Sympathy for the Devil?

The Liberals here are full of shit as usual. If it were their kids, or their family they torture someone until they gave information to try and save their kids and family.

If they say they wouldn't they are lying, are kitty cats, or had their balls cut off somewhere in the past.

I stand by my earlier statements, and continue to believe these libs are full of it.
My definition, which is still plain to see, had you the guts, integrity and smarts to do so, say torture is using physical pain as a means of interrogation.

You, confused and befuddled as you usually are, are trying to put words ion my mouth at best, demonstrating an acute lack of comprehension at worst.

Try again.
OK. Let's go with that. So about half of what the CIA did was not physical torture at all. Keeping people awake. Pretending to threaten to kill them. Pretending to threaten their families. Nothing physical there. Are you OK with that?
You are in a rhetorical minefield, ain't ya? The last thing you want to address is the ACTUAL TORTURE. Water boarding, probes inserted, mock executions. Dance around, simpleton, dance! You don't have what it takes to discuss the actual torture because either you know in whatever recesses of your being you keep your honesty, it was indeed torture. Or you are too dense to comprehend what torture really is.

I'll leave it to others to make that determination on their own. It should not be tough for anyone with more guts than you.
I should have known you were in no way fit to have a serious discussion. Perhaps if the topic was toilets you might do better. Maybe.
We are trying to determine what you think "the actual torture" is. So far it seems anything the Bush Administration did was actual torture, while anything the Obama Administration does is okey dokey.
And there's yet another sidestep. Once you have been cornered, you drag good oil' Obama into the mix.

You sir, are truly an idiot.
You cannot defend your position and that makes me the idiot. Got it.
I can defend my position. But you make a moving target. I said interrogation and you read apprehension and control. I said torture is using pain as an interrogation technique, you talked about a cop handcuffing a street perp.

Talking with you is like telling a six year old "After we clean the garage, we'll go to McDonald's!" Then the kid does everything in his limited power to avoid cleaning the garage and insists that we should leave for McDonald's right now!

Remember this, my slow witted friend, attention to the posts means honesty at least. You seem to not be all that honest in your thinking.
The Liberals here are full of shit as usual. If it were their kids, or their family they torture someone until they gave information to try and save their kids and family.

If they say they wouldn't they are lying, are kitty cats, or had their balls cut off somewhere in the past.

I stand by my earlier statements, and continue to believe these libs are full of it.

If torture worked......I probably would. It doesn't. So.....nope.
The Liberals here are full of shit as usual. If it were their kids, or their family they torture someone until they gave information to try and save their kids and family.

If they say they wouldn't they are lying, are kitty cats, or had their balls cut off somewhere in the past.

I stand by my earlier statements, and continue to believe these libs are full of it.

If torture worked......I probably would. It doesn't. So.....nope.
So then we would disagree..............and that is all.....................

Now please continue with the BS that we are raping little girls and other shit which are absolute lies on this thread........don't remember whether it was you or the old school punk who stated that though.
The Liberals here are full of shit as usual. If it were their kids, or their family they torture someone until they gave information to try and save their kids and family.

If they say they wouldn't they are lying, are kitty cats, or had their balls cut off somewhere in the past.

I stand by my earlier statements, and continue to believe these libs are full of it.

If torture worked......I probably would. It doesn't. So.....nope.
So then we would disagree..............and that is all.....................

Now please continue with the BS that we are raping little girls and other shit which are absolute lies on this thread........don't remember whether it was you or the old school punk who stated that though.

It isn't a disagreement. It's you being wrong. Torture does not work. If you tortured someone who had your kid and was threatening to kill, you'd likely do more harm than good. It's an emotional reaction. It isn't an intelligent one.

And...keep your shit straight.
The Liberals here are full of shit as usual. If it were their kids, or their family they torture someone until they gave information to try and save their kids and family.

If they say they wouldn't they are lying, are kitty cats, or had their balls cut off somewhere in the past.

I stand by my earlier statements, and continue to believe these libs are full of it.

If torture worked......I probably would. It doesn't. So.....nope.
So then we would disagree..............and that is all.....................

Now please continue with the BS that we are raping little girls and other shit which are absolute lies on this thread........don't remember whether it was you or the old school punk who stated that though.

