Susan Rice Is Unqualified To Be Secretary Of State


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Susan Rice Is Unqualified To Be Secretary Of State​

Benghazi Scandal:
"Her meeting with GOP senators begs the question that if all she can do is read talking points handed to her by the White House then perhaps she should be the next White House press secretary."

The above observation, courtesy of Richard Grenell, who served as spokesman for four U.S. Ambassadors to the U.N., is the flip side of our view that Susan Rice, who was sent out on five Sunday talk shows to explain Benghazi by a president who says she had "nothing to do with Benghazi," is as qualified to be the next secretary of state as a fellow parrot of the false narrative that the terrorist attack was caused by a video, current White House Press Secretary Jay Carney.

Her meeting with GOP Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Kelly Ayotte went as badly as her talk show audition for Hillary Clinton's replacement. She is clearly not ready for her close-up.

Sen. Ayotte, R.-N.H., told CNN's Wolf Blitzer after the glorified meet-and-greet that Rice "misled the American public," and pledged to put a hold on Rice's nomination if it came to the Senate, at least until all of the questions surrounding Benghazi have been answered: Sen. Graham, R-South Carolina, has said, rightfully we believe, that Rice is "disconnected to reality" and disqualified from a "promotion" to secretary of state.

We agree.

After the meeting, the three senators issued a statement saying they were "disturbed by the administration's continued inability to answer even the most basic questions about the Benghazi attack and the administration's response."

Some of those questions include why the Benghazi consulate was left unprotected despite its requests for additional security, why no rescue attempt was mounted during the seven-hour attack, and why the administration stuck with its false narrative after the facts were known that night that it was a terrorist attack.

Rice at least once on her Sept. 16 road show explicitly stated that there was "no evidence" that the sacking of the Benghazi consulate was a deliberate terrorist act despite the fact that Ansar-al-Sharia had claimed credit as the attack was under way.

As McCain has noted, "there were people who were survivors from the consulate who were interviewed two days later in Germany that said there was no mob."

So the evidence is clear.

"It was planned, definitely, it was planned by foreigners, by people who entered the country a few months ago, and they were planning this criminal act since their arrival," Libyan President Mohamed Yousef El-Magariaf, told CBS News' "Face The Nation" on Sept. 16 after Rice appeared saying exactly the opposite.

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Susan Rice Is Unqualified To Be The Next U.S. Secretary Of State -
a fleeting thought--

Susan Rice is being 'rewarded'?

Susan Collins/Maine, interviewed her today and is also perplexed. It sounded like she has been employed by ?? the State Dept and/or UN prior to this appointment. There were questions about an embassy in Africa--requests for security/defense that went unanswered. It seems that she was not directly responsible for this embassy. Collins concerns were not clarified from today's responses.

As a 'person-on-the-street' I am left with the impression that this appointment has a hidden agenda. Great. Swell.

I thought Hillary Clinton put in some long hours and hard work --so all of that is for naught?
"I think, particularly in fairness to Ambassador Rice, there ought to be the widest public airing of what led to her statements and others in the administration particularly obviously if she's going to be nominated for secretary of state or some other high office," Lieberman said in an interview aired Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union."

Asked by host Candy Crowley whether he'd be an "automatic no" if President Barack Obama nominates Rice, Lieberman said he wouldn't be.

"She's had a distinguished career up until now," Lieberman said. "Secondly, I don't know, I don't feel that I know exactly what she was told before she went on TV that Sunday morning, and I think we ought to find out before we decide on whether she's a good or bad public servant."
She has proven that she is not qualified to be SOS, at the very least. We need to know what she knew, when did she know it, and who directed her to say what! The American people deserve that -we have FOUR DEAD AMERICANS INCLUDING OUR AMBASSADOR!!!
Totally unfit morally!

As I said before ... she should take a long vacation in Puerto Vallarta.

She doesn't belong in politics.
a fleeting thought--

Susan Rice is being 'rewarded'?

Susan Collins/Maine, interviewed her today and is also perplexed. It sounded like she has been employed by ?? the State Dept and/or UN prior to this appointment. There were questions about an embassy in Africa--requests for security/defense that went unanswered. It seems that she was not directly responsible for this embassy. Collins concerns were not clarified from today's responses.

As a 'person-on-the-street' I am left with the impression that this appointment has a hidden agenda. Great. Swell.

I thought Hillary Clinton put in some long hours and hard work --so all of that is for naught?

