Sympathy for the Devil?

I have a question for those who promote the use of torture in interrogations.

Why are there so many different methods of torture? I mean....throughout history, man has invented one method of torture after another. From the earliest rack to spiked helmets to waterboarding.

Why is that? Is this invention necessary?

They are all equally effective when it comes to inflicting pain and all completely worthless when it comes to extracting justifiable intelligence.
Abortion is not murder and a fetus is not a baby.
Not according to Islam. Evil religion yes, but they didn't murder 50 million babies.

So what? This is the United States. Supernatural deities are having diminishing influence. Here terminating a pregnancy is not equal to murdering a baby.
So with no deities there's no moral high ground because there's no standard by which to judge. Either way your argument fails.

There is no argument. You said we murder 1.3 million babies. We don't.
You're right. "We" don't. You do. I defend the rights of the unborn and do not share in the blood guilt of a society that sacrifices its own children on the altar of convenience. Nobody who advocates abortion will escape eternal punishment for it. That's you all, not me.

Nope. Murder is a crime.
Abortion is not murder and a fetus is not a baby.
Not according to Islam. Evil religion yes, but they didn't murder 50 million babies.

So what? This is the United States. Supernatural deities are having diminishing influence. Here terminating a pregnancy is not equal to murdering a baby.
Because we exist in some alternative universe?
Actually it is. Try hitting a pregnant woman and causing a miscarriage and see what you get charged with.

The key point you gloss over is her choice.
Choice is irrelevant in determining murder.

Choice. Punching a woman is not her choice, thus hitting her and causing a miscarriage is a crime. Terminating a pregnancy is her lawful choice, not a crime.
Are you really going to use that as an example?


Get it right just once. No one is giving sympathy to anyone. Its about who has higher standards.
Obviously you have no standards other than slip into the gutter with the rest of the snipes.
So you're arguing that a nation that murders 1.3 million babies a year can establish a moral high ground?

Abortion is not murder and a fetus is not a baby.
Not according to Islam. Evil religion yes, but they didn't murder 50 million babies.

So what? This is the United States. Supernatural deities are having diminishing influence. Here terminating a pregnancy is not equal to murdering a baby.
Because we exist in some alternative universe?
Actually it is. Try hitting a pregnant woman and causing a miscarriage and see what you get charged with.
Explain how it fails? Ever hear of MORES?
mores - the essential or characteristic customs and conventions of a community.
morals -a lesson, especially one concerning what is right or prudent, that can be derived from a story, a piece of information, or an experience.
But on second thought talking mores and morals doesn't equate being.

Get it right just once. No one is giving sympathy to anyone. Its about who has higher standards.
Obviously you have no standards other than slip into the gutter with the rest of the snipes.
So you're arguing that a nation that murders 1.3 million babies a year can establish a moral high ground?

Abortion is not murder and a fetus is not a baby.
Not according to Islam. Evil religion yes, but they didn't murder 50 million babies.

So what? This is the United States. Supernatural deities are having diminishing influence. Here terminating a pregnancy is not equal to murdering a baby.
So with no deities there's no moral high ground because there's no standard by which to judge. Either way your argument fails.
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I have a question for those who promote the use of torture in interrogations.

Why are there so many different methods of torture? I mean....throughout history, man has invented one method of torture after another. From the earliest rack to spiked helmets to waterboarding.

Why is that? Is this invention necessary?
There was no torture in interrogations here. You missed the point.
As to your question, I suppose variety is the spice of life and for people who committed actual torture, as opposed to what our CIA did, the desire to inflict pain in multiple ways on one's fellow human beings presented a certain attraction for some sick people.

Hmmmmmm. There was definitely torture here. You would do well to accept that fact.

You think the invention is due to entertainment value? How very simple of you.

I'm thinking the constant invention is an attempt to find something that actually works. Since we know that torture does not makes total sense.
Then we better start prosecuting everyone who "tortures" starting with every police station in the nation. I'll even have to turn myself in for scaring my kids with the Travelocity gnome statue. (You don't want to make it angry) Because if we start with the absurd notion that mental anguish is torture, then every teacher, drill sergeant, and police detective will end up in jail.

We tortured, idiot. Accept it.
Repetition punctuated by a pejorative. You sound desperate. Do you always get a panicky feeling when you lose arguments?
No, because it happens so often he's used to it.
Why is it some people cannot marshal a logical argument and support it with facts? Hell, some people dont know the difference between a fact and an opinion.
Not according to Islam. Evil religion yes, but they didn't murder 50 million babies.

