Swedish Gang Rapes: Hundreds Protest After Third Attack In Weeks Leaves 17-Year-Old Hospitalized


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Lefts imported millions of IQ60 illiterate Muslim f...machines to 'enrich' native culture.Now Sweden is 'enriched' and soon finished.Welcome to Swedenstan, Germany coming soon.

Hundreds took to the streets in the southern Swedish town of Malmo this week to protest the government's response to a three brutal gang rapes of teenage girls over a three week period - the most recent of which took place in a playground last Saturday and left a 17-year-old girl hospitalized.

Authorities haven't disclosed the identity of the suspect(s) and have offered scant details of the attack - though it has been described by authorities as particularly brutal, with unconfirmed reports on social media claiming the victim had lighter fluid poured in her vagina and set on fire.
Police say that there is no obvious connection between the incidents, which all took place between midnight and 3am, at playgrounds, in which the assailants were all young men and unknown to their teenage victims, reports SVT. The DNA of the perpetrators has been sent off for analysis, with police hoping to receive answers during the Christmas holidays.

Swedish authorities initially told residents not to worry, however they changed their tune in light of mounting public outrage - telling local women "These predators focus on single women who move themselves outside, adding 'It's about common sense. We are not warning people not to be outside, but to think twice and maybe not walk alone late at night and instead go with others or take a taxi,' said Nilsson.

After a national backlash, Malmo police retracted their statement, with Mr Nilsson saying he had been 'clumsy' choosing his words.

Swedish Gang Rapes: Hundreds Protest After Third Attack In Weeks Leaves 17-Year-Old Hospitalized

bold prediction here......as the % of Islamist increases so will the % of rapes and terrorist mass murder attacks
Lefts imported millions of IQ60 illiterate Muslim f...machines to 'enrich' native culture.Now Sweden is 'enriched' and soon finished.Welcome to Swedenstan, Germany coming soon.
Swedish Gang Rapes: Hundreds Protest After Third Attack In Weeks Leaves 17-Year-Old Hospitalized
The article says nothing about who the perpetrators are. Studies have proven that rapes haven't gone up significantly because of immigration and that there are no such things as "no-go zones" in Sweden. That's just InfoWars-style bullshit.
Lefts imported millions of IQ60 illiterate Muslim f...machines to 'enrich' native culture.Now Sweden is 'enriched' and soon finished.Welcome to Swedenstan, Germany coming soon.
Swedish Gang Rapes: Hundreds Protest After Third Attack In Weeks Leaves 17-Year-Old Hospitalized
The article says nothing about who the perpetrators are. Studies have proven that rapes haven't gone up significantly because of immigration and that there are no such things as "no-go zones" in Sweden. That's just InfoWars-style bullshit.

Don't trust western MS presstitutes.
Here is the Truth!

It seems like they don't know that the army of jihadis they invited into their country hate everything about them with a passion.
Lefts imported millions of IQ60 illiterate Muslim f...machines to 'enrich' native culture.Now Sweden is 'enriched' and soon finished.Welcome to Swedenstan, Germany coming soon.
Swedish Gang Rapes: Hundreds Protest After Third Attack In Weeks Leaves 17-Year-Old Hospitalized
The article says nothing about who the perpetrators are. Studies have proven that rapes haven't gone up significantly because of immigration and that there are no such things as "no-go zones" in Sweden. That's just InfoWars-style bullshit.

Are the Left Wingers defending Islamic rapist and terrorism just for more Democrat votes?
Are the Liberals pretending that it is not really happening just for political correctness?
It just proves that Democrats don't have any real principles and that they are motivated by their hatred of mainstream society.

In Europe, Muslim Extremists Turn To Sexual Terrorism

Islamic Rape Epidemic

German police: It's an Arab rape game called Taharrush, and now it has come to Europe

...it's endless
Lefts imported millions of IQ60 illiterate Muslim f...machines to 'enrich' native culture.Now Sweden is 'enriched' and soon finished.Welcome to Swedenstan, Germany coming soon.
Swedish Gang Rapes: Hundreds Protest After Third Attack In Weeks Leaves 17-Year-Old Hospitalized
The article says nothing about who the perpetrators are. Studies have proven that rapes haven't gone up significantly because of immigration and that there are no such things as "no-go zones" in Sweden. That's just InfoWars-style bullshit.

Are the Left Wingers defending Islamic rapist and terrorism just for more Democrat votes?
Are the Liberals pretending that it is not really happening just for political correctness?
It just proves that Democrats don't have any real principles and that they are motivated by their hatred of mainstream society.

In Europe, Muslim Extremists Turn To Sexual Terrorism

Islamic Rape Epidemic

German police: It's an Arab rape game called Taharrush, and now it has come to Europe

...it's endless

Dems & Co are enemies of the Great Western Christian Civilization, they want to kill white christian man and to invade his countries with troglodytes.
Why they do it? Because they are crazy and believe in their socialist utopia.
Lefts imported millions of IQ60 illiterate Muslim f...machines to 'enrich' native culture.Now Sweden is 'enriched' and soon finished.Welcome to Swedenstan, Germany coming soon.
Swedish Gang Rapes: Hundreds Protest After Third Attack In Weeks Leaves 17-Year-Old Hospitalized
The article says nothing about who the perpetrators are. Studies have proven that rapes haven't gone up significantly because of immigration and that there are no such things as "no-go zones" in Sweden. That's just InfoWars-style bullshit.
People on the left tend to ignore problems because it’s easier than working to solve them.

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