Swastikas Spray Painted at UC Davis Jewish Fraternity House


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Jew hatred in our colleges driven by the BDS Movement:mad:


When they woke up on the Jewish Sabbath, students at a Jewish fraternity at UC Davis found two red swastikas spray painted on their house and on the ground behind a door nearby.

Nathaniel Bernhard, vice president of Alpha Epsilon Pi's Davis chapter, told the Sacramento Bee the vandalism took place between 3 and 9 a.m. Saturday. The fraternity house is located off campus.

One swastika was spray painted on the wall of the yellow two-story building, and the other was on the ground outside a back door. After the swastikas were found, NBC affiliate KCRA spotted students waving Israeli flags to combat the hateful icons.

Davis Police Sgt. Trevor Edens told KCRA that police will be monitoring social media to see if anyone starts bragging about what they did.

Brysk noted the timing of the swastikas, as well.

"We are extremely concerned that this hate crime occurred directly on the heels of a UC Davis student senate vote supporting the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement," he said "BDS activists have been known to employ Holocaust imagery and themes in an attempt to garner support for their cause."

As of Monday, no arrests have been made.

Swastikas Spray Painted at Off-Campus UC Davis Jewish Fraternity House NBC Bay Area
What are the odds it was a USMB member who did this or instigated it somehow?
Why is this even news? Some assclown paints a swastika at a frat house. BFD. I mean...c'mon.
It has as much right to be "news" as the last and next frat house to have ni**er painted on it. That's always news. Or somebody at Missouri Univ. throwing cotton balls all over the yard of a black fraternity house. That was BIG news in Missouri.
Why is this even news? Some assclown paints a swastika at a frat house. BFD. I mean...c'mon.
It has as much right to be "news" as the last and next frat house to have ni**er painted on it. That's always news. Or somebody at Missouri Univ. throwing cotton balls all over the yard of a black fraternity house. That was BIG news in Missouri.

Yea, yea, blah, blah, blah. This kind of shit happened monthly at the California State University campus on Humboldt Bay where I used to live. It stopped after three students in a row were identified as would-be Marxist "activists" encouraged to race-bait thus by faculty...even Marxist Jewish faculty I'm sure. No more dayglow "niqqer" graffiti on US 101 overpasses, no more "kill the Jews" on abandoned warehouses, no more swastikas on sidewalk curbs in front of specific retailers. Anytime I see someone going apeshit over someone else painting a swastika, the first thing that enters my mind is "left-think." It's the kind of thing that reptilian leftists do...almost exclusively. And they're motivated by nothing more than visceral hatred.
Why is this even news? Some assclown paints a swastika at a frat house. BFD. I mean...c'mon.
It has as much right to be "news" as the last and next frat house to have ni**er painted on it. That's always news. Or somebody at Missouri Univ. throwing cotton balls all over the yard of a black fraternity house. That was BIG news in Missouri.

Yea, yea, blah, blah, blah. This kind of shit happened monthly at the California State University campus on Humboldt Bay where I used to live. It stopped after three students in a row were identified as would-be Marxist "activists" encouraged to race-bait thus by faculty...even Marxist Jewish faculty I'm sure. No more dayglow "niqqer" graffiti on US 101 overpasses, no more "kill the Jews" on abandoned warehouses, no more swastikas on sidewalk curbs in front of specific retailers. Anytime I see someone going apeshit over someone else painting a swastika, the first thing that enters my mind is "left-think." It's the kind of thing that reptilian leftists do...almost exclusively. And they're motivated by nothing more than visceral hatred.
That's why Jews vote Democratic. Give it up.
Why is this even news? Some assclown paints a swastika at a frat house. BFD. I mean...c'mon.

The University of Michigan would not explain how it is responding to death threats and racial epithets that were reportedly issued by pro-Palestinian activists at students who oppose a resolution to divest from Israel.

University of Michigan police were first contacted last week after two pro-Palestinian activists shouted “threats of violence” at a student who refused to support their boycott initiative during a “sit-in” at the student government’s headquarters.

The Washington Free Beacon has further learned that the pro-Israel student received death threats and that others have allegedly been called “kikes” and “dirty Jews” by backers of the virulently anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which aims to delegitimize the Jewish state through economic means.

The atmosphere of intimidation and violence could leave the University of Michigan vulnerable to legal action and political retribution on a national scale, according to multiple sources in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere who are monitoring the situation.

