Surprise seems a Brit executed Foley

Been wondering when they would confirm the accent.

So hey Brits, feeling proud tonight ? We've been warning you multi-culturalist Euros for years now, that you're going to soon be paying a deadly price for your ridiculous open door policies. Looks like the chicken are coming home to roost.

Think maybe you're ready to start waking the fuck up ? Goddamn fucking morons !
And there I was thinking America was THE original multicultural state. I also thought the 'Nation of Islam' was an American invention, years before anything similar was to be found in Europe.
You clearly have no idea about European immigration policy. By 'ridiculous open door policy' you really mean 'ridiculous maritime law', as unfortunately it is illegal to blow the boatloads of refugees swarming across the Mediterranean Sea out of the water.
Anyway, you will find that most of these ISIS crackpots are muslim converts - often converting from devout christianity to radical Islam. Personally I blame religion in general....

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