arrested. If he has know how and killed a student with a piece of paper, the schools would probably go back to chalk and slate. It might well be that more and more students take their classes at home or on computer. Even prank makes it harder and liability higher for schools to operate and the quality of education goes down. I'm sure parents would prefer more teachers and smaller classrooms instead of security guards and metal detectors.

Every Ahmed out there makes it harder for students and teachers in every school across the country.

Now Ahmed's parents want to sue to get the clock back. Easier and cheaper just to buy another clock on Ebay and take that one apart instead.
Two years ago a girl was arrested and sent to juvi for a month because of a volcano project.

If children bring projects the teacher and school office should be told ahead of time and have it cleared before hand. Schools can not take for granted the safety of the students or the school. Sadly that time has long passed.

Ahmed should be glad he was not charged. After the suspension, he withdrew from school. There is not way that he was not wrong to bring the clock to school. For such a smart kid, it was a dumb move, at best. At worse he was part of a conspiracy that endangered not only his class mates but the whole student body.

If he made a paper gun, noise maker, he would have been arrested. If he has know how and killed a student with a piece of paper, the schools would probably go back to chalk and slate. It might well be that more and more students take their classes at home or on computer. Even prank makes it harder and liability higher for schools to operate and the quality of education goes down. I'm sure parents would prefer more teachers and smaller classrooms instead of security guards and metal detectors.

Every Ahmed out there makes it harder for students and teachers in every school across the country.

Now Ahmed's parents want to sue to get the clock back. Easier and cheaper just to buy another clock on Ebay and take that one apart instead.
They should sue for as much as they can get. Best of luck to them.
Two years ago a girl was arrested and sent to juvi for a month because of a volcano project.

If children bring projects the teacher and school office should be told ahead of time and have it cleared before hand. Schools can not take for granted the safety of the students or the school. Sadly that time has long passed.

Ahmed should be glad he was not charged. After the suspension, he withdrew from school. There is not way that he was not wrong to bring the clock to school. For such a smart kid, it was a dumb move, at best. At worse he was part of a conspiracy that endangered not only his class mates but the whole student body.

If he made a paper gun, noise maker, he would have been arrested. If he has know how and killed a student with a piece of paper, the schools would probably go back to chalk and slate. It might well be that more and more students take their classes at home or on computer. Even prank makes it harder and liability higher for schools to operate and the quality of education goes down. I'm sure parents would prefer more teachers and smaller classrooms instead of security guards and metal detectors.

Every Ahmed out there makes it harder for students and teachers in every school across the country.

Now Ahmed's parents want to sue to get the clock back. Easier and cheaper just to buy another clock on Ebay and take that one apart instead.
It's their property. Why isn't it being given back to its rightful owner? Ahmed should do a (Social) Science Fair project on how to get red-neck Texans to freak out unintentionally.
Which sister, Ayisha or Eyman, was suspended?
‘Man, I Went Viral’: My Day With Ahmed Mohamed, the Most Famous Boy on Earth
After the MSNBC segment, Eyman and I sit down in the hallway where she says the same thing happened to her as Ahmed.

“I got suspended from school for three days from this stupid same district, from this girl saying I wanted to blow up the school, something I had nothing to do with.”

Eyman talks with the slightest lisp, almost imperceptible, but it becomes stronger as she gets emotional.

“I got suspended and I didn’t do anything about it and so when I heard about Ahmed, I was so mad because it happened to me and I didn’t get to stand up, so I’m making sure he’s standing up because it’s not right. So I’m not jealous, I’m kinda like—it’s like he’s standing for me.”

Eyman said her suspension was in her first year of middle school, “my first year of attempting middle school in America. I knew English, but the culture was different, the people were different.”​

Yes our culture is different, over here we don't threaten to blow people up.
But we do make up stuff about other people wanting to blow things up....just look what they've done to this kid.
Ya know what?...Fuck this kid and his whole Islamist family.

They are sufi, not that most american's would understand the difference.
Sufi?.....Ya know what? I don't care what you think. The Father is an Islamic activist. The one daughter threatened to blow up a school. And now this.
You can weep for these people all you like.
Fuck 'em.....
Two years ago a girl was arrested and sent to juvi for a month because of a volcano project.

If children bring projects the teacher and school office should be told ahead of time and have it cleared before hand. Schools can not take for granted the safety of the students or the school. Sadly that time has long passed.

Ahmed should be glad he was not charged. After the suspension, he withdrew from school. There is not way that he was not wrong to bring the clock to school. For such a smart kid, it was a dumb move, at best. At worse he was part of a conspiracy that endangered not only his class mates but the whole student body.

If he made a paper gun, noise maker, he would have been arrested. If he has know how and killed a student with a piece of paper, the schools would probably go back to chalk and slate. It might well be that more and more students take their classes at home or on computer. Even prank makes it harder and liability higher for schools to operate and the quality of education goes down. I'm sure parents would prefer more teachers and smaller classrooms instead of security guards and metal detectors.

Every Ahmed out there makes it harder for students and teachers in every school across the country.

Now Ahmed's parents want to sue to get the clock back. Easier and cheaper just to buy another clock on Ebay and take that one apart instead.
They should sue for as much as they can get. Best of luck to them.
Sue for WHAT?....And why? So the taxpayers who had nothing to do with this arrest take it in the shorts?....Brilliant.
BTW, they sue. They LOSE. Any suit would be without merit.
You know your link is a partisan blog, right? I tried to follow it back and all it did was link back to itself or articles about her brother.

These far-rightie nutters don't know the difference between blogs and legitimate news sources. They've been condition to not trust normal news and see all information and facts contrary to their life view as "liberal".
You know your link is a partisan blog, right? I tried to follow it back and all it did was link back to itself or articles about her brother.

These far-rightie nutters don't know the difference between blogs and legitimate news sources. They've been condition to not trust normal news and see all information and facts contrary to their life view as "liberal".
I usually don't repeat myself. Exception...Fuck 'em.....I'm done here.

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