Surveillance court accuses FBI agents of giving misleading basis for warrant

Not to mention that Carter Page is now suing the hell out of the Federal Gov't for doing this to him. Imagine that.
That was dismissed weeks ago
Get your facts straight. That was his suit against the dnc, not the govt. And new facts have emerged, wonder if he will refile that one?
Sorry you all have so many lawsuits launched and dismissed that it's hard to keep track.
All dismissed on a false premise.
The fact you deflect shows you have no disdain for what your party did to others.

i’ve heard payback can be hell.
I can imagine those FISC Judge’s are pretty pissed they got tangled up in this deception.
If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!
Yet, no mention by you of what chain of events that lie cost the nation, and innocent people.
None of Trump's many currently jailed associates were innocent. And the report you cite said investigating the confirmed Russian sabotage was fine.
Virtually all were for process in conjunction with an "investigation" that should never have started in the first place
Not to mention that Carter Page is now suing the hell out of the Federal Gov't for doing this to him. Imagine that.
That was dismissed weeks ago
Get your facts straight. That was his suit against the dnc, not the govt. And new facts have emerged, wonder if he will refile that one?
Sorry you all have so many lawsuits launched and dismissed that it's hard to keep track.
All dismissed on a false premise.
The fact you deflect shows you have no disdain for what your party did to others.

i’ve heard payback can be hell.
Your party and especially the Trump cabal are champions for sabotaging our elections. The only feeling of disdain is against you regressive traitors.
Not to mention that Carter Page is now suing the hell out of the Federal Gov't for doing this to him. Imagine that.
That was dismissed weeks ago
Get your facts straight. That was his suit against the dnc, not the govt. And new facts have emerged, wonder if he will refile that one?
Sorry you all have so many lawsuits launched and dismissed that it's hard to keep track.
All dismissed on a false premise.
The fact you deflect shows you have no disdain for what your party did to others.

i’ve heard payback can be hell.
Your party and especially the Trump cabal are champions for sabotaging our elections. The only feeling of disdain is against you regressive traitors.
Bullcrap as always. Now stay on topic.
Not to mention that Carter Page is now suing the hell out of the Federal Gov't for doing this to him. Imagine that.
That was dismissed weeks ago
Get your facts straight. That was his suit against the dnc, not the govt. And new facts have emerged, wonder if he will refile that one?
Sorry you all have so many lawsuits launched and dismissed that it's hard to keep track.
All dismissed on a false premise.
The fact you deflect shows you have no disdain for what your party did to others.

i’ve heard payback can be hell.
Your party and especially the Trump cabal are champions for sabotaging our elections. The only feeling of disdain is against you regressive traitors.
That was dismissed weeks ago
Get your facts straight. That was his suit against the dnc, not the govt. And new facts have emerged, wonder if he will refile that one?
Sorry you all have so many lawsuits launched and dismissed that it's hard to keep track.
All dismissed on a false premise.
The fact you deflect shows you have no disdain for what your party did to others.

i’ve heard payback can be hell.
Your party and especially the Trump cabal are champions for sabotaging our elections. The only feeling of disdain is against you regressive traitors.
Bullcrap as always. Now stay on topic.
You are desperate to bury unanimous conclusions of foreign sabotage in favor of your fat idiot. You are also desperate to bury that everyone around him is a criminal, and are willing to commit any crime necessary to protect him from the Constitution.
Not to mention that Carter Page is now suing the hell out of the Federal Gov't for doing this to him. Imagine that.
That was dismissed weeks ago
Get your facts straight. That was his suit against the dnc, not the govt. And new facts have emerged, wonder if he will refile that one?
Sorry you all have so many lawsuits launched and dismissed that it's hard to keep track.
All dismissed on a false premise.
The fact you deflect shows you have no disdain for what your party did to others.

i’ve heard payback can be hell.
Your party and especially the Trump cabal are champions for sabotaging our elections. The only feeling of disdain is against you regressive traitors.
Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you change your vote.
Get your facts straight. That was his suit against the dnc, not the govt. And new facts have emerged, wonder if he will refile that one?
Sorry you all have so many lawsuits launched and dismissed that it's hard to keep track.
All dismissed on a false premise.
The fact you deflect shows you have no disdain for what your party did to others.

i’ve heard payback can be hell.
Your party and especially the Trump cabal are champions for sabotaging our elections. The only feeling of disdain is against you regressive traitors.
Bullcrap as always. Now stay on topic.
You are desperate to bury unanimous conclusions of foreign sabotage in favor of your fat idiot. You are also desperate to bury that everyone around him is a criminal, and are willing to commit any crime necessary to protect him from the Constitution.
Take your fantasies elsewhere. This is my thread, my topic. Now decide to discuss it or refrain from posting here.
I cannot WAIT to see what the FBI does by January 10.


