Sweden...changing out the Swedish population for....others, has led to problem after problem...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Here we see what happens when our "betters," make a decision based on their stupidity, and then are insulated from the consequences as normal people suffer...


Sweden has drawn praise for opening its doors to thousands of fleeing Middle Eastern and African refugees and migrants, in numbers comparable only to Germany:

Turns out that wasn't such a bright idea, given that Swedish cities such as Malmö have turned into Muslim-dominant no-go hellholes, which Swedes now find unlivable. The migrants freely admitted to Sweden have placed about as much value on that entry as the price they paid for it, which is nothing.

Now it's the Swedes who are fleeing, setting off a second refugee wave of sorts as Swedes move away to either the Swedish hinterlands or else to other countries, according to this Gatestone report.

Oh, sure — the idea of taking in thousands of unassimilated and hostile Muslims into Sweden's cities may have sounded great to the country's central planners.

Its own population after all, is in a death spiral as a result of its past socialist policies, which created a high-cost, low-marriage, low-child, graying country with a potential pension crisis. But Sweden also wanted to virtue-signal to other countries as it opened its gates to all comers and drew all that U.N. praise.

What this report signals is that Sweden ended up exchanging its well educated, law-abiding, and high-social-capital population for an unemployable, uneducated, lawless, and low-social-capital one. The central planning here — and as this excellent New York Post article notes, it is a country with a lot of central planning — didn't quite work out the way they thought it would. Sweden isn't gaining the population its social engineers thought it would gain from this top-down maneuver; it's actually losing its most productive citizens as an unintended consequence, because for every unassimilated refugee coming in, a Swede is moving out.

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