It isn't a disagreement. It's you being wrong. Torture does not work. If you tortured someone who had your kid and was threatening to kill, you'd likely do more harm than good. It's an emotional reaction. It isn't an intelligent one.

And...keep your shit straight.
Again, we's that simple..........
The Liberals here are full of shit as usual. If it were their kids, or their family they torture someone until they gave information to try and save their kids and family.

If they say they wouldn't they are lying, are kitty cats, or had their balls cut off somewhere in the past.

I stand by my earlier statements, and continue to believe these libs are full of it.

If torture worked......I probably would. It doesn't. So.....nope.
So then we would disagree..............and that is all.....................

Now please continue with the BS that we are raping little girls and other shit which are absolute lies on this thread........don't remember whether it was you or the old school punk who stated that though.

It isn't a disagreement. It's you being wrong. Torture does not work. If you tortured someone who had your kid and was threatening to kill, you'd likely do more harm than good. It's an emotional reaction. It isn't an intelligent one.

And...keep your shit straight.
Again, we's that simple.......... You are wrong. It isn't a disagreement when you are wrong. It is you being wrong. Identify it accurately please.
The Liberals here are full of shit as usual. If it were their kids, or their family they torture someone until they gave information to try and save their kids and family.

If they say they wouldn't they are lying, are kitty cats, or had their balls cut off somewhere in the past.

I stand by my earlier statements, and continue to believe these libs are full of it.

If torture worked......I probably would. It doesn't. So.....nope.
So then we would disagree..............and that is all.....................

Now please continue with the BS that we are raping little girls and other shit which are absolute lies on this thread........don't remember whether it was you or the old school punk who stated that though.

It isn't a disagreement. It's you being wrong. Torture does not work. If you tortured someone who had your kid and was threatening to kill, you'd likely do more harm than good. It's an emotional reaction. It isn't an intelligent one.

And...keep your shit straight.
Again, we's that simple.......... You are wrong. It isn't a disagreement when you are wrong. It is you being wrong. Identify it accurately please.
BS..............Just because you say it, and found a study that says so....................and it's 100% the truth.......................
LOL...............Do you sell used cars.....................
If torture worked......I probably would. It doesn't. So.....nope.
So then we would disagree..............and that is all.....................

Now please continue with the BS that we are raping little girls and other shit which are absolute lies on this thread........don't remember whether it was you or the old school punk who stated that though.

It isn't a disagreement. It's you being wrong. Torture does not work. If you tortured someone who had your kid and was threatening to kill, you'd likely do more harm than good. It's an emotional reaction. It isn't an intelligent one.

And...keep your shit straight.
Again, we's that simple.......... You are wrong. It isn't a disagreement when you are wrong. It is you being wrong. Identify it accurately please.
BS..............Just because you say it, and found a study that says so....................and it's 100% the truth.......................
LOL...............Do you sell used cars.....................

I didn't find "a study". There are countless studies. Countless examples of actual interrogators. Our greatest leaders and the worlds greatest thinkers are in agreement. Torture does not work.
The Liberals here are full of shit as usual. If it were their kids, or their family they torture someone until they gave information to try and save their kids and family.

If they say they wouldn't they are lying, are kitty cats, or had their balls cut off somewhere in the past.

I stand by my earlier statements, and continue to believe these libs are full of it.

If torture worked......I probably would. It doesn't. So.....nope.
So then we would disagree..............and that is all.....................

Now please continue with the BS that we are raping little girls and other shit which are absolute lies on this thread........don't remember whether it was you or the old school punk who stated that though.

It isn't a disagreement. It's you being wrong. Torture does not work. If you tortured someone who had your kid and was threatening to kill, you'd likely do more harm than good. It's an emotional reaction. It isn't an intelligent one.

And...keep your shit straight.
I see the right wing is up to it's old tricks again advocating torture. Now they'll have to start another thread saying it's the liberals who are the real fascists, they really are they really are, they really are. Oh, there's a thread right now doing just that.
I see the right wing is up to it's old tricks again advocating torture. Now they'll have to start another thread saying it's the liberals who are the real fascists, they really are they really are, they really are. Oh, there's a thread right now doing just that.
Maybe you should start a thread called tickle me elmo.....................'

