Surprise Surprise, More Blow Out Biden Jobs Data this Morning.

This is what the best labor market in US History is supposed to look like !

Just a little +324k private jobs added last month. No biggie !

Joe Biden is in direct competition with Bill Clinton for best president of the modern era.

All Biden had to do was double the price of everything AND get our credit downgraded!!!! OMG!!
As teabaggers whine.
Their dear leader claimed there would be SO MUCH winning.

Donald Trump: I Will Be the Greatest Jobs President God ...

View attachment 810445
Fox Business › features › donald-trum...
Jan 9, 2017 — With “Keep on Rockin In The Free World” by Neil Young playing during his stage entrance, billionaire entrepreneur Donald Trump announced on ...

Trump will have the worst jobs record in modern U.S. history

View attachment 810446
Washington Post › 2021/01/08 › trum...

Jan 8, 2021 — President Trump took office at the crest of the longest economic expansion in U.S. history. He leaves presiding over the worst labor market ...
Took to post 3 for TDS to kick in, it's getting slack around here
Our damn debt created the mess, the other crap is just the fluff around it.
Don't be an idiot, if we weren't 30+ trillion in debt, the fluff wouldn't have
lowered the rating. RETARD!
Bush inherited a balanced budget and then started 2 failed wars, blew up the economy 7 years into his presidency and destroyed the balanced budget permanently.

Trump doubled the annual deficit pre-covid, then doubled it again post-covid and he gave us 25% of our total debt in just 4 years.

Contrast that with Clinton who balanced the budget, Obama who inherited the big Bush Blow up AND lowered the annual deficit every year of his presidency, and then Biden who has significantly lowered the deficit from the massive amount he inherited from Trump.

The pattern is clear and obvious Republicans gave us this debt, and democrats have lowered the debt. the GOP owns this debt because they caused it with their failed policy.
Biden better stop fucking things up then.

Obama warned us about him.
The GOP Congress better not fuck around with our debt or threaten to shut down the government (yea they are threatening to do that).

We simply cannot afford to have the GOP control Congress.

They do nothing but fuck things up
The GOP Congress better not fuck around with our debt or threaten to shut down the government (yea they are threatening to do that).

We simply cannot afford to have the GOP control Congress.

They do nothing but fuck things up

Biden better cut the spending instead of shutting down the government.

And end the constant green idiocy. The only bright spot in Obama's economy
was the oil boom that he fought every step of the way.

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