Surprised the NY Times let this column be printed

Opinion | Liberals, You’re Not as Smart as You Think

because its almost 100 percent correct. Most (but not all) liberals on this board being prime examples.

Like many of the wags here, the writer seems to have no clue what "Liberal" means. It does not mean any measure of intelligence, who works in the friggin' entertainment industry, anything relating to culture including "making movies and television shows", grand strawman fallacies about who voted for Rump, whether anybody clings to guns and/or religion, pizza, or "self-righteousness", which is what he's really trying to go for with the errant "Liberals".

"Liberal" means that political power derives from the consent of the governed, and that that governance should be as minimal as possible.. That's it.
Opinion | Liberals, You’re Not as Smart as You Think

because its almost 100 percent correct. Most (but not all) liberals on this board being prime examples.

Like many of the wags here, the writer seems to have no clue what "Liberal" means. It does not mean any measure of intelligence, who works in the friggin' entertainment industry, anything relating to culture, grand strawman fallacies about who voted for Rump, whether anybody clings to guns and/or religion, pizza, or "self-righteousness", which is what he's really trying to go for with the errant "Liberals".

"Liberal" means that political power derives from the consent of the governed, and that that governance should be as minimal as possible.. That's it.

So today's liberals "borrowed" the term because....?
Opinion | Liberals, You’re Not as Smart as You Think

because its almost 100 percent correct. Most (but not all) liberals on this board being prime examples.

Like many of the wags here, the writer seems to have no clue what "Liberal" means. It does not mean any measure of intelligence, who works in the friggin' entertainment industry, anything relating to culture, grand strawman fallacies about who voted for Rump, whether anybody clings to guns and/or religion, pizza, or "self-righteousness", which is what he's really trying to go for with the errant "Liberals".

"Liberal" means that political power derives from the consent of the governed, and that that governance should be as minimal as possible.. That's it.

So today's liberals "borrowed" the term because....?

Nobody "borrowed" the term here except this idiot writer who doesn't mind taking the shovel of Ignorance and digging himself in. And whoever he describes in his laundry list is not automatically a "Liberal" just because he calls them that out of his own ignorance.
Opinion | Liberals, You’re Not as Smart as You Think

because its almost 100 percent correct. Most (but not all) liberals on this board being prime examples.

Like many of the wags here, the writer seems to have no clue what "Liberal" means. It does not mean any measure of intelligence, who works in the friggin' entertainment industry, anything relating to culture including "making movies and television shows", grand strawman fallacies about who voted for Rump, whether anybody clings to guns and/or religion, pizza, or "self-righteousness", which is what he's really trying to go for with the errant "Liberals".

"Liberal" means that political power derives from the consent of the governed, and that that governance should be as minimal as possible.. That's it.

In a bygone era you would be correct, but the author's description of 21st century liberals is valid.
Nobody "borrowed" the term here except this idiot writer who doesn't mind taking the shovel of Ignorance and digging himself in.

Come on, liberals are the masters of placing labels. They had to have a reason to choose the polar opposite of what they truly are.
Opinion | Liberals, You’re Not as Smart as You Think

because its almost 100 percent correct. Most (but not all) liberals on this board being prime examples.

Like many of the wags here, the writer seems to have no clue what "Liberal" means. It does not mean any measure of intelligence, who works in the friggin' entertainment industry, anything relating to culture including "making movies and television shows", grand strawman fallacies about who voted for Rump, whether anybody clings to guns and/or religion, pizza, or "self-righteousness", which is what he's really trying to go for with the errant "Liberals".

"Liberal" means that political power derives from the consent of the governed, and that that governance should be as minimal as possible.. That's it.

In a bygone era you would be correct, but the author's description of 21st century liberals is valid.

Era is irrelevant. It's not the term's fault that "in a bygone era" more people knew what it meant than do now. Rather, it is the fault of those misusing it.
Era is irrelevant. It's not the term's fault that "in a bygone era" more people knew what it meant than do now. Rather, it is the fault of those misusing it.

That would be modern day liberals, we get it, why don't you?
Nobody "borrowed" the term here except this idiot writer who doesn't mind taking the shovel of Ignorance and digging himself in.

Come on, liberals are the masters of placing labels. They had to have a reason to choose the polar opposite of what they truly are.

Oh fucking bullshit. This is an intentional turning inside-out of a legitimate term to try to demonize it, dating from the 1940s, by Republicans whiny that they had been out of power for so long. That does not, and can not pin the blame on the victim.

NO, they can't hijack a proudly American term to mean its own opposite. Period.

And NO, Liberalism has zero to do with "placing labels", personality traits, intelligence, honesty or any of the other bullshit fallacies the demonizers try to append onto it because they can't be bothered to make a rational argument.
Oh fucking bullshit. This is an intentional turning inside-out of a legitimate term to try to demonize it, dating from the 1940s, by Republicans whiny that they had been out of power for so long. That does not, and can not pin the blame on the victim.

NO, they can't hijack a proudly American term to mean its own opposite. Period.

So you find modern liberals to be proud supporters of limited government. How big a rock do you live under and do you get cable under there?
Oh fucking bullshit. This is an intentional turning inside-out of a legitimate term to try to demonize it, dating from the 1940s, by Republicans whiny that they had been out of power for so long. That does not, and can not pin the blame on the victim.

NO, they can't hijack a proudly American term to mean its own opposite. Period.

So you find modern liberals to be proud supporters of limited government. How big a rock do you live under and do you get cable under there?


Jesus Christ on a cracker. Really?

Here's an analogous parable.

When a supermarket in New Orleans puts out a bin of scallions and puts the label "shallots" on them ---- THAT'S THE SUPERMARKET'S FAULT, NOT THE SCALLIONS'.

The scallions did not call themselves 'shallots'. Nor did the shallots consent to their identification being misused.

Get it yet?

And yes, they really do that.

Jesus Christ on a cracker. Really?

Here's an analogous parable.

When a supermarket in New Orleans puts out a bin of scallions and calls them "shallots" ---- THAT'S THE SUPERMARKET'S FAULT, NOT THE SCALLIONS'.

Get it yet?

And yes, they really do that.

It is not just your New Orleans liberals that are the problem... :auiqs.jpg:
"Liberal" means that political power derives from the consent of the governed, and that that governance should be as minimal as possible.. That's it.
What a crock of shit! Liberals are fucking slaves to the government and want more of it. Who do you think you're kidding?
"Liberal" means that political power derives from the consent of the governed, and that that governance should be as minimal as possible.. That's it.
What a crock of shit! Liberals are fucking slaves to the government and want more of it. Who do you think you're kidding?

Yet another wag selling scallions and calling them "shallots".

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