Survey: Who Would You Want To See Debate One On One In 2016?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:slap: This one is probably an easy one. But let's see what you all would love to see go at it in a Presidential or Primary Debate. Why do we have to wait for a one on one show till October? Why not have debates with the top four nominees from both sides during the summer of 2016? We may never see a Cruz VS Warren debate, or a Scott Walker VS Hillary. So who what debate would you love to see, and even be willing to pay $15.00 to watch Live!:woohoo:
For the televised execution of a traitor convicted of selling America out (yes I'll dare say it) Muslim Terrorists I might pay $15.

For a liberal moderator's crucifixion of a non-liberal?

Not a dime.
I would like to see Hillary take on the GOP candidate Putin
I would like to see any left winger debate Putin so they can finally fullfil their fantasy of kissing his ass in person.
you can also throw in any cast member of the wizard of oz just to make it interesting. then again, everyone running for President is a clone of those three dudes Dorothy hung out with.
Yo, Obama and Ted Cruz! Cruz would make him yell like a little bitch! GO TEA PARTY!

Wicked Witch Of The West Vs Nancy Pelosi. now I would pay $35.00 to see that!
Does anyone have a pet they would want to debate Hillary or that Indian Dolt?
I would like to see a number of candidates debate. Why is it we're only supposed to have two choices?
Does anyone have a pet they would want to debate Hillary or that Indian Dolt?

Yo, I said Ted Cruz, he can debate any Socialist under the table! But in the meantime, send that Sarah Palin over so we can talk strategy!!!!

Sarah VS Hillary, that would be interesting, but I would worry that Hillarys upper denture will pop out while shes speaking.

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