TIckle our enemies enough and they give you all the information you ever needed................

Some choose to live in reality................others choose to live in a Utopian world that doesn't exist.
I see the right wing is up to it's old tricks again advocating torture. Now they'll have to start another thread saying it's the liberals who are the real fascists, they really are they really are, they really are. Oh, there's a thread right now doing just that.
Maybe you should start a thread called tickle me elmo.....................'

TIckle our enemies enough and they give you all the information you ever needed................

Some choose to live in reality................others choose to live in a Utopian world that doesn't exist.

Torture someone enough and they'll tell you anything you want to hear. Anyway, no cruel or unusual punishment's in one of the amendments.
Don't you think we should be holding ourselves to a higher standard than our enemy?

Would we be tending to a higher standard, by limiting our interrogations to the practices through which our own troops are trained?

I mean I am a US Marine, who entered service in the mid 70s, who was in subjected to days of sleep deprivation, set into stress postures, subjected to long term exposure to the elements... and that was just in the first 13 weeks of training. From there I was water-boarded, subjected to isolation, starvation and forced into more mind-fuck games than you could imagine if you were given $10,000 for each would-be example.

So if we do that to our best and brightest... (Yep!) on what basis do we claim that doing so to those who murdered 3000 innocent people, which caused us to sent our young men and woman around the world to destroy governments, cripple nations and hunt down the most vile mother-f^*kers on earth, risking the lives of hundreds of thousands, costing the lives of tens of thousands and TRILLIONS of our hard earned dollars?

I see the right wing is up to it's old tricks again advocating torture. Now they'll have to start another thread saying it's the liberals who are the real fascists, they really are they really are, they really are. Oh, there's a thread right now doing just that.

No ya don't... The US didn't torture anyone.

But you feel free to point out the specific individuals you 'know' that have bene tortured and what they were subjected to, and I'll point how how, where and why you're full of shit.
Don't you think we should be holding ourselves to a higher standard than our enemy?

Would we be tending to a higher standard, by limiting our interrogations to the practices through which our own troops are trained?

I mean I am a US Marine, who entered service in the mid 70s, who was in subjected to days of sleep deprivation, set into stress postures, subjected to long term exposure to the elements... and that was just in the first 13 weeks of training. From there I was water-boarded, subjected to isolation, starvation and forced into more mind-fuck games than you could imagine if you were given $10,000 for each would-be example.

So if we do that to our best and brightest... (Yep!) on what basis do we claim that doing so to those who murdered 3000 innocent people, which caused us to sent our young men and woman around the world to destroy governments, cripple nations and hunt down the most vile mother-f^*kers on earth, risking the lives of hundreds of thousands, costing the lives of tens of thousands and TRILLIONS of our hard earned dollars?


It makes us no better than our enemies. Also a little thing called the constitutional amendment that says no cruel or unusual punishment. And like I say, you tortures someone enough, they'll sing. No tell me, what's the difference between your attitude and the attitude of the nazis who thought torture was ok?
Don't you think we should be holding ourselves to a higher standard than our enemy?

Would we be tending to a higher standard, by limiting our interrogations to the practices through which our own troops are trained?

I mean I am a US Marine, who entered service in the mid 70s, who was in subjected to days of sleep deprivation, set into stress postures, subjected to long term exposure to the elements... and that was just in the first 13 weeks of training. From there I was water-boarded, subjected to isolation, starvation and forced into more mind-fuck games than you could imagine if you were given $10,000 for each would-be example.

So if we do that to our best and brightest... (Yep!) on what basis do we claim that doing so to those who murdered 3000 innocent people, which caused us to sent our young men and woman around the world to destroy governments, cripple nations and hunt down the most vile mother-f^*kers on earth, risking the lives of hundreds of thousands, costing the lives of tens of thousands and TRILLIONS of our hard earned dollars?


Don't you think we should be holding ourselves to a higher standard than our enemy?

Would we be tending to a higher standard, by limiting our interrogations to the practices through which our own troops are trained?

I mean I am a US Marine, who entered service in the mid 70s, who was in subjected to days of sleep deprivation, set into stress postures, subjected to long term exposure to the elements... and that was just in the first 13 weeks of training. From there I was water-boarded, subjected to isolation, starvation and forced into more mind-fuck games than you could imagine if you were given $10,000 for each would-be example.