She was assistant SoS under Clinton, and approved BY THE SENATE for UN Secretary.
Funny, they used to think she was well qualified. Amazing how getting your ass kicked in an election makes a political party crazy.
She has proven that she is not qualified to be SOS, at the very least. We need to know what she knew, when did she know it, and who directed her to say what! The American people deserve that -we have FOUR DEAD AMERICANS INCLUDING OUR AMBASSADOR!!!

Yep..and Condi Rice..who said we can't wait until there's a mushroom cloud over an American city before we hit Iraq..was..qualified.

How many Americans did we lose there? guys are rich.
Fuck that. She's gonna make a fine SOS........if that is what our messiah wants.

"I think, particularly in fairness to Ambassador Rice, there ought to be the widest public airing of what led to her statements and others in the administration particularly obviously if she's going to be nominated for secretary of state or some other high office," Lieberman said in an interview aired Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union."

Asked by host Candy Crowley whether he'd be an "automatic no" if President Barack Obama nominates Rice, Lieberman said he wouldn't be.

"She's had a distinguished career up until now," Lieberman said. "Secondly, I don't know, I don't feel that I know exactly what she was told before she went on TV that Sunday morning, and I think we ought to find out before we decide on whether she's a good or bad public servant."

??It is pretty clear to me at this point--that 'Someone' doesn't want to reveal what she was told before she went on TV. Quite tired of this--'The FBI did it, no, the CIA did it...' This sort shifting makes things sound worse and worse. By the second day after the attack the Libyans announced that rogue Al Qaeda squads/gangs were involved. So keep up this 'We don't know--just cannot be certain how the facts were changed.'
a fleeting thought--

Susan Rice is being 'rewarded'?

Susan Collins/Maine, interviewed her today and is also perplexed. It sounded like she has been employed by ?? the State Dept and/or UN prior to this appointment. There were questions about an embassy in Africa--requests for security/defense that went unanswered. It seems that she was not directly responsible for this embassy. Collins concerns were not clarified from today's responses.

As a 'person-on-the-street' I am left with the impression that this appointment has a hidden agenda. Great. Swell.

I thought Hillary Clinton put in some long hours and hard work --so all of that is for naught?

She was assistant SoS under Clinton, and approved BY THE SENATE for UN Secretary.
Funny, they used to think she was well qualified. Amazing how getting your ass kicked in an election makes a political party crazy.

I think the questions are reasonable. There was a rather complex conspiracy being floated. Something like this--Susan Rice was intentionally nominated for SOS because the Wh 'knew' that the Republicans would be drawn to the 'bait' and distracted from I-don't-know-what, perhaps the fiscal cliff? Then after the drama was over --a new nominee would be unveiled, perhaps less qualified but the one that was preferred all along.

Childish--wasteful of national resources. I think so.
a fleeting thought--

Susan Rice is being 'rewarded'?

Susan Collins/Maine, interviewed her today and is also perplexed. It sounded like she has been employed by ?? the State Dept and/or UN prior to this appointment. There were questions about an embassy in Africa--requests for security/defense that went unanswered. It seems that she was not directly responsible for this embassy. Collins concerns were not clarified from today's responses.

As a 'person-on-the-street' I am left with the impression that this appointment has a hidden agenda. Great. Swell.

I thought Hillary Clinton put in some long hours and hard work --so all of that is for naught?

She was assistant SoS under Clinton, and approved BY THE SENATE for UN Secretary.
Funny, they used to think she was well qualified. Amazing how getting your ass kicked in an election makes a political party crazy.

lol....Ambassador to the UN is by no means equatable to the Secretary of State.

ANd lets be honest and almost everyone else had no idea who she was until the Benghazi debacle.

Her first time on the public stage she offered up wrong information. She read two reports, both with confilicting information...and as opposed to asking WHY they conflict, she spoke definitively about one of them....sadly, the wrong one.

So she failed.

That makes her ideal?
Totally unfit morally!

As I said before ... she should take a long vacation in Puerto Vallarta.

She doesn't belong in politics.

She already must have. Or something.

That is NOT the face of an African American woman but the face of a white woman who either spent too much time in the sun in the tropics or had a contest with John Boehner who can stay longer in the tanning bed.
She is just as qualified as Condoleezza Rice was. I know three Senator who are a disgrace to the intitution and should resign immediately. Wanna guess who they are?

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