So what? This is the United States. Supernatural deities are having diminishing influence. Here terminating a pregnancy is not equal to murdering a baby.
So with no deities there's no moral high ground because there's no standard by which to judge. Either way your argument fails.

There is no argument. You said we murder 1.3 million babies. We don't.
You're right. "We" don't. You do. I defend the rights of the unborn and do not share in the blood guilt of a society that sacrifices its own children on the altar of convenience. Nobody who advocates abortion will escape eternal punishment for it. That's you all, not me.

Nope. Murder is a crime.
Not according to Islam. Evil religion yes, but they didn't murder 50 million babies.

So what? This is the United States. Supernatural deities are having diminishing influence. Here terminating a pregnancy is not equal to murdering a baby.
Because we exist in some alternative universe?
Actually it is. Try hitting a pregnant woman and causing a miscarriage and see what you get charged with.

The key point you gloss over is her choice.
Choice is irrelevant in determining murder.

Choice. Punching a woman is not her choice, thus hitting her and causing a miscarriage is a crime. Terminating a pregnancy is her lawful choice, not a crime.
If I give you permission to kill me are you off the hook?
I have a question for those who promote the use of torture in interrogations.

Why are there so many different methods of torture? I mean....throughout history, man has invented one method of torture after another. From the earliest rack to spiked helmets to waterboarding.

Why is that? Is this invention necessary?
There was no torture in interrogations here. You missed the point.
As to your question, I suppose variety is the spice of life and for people who committed actual torture, as opposed to what our CIA did, the desire to inflict pain in multiple ways on one's fellow human beings presented a certain attraction for some sick people.

Hmmmmmm. There was definitely torture here. You would do well to accept that fact.

You think the invention is due to entertainment value? How very simple of you.

I'm thinking the constant invention is an attempt to find something that actually works. Since we know that torture does not makes total sense.
Then we better start prosecuting everyone who "tortures" starting with every police station in the nation. I'll even have to turn myself in for scaring my kids with the Travelocity gnome statue. (You don't want to make it angry) Because if we start with the absurd notion that mental anguish is torture, then every teacher, drill sergeant, and police detective will end up in jail.

We tortured, idiot. Accept it.
Repetition punctuated by a pejorative. You sound desperate. Do you always get a panicky feeling when you lose arguments?

I haven't lost anything. I've been forced to repeat facts by idiots who refuse to accept them. I'm going to keep doing so. This is a fact. The United States employed torture techniques while interrogating prisoners of war. We did it. Period.
Wrongfully held? Caught on the battlefield does not equate to being wrongfully held. Sorry, you are far off the mark here.
So the Dems, trying to deflect from Obama's unmitigated record of failure and disaster, are once again beating the dead horse of Bush-era interrogations. You'd think 6 years of this crap would be enough.
Does anyone else here just find themselves unable to garner sympathy for the likes of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his pals in the face of such horrors as being fed Ensure? Compare what we did to what they would have done to Americans given half the chance and I just fail to be outraged.
I hell with them.

They are enemies of the United States and humanity in general. They torture and butcher those they capture and deserve what they get.

To those who disagree..........who the F cares.

Yeah, who cares if more than 20% were wrongfully held and our government lied to us while using techniques looked down upon by the international community and, according to this report, weren't even useful in getting information.
There was no torture in interrogations here. You missed the point.
As to your question, I suppose variety is the spice of life and for people who committed actual torture, as opposed to what our CIA did, the desire to inflict pain in multiple ways on one's fellow human beings presented a certain attraction for some sick people.

Hmmmmmm. There was definitely torture here. You would do well to accept that fact.

You think the invention is due to entertainment value? How very simple of you.

I'm thinking the constant invention is an attempt to find something that actually works. Since we know that torture does not makes total sense.
Then we better start prosecuting everyone who "tortures" starting with every police station in the nation. I'll even have to turn myself in for scaring my kids with the Travelocity gnome statue. (You don't want to make it angry) Because if we start with the absurd notion that mental anguish is torture, then every teacher, drill sergeant, and police detective will end up in jail.

We tortured, idiot. Accept it.
Repetition punctuated by a pejorative. You sound desperate. Do you always get a panicky feeling when you lose arguments?

