Swiss Pirates*


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
One post-retirement love-letter to blood-diamond new era global intrigue. Enjoy!



Amlan Satan moved to Switzerland and set-up shop as a jewelry-store custom design merchant selling only what he called 'gold diamonds' for the natives of Switzerland.


Satan (Amlan) used to work as an Interpol-relation agent in the North American west underground undermining baron 'blood-diamond' (warlord-mined gems in Africa/Europe used to fund terrorism!) holdings in banks. He'd perform acid-gun theater-heists under the veil of baron-media PR stunts all the while switching blood-diamonds for fakes for Interpol detection. Now, he wanted to retire happily in snowy Switzerland.


Satan (Amlan) functioned as the government-operator 'Sparrow' and had effectively become a modern-day real-world 'pirate' of diamond matrices. This blood-diamond work made him famous or rather like a comic book 'avatar' of great dance, but now he sought a life of Swiss investments, peace, and no conspiracy.


Amlan's girlfriend/fiancee Esmerelda followed him to Switzerland, since she admired his special brand of modern 'diamond dance' ego.


AMLAN: I imagine I'm something like Shiva in Switzerland, god of meditation.
ESMERELDA: Does that make me your deity-damsel Saraswati, goddess of music?
AMLAN: If you find my 'gold diamonds' lyrical, then, yes!
ESMERELDA: What exactly are these 'gold diamonds' of lyrics, Satan?
AMLAN: Darling, they're the cure to Earth-deformity.
ESMERELDA: How's that, sweets?
AMLAN: They cure the human avarice for glass-darkness.


Amlan was always a rogue, but now he was a real eccentric! His girlfriend/fiancee Esmerelda believed he was somewhat too fantastic, so she encouraged him to make amateur home artworks to foster his mental/emotional sense of humility...and civilization sanity.


AMLAN ('Sparrow'): I've discovered the Euro-baron Goldfinger is hiding blood-gems in a Swiss bank, so I'll have to perform one pirate-deed.


Sparrow (Satan/Amlan) walked into the Swiss bank in a Middle Eastern costume, claiming he's a merchant seeking a new private account for a toy store enterprise in Geneva. He also claimed he's a great 'associate' of Baron Goldfinger, insisting to take Polaroid-photos of his blood-gems in his safe-box for a new newspaper editorial titled Becoming Diamond! While taking the photos in the vault-area of the Swiss bank, Amlan (Sparrow) switched the blood-diamonds for fakes hidden in the lining of his jacket. Afterwards, Sparrow remarked at the Euro-splendor of the interior of the awesome Swiss bank itself.


BANK MANAGER: We had no idea this 'Sparrow' was Interpol-looped or some kind of romance agent in media baron theater stunting.


GOLDFINGER: I'm ruined, and that bastard 'Sparrow' will spawn nasty-talk in committees talking about blood-gem diagonals.


Amlan Satan ('Sparrow') had of course no real new intention to use this new media pulpit for diamond market cleaning to interrupt his retirement plans with Esmerelda in Switzerland. He proceeded to move his diamond-assets from the London Underground into his new Swiss 'gold diamond' account and then took his new wife Esmerelda to a Geneva projection-screening of the arthouse-vampirism masterpiece Vampire Hunter D (Japan).


AMLAN: I feel like a Swiss pirate.
ESMERELDA: I just want you feel like a modern husband.


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)


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