Surprise seems a Brit executed Foley


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
The British PM cut short his vacation but the US President went back to his golf game a half hour after issuing a typical bland statement condemning the beheading of a US journalist. The accent of the killer who executed journalist James Foley was narrowed down to a section near London. The most common name for a male child in recent years born in London was ....Mohammed.
Actually Obama came back late Tuesday though it will always be twisted by some. The questions is, the ransom was $132 million, and another American faces execution. Should the US pay the ransom demands? Some European countries have. As for the claims the US funded ISIS, no links, no evidence. But do we pay for the lives of US hostages facing death, or will that encourage more kidnappings & more ransom demands?

Pentagon chief: ISIS 'beyond anything we have seen' -
It seems that a Brit national brutally beheaded a US journalist. Most male babies born in London are named Mohammed.
Been wondering when they would confirm the accent.

So hey Brits, feeling proud tonight ? We've been warning you multi-culturalist Euros for years now, that you're going to soon be paying a deadly price for your ridiculous open door policies. Looks like the chicken are coming home to roost.

Think maybe you're ready to start waking the fuck up ? Goddamn fucking morons !
I read Cameron state "IF he was the killer was British......" he indicated additional assistance and possible UK personnel heading to Iraq. Read this earlier today. I do not know if this is confimed.
If US intelligence agencies weren't busy feeling up little old ladies at airports and spying on Americans based on their political affiliation we might find out the ID of the monster who beheaded one of our own.
If US intelligence agencies weren't busy feeling up little old ladies at airports and spying on Americans based on their political affiliation we might find out the ID of the monster who beheaded one of our own.

It appears the US in conjunction with pur strong ally* did so.

*AGAIN, after the chilly years post 2003.
You can meet crazy brain-washed zombies all over the world, but that is not the reason to hate the whole world or each country you meet them at.
Still, it's too sad that this maniac was British.
If US intelligence agencies weren't busy feeling up little old ladies at airports and spying on Americans based on their political affiliation we might find out the ID of the monster who beheaded one of our own.

It appears the US in conjunction with pur strong ally* did so.

*AGAIN, after the chilly years post 2003.
You need to get out more.
It should not have been a surprise. He's not the only one. That shouldn't be a surprise either.
Been wondering when they would confirm the accent.

So hey Brits, feeling proud tonight ? We've been warning you multi-culturalist Euros for years now, that you're going to soon be paying a deadly price for your ridiculous open door policies. Looks like the chicken are coming home to roost.

Think maybe you're ready to start waking the fuck up ? Goddamn fucking morons !

There is a lot of truth to your position but the high horse aspect of it is totally off the rails. We're in the same boat as the Brits. We're not doing anything differently, so you have no grounds to chastise them because we're doing the same over here.
Everyone is making a big deal of the fact that the executioner was British. When I see this guy, I don't think of him as British. I think of him as a hostile invader.

The British PM cut short his vacation but the US President went back to his golf game a half hour after issuing a typical bland statement condemning the beheading of a US journalist. The accent of the killer who executed journalist James Foley was narrowed down to a section near London. The most common name for a male child in recent years born in London was ....Mohammed.

Yes the disease of the Islamic religion has gripped the world, now we have to find was to defang and declaw them like the world did with Christianity during the enlightenment
The British PM cut short his vacation but the US President went back to his golf game a half hour after issuing a typical bland statement condemning the beheading of a US journalist. The accent of the killer who executed journalist James Foley was narrowed down to a section near London. The most common name for a male child in recent years born in London was ....Mohammed.

That the perp was a Brit is a surprise but the fact he is a Muslim should surprise no one.
The British PM cut short his vacation but the US President went back to his golf game a half hour after issuing a typical bland statement condemning the beheading of a US journalist. The accent of the killer who executed journalist James Foley was narrowed down to a section near London. The most common name for a male child in recent years born in London was ....Mohammed.

Yes the disease of the Islamic religion has gripped the world, now we have to find was to defang and declaw them like the world did with Christianity during the enlightenment

Statement To Muslims? Pope Francis To Canonize 800 Martyrs Murdered By Ottoman Turks

In a move that may annoy some in the Muslim world, Pope Francis plans to canonize 800 Italian laymen who were massacred by Ottoman Turkish soldiers during the historic siege in the southern Italian city of Otranto in 1480.

The canonization service, the very first by the new pope, will be held on May 12 in St Peter’s Square, reported Britain’s Catholic Herald newspaper.

The Daily Telegraph reported that this ceremony will set a new record for the highest number of saints canonized at any one time by the Church.

During the week-long siege of Otranto more than five centuries ago, Ottoman soldiers were instructed to murder all men above the age of 15 for refusing their demands to convert to Islam. According to historical accounts, one of the martyrs, Antonio Primaldo, a tailor, declared: “We believe in Jesus Christ, Son of God, and for Jesus Christ we are ready to die.”

Primaldo was soon beheaded for his troubles. The names of the other martyrs are lost to history.

The Cathedral in Otranto is today adorned with the skulls and other relics of the martyrs.

Statement To Muslims Pope Francis To Canonize 800 Martyrs Murdered By Ottoman Turks
The British PM cut short his vacation but the US President went back to his golf game a half hour after issuing a typical bland statement condemning the beheading of a US journalist. The accent of the killer who executed journalist James Foley was narrowed down to a section near London. The most common name for a male child in recent years born in London was ....Mohammed.

Your last sentence has no relevance to the murder of James Foley.

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