I haven't lost anything. I've been forced to repeat facts by idiots who refuse to accept them. I'm going to keep doing so. This is a fact. The United States employed torture techniques while interrogating prisoners of war. We did it. Period.
See. DOesnt know the difference between fact and opinion.
How can anyone have a decent discussion when even the basic are beyond his grasp?
Apprehension, detention and control are not interrogation. You seem confused as usual. Try again.
No, you are the one who is confused.
I ask what your definition of torture is, and reply anything that inflicts pain.
I point out routine police work falls under that definition and you need a better defintion. ANd you punk out and deflect to something else.
See the problem here?
My definition, which is still plain to see, had you the guts, integrity and smarts to do so, say torture is using physical pain as a means of interrogation.

You, confused and befuddled as you usually are, are trying to put words ion my mouth at best, demonstrating an acute lack of comprehension at worst.

Try again.
OK. Let's go with that. So about half of what the CIA did was not physical torture at all. Keeping people awake. Pretending to threaten to kill them. Pretending to threaten their families. Nothing physical there. Are you OK with that?
You are in a rhetorical minefield, ain't ya? The last thing you want to address is the ACTUAL TORTURE. Water boarding, probes inserted, mock executions. Dance around, simpleton, dance! You don't have what it takes to discuss the actual torture because either you know in whatever recesses of your being you keep your honesty, it was indeed torture. Or you are too dense to comprehend what torture really is.

I'll leave it to others to make that determination on their own. It should not be tough for anyone with more guts than you.
I should have known you were in no way fit to have a serious discussion. Perhaps if the topic was toilets you might do better. Maybe.
We are trying to determine what you think "the actual torture" is. So far it seems anything the Bush Administration did was actual torture, while anything the Obama Administration does is okey dokey.
And there's yet another sidestep. Once you have been cornered, you drag good oil' Obama into the mix.

You sir, are truly an idiot.
Hmmmmmm. There was definitely torture here. You would do well to accept that fact.

You think the invention is due to entertainment value? How very simple of you.

I'm thinking the constant invention is an attempt to find something that actually works. Since we know that torture does not makes total sense.
Then we better start prosecuting everyone who "tortures" starting with every police station in the nation. I'll even have to turn myself in for scaring my kids with the Travelocity gnome statue. (You don't want to make it angry) Because if we start with the absurd notion that mental anguish is torture, then every teacher, drill sergeant, and police detective will end up in jail.

We tortured, idiot. Accept it.
Repetition punctuated by a pejorative. You sound desperate. Do you always get a panicky feeling when you lose arguments?

I haven't lost anything. I've been forced to repeat facts by idiots who refuse to accept them. I'm going to keep doing so. This is a fact. The United States employed torture techniques while interrogating prisoners of war. We did it. Period.
See. DOesnt know the difference between fact and opinion.
How can anyone have a decent discussion when even the basic are beyond his grasp?

It's a fact. The United States tortured people between 2001 and 2009. It is something we as a nation did. Accept it. Then we can move on.
If I give you permission to kill me are you off the hook?[/QUOTE]

Dr. Kevorkian went to prison for 8 years for assisting in suicides. So, you would definitely be on the hook.
OK libs. Who will answer honestly?

Let's say you caught someone that knew where your child was that going to be killed (for whatever purpose, let's say it's a sacrifice children to Baal cult) and you didn't have much time. How far would you go to get information?
OK libs. Who will answer honestly?

Let's say you caught someone that knew where your child was that going to be killed (for whatever purpose, let's say it's a sacrifice children to Baal cult) and you didn't have much time. How far would you go to get information?

Nutters use the ticking time bomb game......trying to equate personal anguish with national character. It is an insult to the intelligence of others.

Torture doesn't work. I'd buy the suspect a beer and a sandwich....engage him or her in discussions and try to gain trust so that he or she tells me the truth regarding what he or she knows.

If I fail....and my child was killed....I'd cut that fucker open at his neck and shit down his throat.

Good answer, dummy?
OK libs. Who will answer honestly?

Let's say you caught someone that knew where your child was that going to be killed (for whatever purpose, let's say it's a sacrifice children to Baal cult) and you didn't have much time. How far would you go to get information?

I would hand them over to the FBI to interrogate because they know what they are doing and I don't.

And yes, this person will subsequently be tried as an accomplice to a kidnapping and/or murder which is how the system is supposed to work.

Only a fool believes that they are a law unto themselves.

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