Kenneth Marcus, a former staff director at the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, told the Free Beacon that he has contacted high-level university officials to discuss the situation but that these calls have yet to be returned

U. Michigan BDS antisemitism Israel hate
Why is this even news? Some assclown paints a swastika at a frat house. BFD. I mean...c'mon.
It has as much right to be "news" as the last and next frat house to have ni**er painted on it. That's always news. Or somebody at Missouri Univ. throwing cotton balls all over the yard of a black fraternity house. That was BIG news in Missouri.

Yea, yea, blah, blah, blah. This kind of shit happened monthly at the California State University campus on Humboldt Bay where I used to live. It stopped after three students in a row were identified as would-be Marxist "activists" encouraged to race-bait thus by faculty...even Marxist Jewish faculty I'm sure. No more dayglow "niqqer" graffiti on US 101 overpasses, no more "kill the Jews" on abandoned warehouses, no more swastikas on sidewalk curbs in front of specific retailers. Anytime I see someone going apeshit over someone else painting a swastika, the first thing that enters my mind is "left-think." It's the kind of thing that reptilian leftists do...almost exclusively. And they're motivated by nothing more than visceral hatred.

How about you learn something before running your mouth. the leftist are with the BDS movement...

The BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israel) movement has assembled a rather strange sort of bedfellows. It is led by Arab-Muslim professional propagandists who seek Israel’s destruction, along with leftist students and faculty members seeking a ‘cause,’ and non-better than one “to stick it to the Jews.” Among them, one could find naïve students with little understanding of the history of the Middle East or the Arab-Israeli conflict. It matters not that their cause is unjust, and transparently anti-Semitic, or that the Arab world unlike Israel’s open democracy is homophobic, enslaves women, is utterly intolerant of Christians and Jews, or that its schools breed hatred and misanthropy.

The Hate and Hypocrisy of the BDS Movement FrontPage Magazine
Why is this even news? Some assclown paints a swastika at a frat house. BFD. I mean...c'mon.

The University of Michigan would not explain how it is responding to death threats and racial epithets that were reportedly issued by pro-Palestinian activists at students who oppose a resolution to divest from Israel.

University of Michigan police were first contacted last week after two pro-Palestinian activists shouted “threats of violence” at a student who refused to support their boycott initiative during a “sit-in” at the student government’s headquarters.

The Washington Free Beacon has further learned that the pro-Israel student received death threats and that others have allegedly been called “kikes” and “dirty Jews” by backers of the virulently anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which aims to delegitimize the Jewish state through economic means.

The atmosphere of intimidation and violence could leave the University of Michigan vulnerable to legal action and political retribution on a national scale, according to multiple sources in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere who are monitoring the situation.

Kenneth Marcus, a former staff director at the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, told the Free Beacon that he has contacted high-level university officials to discuss the situation but that these calls have yet to be returned

U. Michigan BDS antisemitism Israel hate

The University of Michigan is a hotbed of Palestinian/Marxist faculty collusion in their exhibitions of Jew-hate. It's as bad as Berkeley. And of course no one ever gets censured, much less fired.
Why is this even news? Some assclown paints a swastika at a frat house. BFD. I mean...c'mon.
It has as much right to be "news" as the last and next frat house to have ni**er painted on it. That's always news. Or somebody at Missouri Univ. throwing cotton balls all over the yard of a black fraternity house. That was BIG news in Missouri.

Yea, yea, blah, blah, blah. This kind of shit happened monthly at the California State University campus on Humboldt Bay where I used to live. It stopped after three students in a row were identified as would-be Marxist "activists" encouraged to race-bait thus by faculty...even Marxist Jewish faculty I'm sure. No more dayglow "niqqer" graffiti on US 101 overpasses, no more "kill the Jews" on abandoned warehouses, no more swastikas on sidewalk curbs in front of specific retailers. Anytime I see someone going apeshit over someone else painting a swastika, the first thing that enters my mind is "left-think." It's the kind of thing that reptilian leftists do...almost exclusively. And they're motivated by nothing more than visceral hatred.

How about you learn something before running your mouth. the leftist are with the BDS movement...

The BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israel) movement has assembled a rather strange sort of bedfellows. It is led by Arab-Muslim professional propagandists who seek Israel’s destruction, along with leftist students and faculty members seeking a ‘cause,’ and non-better than one “to stick it to the Jews.” Among them, one could find naïve students with little understanding of the history of the Middle East or the Arab-Israeli conflict. It matters not that their cause is unjust, and transparently anti-Semitic, or that the Arab world unlike Israel’s open democracy is homophobic, enslaves women, is utterly intolerant of Christians and Jews, or that its schools breed hatred and misanthropy.

