Sweden Dumps Climate Agenda, Scraps Green Energy Targets


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Sweden has just dealt a severe blow to the globalist climate agenda by scraping its green energy targets.

In a statement announcing the new policy in the Swedish Parliament, Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson warned that the Scandinavian nation needs “a stable energy system.”

Svantesson asserted that wind and solar power are too “unstable” to meet the nation’s energy requirements.

Instead, the Swedish Government is shifting back to nuclear power and has ditched its targets for a “100% renewable energy” supply.

The move is a major blow to unreliable and inefficient technology.

Going nuke.....If true it's quite the about face.
How is going nuclear not going green?

Granted, the Left hates nuclear power, maybe because they just abhor cheap energy for the masses whom they wish to see in Marxist poverty, and dependent on the state.
How is going nuclear not going green?

Granted, the Left hates nuclear power, maybe because they just abhor cheap energy for the masses whom they wish to see in Marxist poverty, and dependent on the state.

You might be on to something. ;)
Another so called Conspiracy being further weakened as Critical Thinkers win another battle . At this rate the Stupids will soon run out of issues to dispute . What a bind the EV apologists are in . How do they gracefully admit that they got it all wrong when they desperately try to give away their heap of junk built around an unaffordable power source ?
It all starts by refuting the worst, most obvious science related fraud of all time, the Co2 fraud.

A fraud that NEVER HAD ANY EVIDENCE to back itself up except fudge, and cannot explain a map of the Arctic today...
Sweden means hydropower ... and an energy exporter ... your source seems to be heavily biased ... so biased as to be falsehoods ... Norway produces even more hydropower ... why would these folks fool around with solar north of the Arctic Circle? ... that doesn't make any sense ...
How is going nuclear not going green?

Granted, the Left hates nuclear power, maybe because they just abhor cheap energy for the masses whom they wish to see in Marxist poverty, and dependent on the state.

Green is the New Red. The Greens hate nuclear because it can't be used to lower standards of living and impoverish the plebes... and there is far less graft to grift.
Another so called Conspiracy being further weakened as Critical Thinkers win another battle . At this rate the Stupids will soon run out of issues to dispute . What a bind the EV apologists are in . How do they gracefully admit that they got it all wrong when they desperately try to give away their heap of junk built around an unaffordable power source ?
Indeed, the henny Penny fear mongering Socialist Marxists' keep telling us the sky is falling and doom is coming if we don't listen to the doomsayers.

The Swedish decision is an important step in the right direction, implicitly acknowledging the low quality of unstable wind and solar, and is part of a general collapse of confidence in the renewable energy agenda pioneered in the Nordic countries and in Germany.
Another so called Conspiracy being further weakened as Critical Thinkers win another battle . At this rate the Stupids will soon run out of issues to dispute . What a bind the EV apologists are in . How do they gracefully admit that they got it all wrong when they desperately try to give away their heap of junk built around an unaffordable power source ?
At least the leaders of Sweden have the good common sense to abandon what is shown not to work. First, they dabbled in socialism and abandoned it when it didn’t work and now, they've abandoned green energy. But stupid leftists here believe that both can work if they just wish it hard enough.
At least the leaders of Sweden have the good common sense to abandon what is shown not to work. First, they dabbled in socialism and abandoned it when it didn’t work and now, they've abandoned green energy. But stupid leftists here believe that both can work if they just wish it hard enough.
I think there has been a bit of an overstatement. What was dumped was the goal of using 100% renewable energy by 2045. They are switching, instead, to nuclear power. And they don't have far to go; 98% of Sweden's energy is already generated by nuclear, hydro and wind. See: Sweden abandons 100% renewable energy goal - Scandasia. And, I repeat that unlike some people, I have no problem whatsoever to properly constructed nuclear power plants.

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