So if we do that to our best and brightest... (Yep!) on what basis do we claim that doing so to those who murdered 3000 innocent people, which caused us to sent our young men and woman around the world to destroy governments, cripple nations and hunt down the most vile mother-f^*kers on earth, risking the lives of hundreds of thousands, costing the lives of tens of thousands and TRILLIONS of our hard earned dollars?



So you believe that to rise to a higher standard, we should treat those who attack us, murder us by the thousands and force us to comb the world tracking them down and killing them, better than we treat our own troops?

Ok... So we now have the input of the imbecile community.

Are there any non-imbeciles that would like to offer some 'feedback'?
Don't you think we should be holding ourselves to a higher standard than our enemy?

Would we be tending to a higher standard, by limiting our interrogations to the practices through which our own troops are trained?

I mean I am a US Marine, who entered service in the mid 70s, who was in subjected to days of sleep deprivation, set into stress postures, subjected to long term exposure to the elements... and that was just in the first 13 weeks of training. From there I was water-boarded, subjected to isolation, starvation and forced into more mind-fuck games than you could imagine if you were given $10,000 for each would-be example.

So if we do that to our best and brightest... (Yep!) on what basis do we claim that doing so to those who murdered 3000 innocent people, which caused us to sent our young men and woman around the world to destroy governments, cripple nations and hunt down the most vile mother-f^*kers on earth, risking the lives of hundreds of thousands, costing the lives of tens of thousands and TRILLIONS of our hard earned dollars?


It makes us no better than our enemies. Also a little thing called the constitutional amendment that says no cruel or unusual punishment. And like I say, you tortures someone enough, they'll sing. No tell me, what's the difference between your attitude and the attitude of the nazis who thought torture was ok?

What is "It"?
I see the right wing is up to it's old tricks again advocating torture. Now they'll have to start another thread saying it's the liberals who are the real fascists, they really are they really are, they really are. Oh, there's a thread right now doing just that.

No ya don't... The US didn't torture anyone.

But you feel free to point out the specific individuals you 'know' that have bene tortured and what they were subjected to, and I'll point how how, where and why you're full of shit.

They just waterboarded and yeah, waterboarding isn't torture, right?
Don't you think we should be holding ourselves to a higher standard than our enemy?

Would we be tending to a higher standard, by limiting our interrogations to the practices through which our own troops are trained?

I mean I am a US Marine, who entered service in the mid 70s, who was in subjected to days of sleep deprivation, set into stress postures, subjected to long term exposure to the elements... and that was just in the first 13 weeks of training. From there I was water-boarded, subjected to isolation, starvation and forced into more mind-fuck games than you could imagine if you were given $10,000 for each would-be example.

So if we do that to our best and brightest... (Yep!) on what basis do we claim that doing so to those who murdered 3000 innocent people, which caused us to sent our young men and woman around the world to destroy governments, cripple nations and hunt down the most vile mother-f^*kers on earth, risking the lives of hundreds of thousands, costing the lives of tens of thousands and TRILLIONS of our hard earned dollars?


Don't you think we should be holding ourselves to a higher standard than our enemy?

Would we be tending to a higher standard, by limiting our interrogations to the practices through which our own troops are trained?

I mean I am a US Marine, who entered service in the mid 70s, who was in subjected to days of sleep deprivation, set into stress postures, subjected to long term exposure to the elements... and that was just in the first 13 weeks of training. From there I was water-boarded, subjected to isolation, starvation and forced into more mind-fuck games than you could imagine if you were given $10,000 for each would-be example.

So if we do that to our best and brightest... (Yep!) on what basis do we claim that doing so to those who murdered 3000 innocent people, which caused us to sent our young men and woman around the world to destroy governments, cripple nations and hunt down the most vile mother-f^*kers on earth, risking the lives of hundreds of thousands, costing the lives of tens of thousands and TRILLIONS of our hard earned dollars?


It makes us no better than our enemies. Also a little thing called the constitutional amendment that says no cruel or unusual punishment. And like I say, you tortures someone enough, they'll sing. No tell me, what's the difference between your attitude and the attitude of the nazis who thought torture was ok?

What is "It"?

That's your answer? Way to go.

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