They updated the article. Here is more-

The judge also noted the report cited “several instances” in which the FBI sought to persuade the court that probable cause existed to believe Page was a Russian agent, but nonetheless withheld “information in their possession which was detrimental to their case."

"The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable," Collyer wrote.

"The FISC expects the government to provide complete and accurate information in every filing with the Court. Without it, the FISC cannot properly ensure that the government conducts electronic surveillance for foreign intelligence purposes only when there is a sufficient factual basis."

Updated: 4:15 p.m.

They’ve been slammed. This could become ever more interesting.
We knew this was coming.

The Dems knew this was coming.

As I've documented on many threads. The abuse of the FISA courts is nothing new. Admiral Rogers found out about it long ago. It was so bad back then that he stopped ALL FBI CONTRACTORS from getting any Warrants from FISA. The FISA court back then along with his audit found 85% of all FISA warrants in violation of Minimization procedures alone.

The Uncovering – Mike Rogers’ Investigation, Section 702 FISA...

The FBI’s Private Contractors – FISA Abuse, the Steele Dossier & A...

And now we add in confirmation from the IG Report, and the FISA court, along with lawsuits from Carter Page.

The DEMS ARE BUSTED............
Get your facts straight. That was his suit against the dnc, not the govt. And new facts have emerged, wonder if he will refile that one?
Sorry you all have so many lawsuits launched and dismissed that it's hard to keep track.
All dismissed on a false premise.
The fact you deflect shows you have no disdain for what your party did to others.

i’ve heard payback can be hell.
Your party and especially the Trump cabal are champions for sabotaging our elections. The only feeling of disdain is against you regressive traitors.
Bullcrap as always. Now stay on topic.
You are desperate to bury unanimous conclusions of foreign sabotage in favor of your fat idiot. You are also desperate to bury that everyone around him is a criminal, and are willing to commit any crime necessary to protect him from the Constitution.
You really need to keep up. Now, show us where he has been proven factually and charged to be a foreign asset of Russia.
Supreme Court ruling pulls rug out from under article of impeachment
Now, facts are obviously not your strong suit, but I am more than happy to oblige where I can.

"The FBI's handling of the Carter Page applications, as portrayed in the OIG report, was antithetical to the heightened duty of candor described above," Rosemary Collyer, presiding judge with the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, wrote in an order released by the court.
Surveillance court accuses FBI agents of giving misleading basis for warrant
Neat! Looks like FISA Court spanked that ass and gave FBI a writing assignment with a short suspense date for the holidays.

The FBI’s Private Contractors – FISA Abuse, the Steele Dossier & A...

Evelyn Farkas – On March 2, 2017, Obama’s Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Evelyn Farkas went on MSNBC. In the interview, Farkas detailed how the Obama Administration gathered and disseminated intelligence on the Trump Team:

I was urging my former colleagues, “Get as much information as you can. Get as much intelligence as you can” – before Obama leaves the Administration.

The Trump folks, if they found out how we knew what we knew about the Trump staff dealing with Russians, they would try to compromise those sources and methods, meaning we would no longer have access to that intelligence.

That’s why you have the leaking.

Note that Farkas said “how we knew” not “what we knew”. A crucial distinction.

The FBI’s Private Contractors – FISA Abuse, the Steele Dossier & A...

Evelyn Farkas – On March 2, 2017, Obama’s Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Evelyn Farkas went on MSNBC. In the interview, Farkas detailed how the Obama Administration gathered and disseminated intelligence on the Trump Team:

I was urging my former colleagues, “Get as much information as you can. Get as much intelligence as you can” – before Obama leaves the Administration.

The Trump folks, if they found out how we knew what we knew about the Trump staff dealing with Russians, they would try to compromise those sources and methods, meaning we would no longer have access to that intelligence.

That’s why you have the leaking.

Note that Farkas said “how we knew” not “what we knew”. A crucial distinction.

All of which was simply more lies since they were not dealing with the Russians, or they pulled the wool over on her as well.

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