Surprise Visit


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
That was quite interesting.


ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—India’s prime minister made a surprise stop Friday in Pakistan to meet his counterpart in a richly symbolic gesture likely to add momentum to a tentative reconciliation process between the nuclear-armed neighbors.

Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif embraced India’s Narendra Modi at the airport in the eastern city of Lahore. They walked from the plane holding hands and smiling broadly. The visit, the first by an Indian prime minister in more than a decade, coincided with Mr. Sharif’s birthday.

“This was a goodwill visit, in which it was decided that both countries will have to examine each other’s concerns, to understand each other’s issues, and open up ways to peace,” said Aizaz Chaudhry, Pakistan’s foreign secretary.


India’s Narendra Modi Makes First Visit to Pakistan for Chat With Nawaz Sharif
And if two candidates from opposing parties in the U.S. met with each other, you'd characterize that meeting as -?
NEW DELHI — Indian officials on Thursday said they would reschedule diplomatic talks with Pakistan, originally planned for Friday, “in the very near future,” expressing satisfaction with Pakistan’s arrest of militants thought to be connected to a recent attack on Indian soil.

The remarks came a day after Pakistan announced the arrests of several members of Jaish-e-Muhammad, a banned group that is accused of staging a terrorist attack this month on an Indian air force base in Pathankot, in Punjab State. All six assailants and seven Indian security personnel died in the attack.

“The action taken against Jaish-e-Muhammad is an important and positive first step,” said Vikas Swarup, a spokesman for India’s Ministry of External Affairs, at a news briefing in New Delhi.

Jaish-e-Muhammad has carried out attacks in the Indian-administered part of Kashmir, the disputed border region, and Pakistani officials say the group has ties to the Pakistani Taliban and to Al Qaeda.


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