The Hate and Hypocrisy of the BDS Movement FrontPage Magazine

That's what I spent a paragraph trying to explain. Is there a language problem? Is English your second language?
Jew hatred in our colleges driven by the BDS Movement:mad:


When they woke up on the Jewish Sabbath, students at a Jewish fraternity at UC Davis found two red swastikas spray painted on their house and on the ground behind a door nearby.

Nathaniel Bernhard, vice president of Alpha Epsilon Pi's Davis chapter, told the Sacramento Bee the vandalism took place between 3 and 9 a.m. Saturday. The fraternity house is located off campus.

One swastika was spray painted on the wall of the yellow two-story building, and the other was on the ground outside a back door. After the swastikas were found, NBC affiliate KCRA spotted students waving Israeli flags to combat the hateful icons.

Davis Police Sgt. Trevor Edens told KCRA that police will be monitoring social media to see if anyone starts bragging about what they did.

Brysk noted the timing of the swastikas, as well.

"We are extremely concerned that this hate crime occurred directly on the heels of a UC Davis student senate vote supporting the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement," he said "BDS activists have been known to employ Holocaust imagery and themes in an attempt to garner support for their cause."

As of Monday, no arrests have been made.

Swastikas Spray Painted at Off-Campus UC Davis Jewish Fraternity House NBC Bay Area

Someone better check and see where Stevie the racist was Saturday morning....
Why is this even news? Some assclown paints a swastika at a frat house. BFD. I mean...c'mon.
It has as much right to be "news" as the last and next frat house to have ni**er painted on it. That's always news. Or somebody at Missouri Univ. throwing cotton balls all over the yard of a black fraternity house. That was BIG news in Missouri.

Yea, yea, blah, blah, blah. This kind of shit happened monthly at the California State University campus on Humboldt Bay where I used to live. It stopped after three students in a row were identified as would-be Marxist "activists" encouraged to race-bait thus by faculty...even Marxist Jewish faculty I'm sure. No more dayglow "niqqer" graffiti on US 101 overpasses, no more "kill the Jews" on abandoned warehouses, no more swastikas on sidewalk curbs in front of specific retailers. Anytime I see someone going apeshit over someone else painting a swastika, the first thing that enters my mind is "left-think." It's the kind of thing that reptilian leftists do...almost exclusively. And they're motivated by nothing more than visceral hatred.

How about you learn something before running your mouth. the leftist are with the BDS movement...

The BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israel) movement has assembled a rather strange sort of bedfellows. It is led by Arab-Muslim professional propagandists who seek Israel’s destruction, along with leftist students and faculty members seeking a ‘cause,’ and non-better than one “to stick it to the Jews.” Among them, one could find naïve students with little understanding of the history of the Middle East or the Arab-Israeli conflict. It matters not that their cause is unjust, and transparently anti-Semitic, or that the Arab world unlike Israel’s open democracy is homophobic, enslaves women, is utterly intolerant of Christians and Jews, or that its schools breed hatred and misanthropy.

The Hate and Hypocrisy of the BDS Movement FrontPage Magazine

That's what I spent a paragraph trying to explain. Is there a language problem? Is English your second language?
Sorry my mistake, Skimming through all the Jew haters I misread yours.
Hamas On Campus
At U.C. Davis, Students for Justice in Palestine chant "Allahu Akbar," endorse terrorism

Anti-Israel activists at the University of California, Davis heckled Jewish students and shouted “Allahhu Akbar” at them during a vote last week on a resolution endorsing a boycott of the Jewish state, according to video of the event obtained by theWashington Free Beacon.

The commotion erupted late Thursday evening as pro-Israel students attempted to counter a student government resolution to divest from Israel as part of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement.

Activists waving Palestinian flags shouted at the Jewish and pro-Israel students as they left the meeting room ahead of an eight to two vote in favor of the divestment resolution, which is part of a larger movement by anti-Israel groups to attack Israel and pro-Israel students on campus.

“Allahhu Akhbar!” a large group of activists shouted in unison as the pro-Israel students filed out of U.C. Davis’ meeting room,

Hamas On Campus Washington Free Beacon

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