Symptoms Of A Totalitarian Police State. Does The USA Fit The Description?

What Are The Symptoms Of A Police State? (Unlimited Poll Choices)

  • Censorship

    Votes: 18 78.3%
  • Indoctrination

    Votes: 18 78.3%
  • Persecution Of Political Opponents

    Votes: 18 78.3%
  • Discouraging Religious Liberty

    Votes: 17 73.9%
  • Banana Republic

    Votes: 14 60.9%
  • Kangaroo Courts

    Votes: 18 78.3%
  • Mass Surveillance

    Votes: 18 78.3%
  • Dictatorship or Oligarchy

    Votes: 15 65.2%
  • Excessive Policing

    Votes: 16 69.6%
  • Stifling Public Descent

    Votes: 12 52.2%
  • Banning Public Assemblage

    Votes: 11 47.8%
  • Disarming The Populace

    Votes: 14 60.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 21.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Something not a "symptom" of a "police state" is election of a body of representatives.
Unlimited Poll Choices

Generally speaking, a “Police State” can be described as a totalitarian government that regulates or over-regulates a society by a set of very strict standards. It is usually run by a single individual or political party. It's possible that two parties can share control as long as both parties share a vision of complete control over the populace and are able to work in concert. Any deviation from that specific goal is seen as antagonistic towards the State and will be met with punitive actions.

Current Police States like China and North Korea practice mass surveillance through video monitoring; strategically placed cameras; and other forms of electronic surveillance like monitoring social media sites; cell phone traffic; etc.

It's very common for the leader or leaders of a Police State to persecute and/or arrest and/or assassinate their political opponents. This process is directed via those in power by use of police actions and/or “kangaroo courts” not unlike them found in Banana Republics.

Police States are prone towards censoring information not in line with the official, political narrative and are quick to push their political ideals and agendas via various indoctrination centers like public schools; media outlets (television, radio, newspapers, etc.); school boards meetings; signage; etc.

In your opinion, has the USA become a Banana Republic, Police State, or is she rapidly moving in that direction?

When you have people like Hillary talking about deprogramming Americans that is a great indicator of where America is headed.
Does it count if the totalitarian regime claims it's for your own good? Covid sanctions?
Yup. When the spurious government creates a crisis then enacts laws opposing one's personal liberty as a response to the crisis it created ... then we have a real problem.
Not sure what kinda non-Euclidean "logic" you are attempting to apply here but that is completely unrelated to this topic.
It falls in line with the Police State's indoctrination policies. It's one of the poll answers.
Unlimited Poll Choices

Generally speaking, a “Police State” can be described as a totalitarian government that regulates or over-regulates a society by a set of very strict standards. It is usually run by a single individual or political party. It's possible that two parties can share control as long as both parties share a vision of complete control over the populace and are able to work in concert. Any deviation from that specific goal is seen as antagonistic towards the State and will be met with punitive actions.

Current Police States like China and North Korea practice mass surveillance through video monitoring; strategically placed cameras; and other forms of electronic surveillance like monitoring social media sites; cell phone traffic; etc.

It's very common for the leader or leaders of a Police State to persecute and/or arrest and/or assassinate their political opponents. This process is directed via those in power by use of police actions and/or “kangaroo courts” not unlike them found in Banana Republics.

Police States are prone towards censoring information not in line with the official, political narrative and are quick to push their political ideals and agendas via various indoctrination centers like public schools; media outlets (television, radio, newspapers, etc.); school boards meetings; signage; etc.

In your opinion, has the USA become a Banana Republic, Police State, or is she rapidly moving in that direction?

I suggest you add Russia to your list of police states.

People who parrot their propagandists' talking points about the US being a "banana republic" or a "police state" because we are holding a traitor accountable are members of that traitor's cult who have ZERO clues about what actual police states look like that exist today.

A quick trip to Russia would disavow them of their stupidity.

'Oh wait...

Members of the traitor's cult actually admire the dictator Vladimir Putin who murders journalists and political opponents.

Never mind!
I suggest you add Russia to your list of police states.

People who parrot their propagandists' talking points about the US being a "banana republic" or a "police state" because we are holding a traitor accountable are members of that traitor's cult who have ZERO clues about what actual police states look like that exist today.

A quick trip to Russia would disavow them of their stupidity.

'Oh wait...

Members of the traitor's cult actually admire the dictator Vladimir Putin who murders journalists and political opponents.

Never mind!
Interesting how Socialists accuse a Socialist nation of being a Police State. Of course, you're correct, but you may have to rethink your personal ideology.
YOu conservative types got those first five nailed hands down, and I know fr a fact you're working on the rest as we speak. We must remove the banana republicans from our government if we want to survive as a country.
Who are we prosecuting right now? How many have we had thrown in jail? When do we censor media?

Supreme projection fails too.
Interesting how Socialists accuse a Socialist nation of being a Police State. Of course, you're correct, but you may have to rethink your personal ideology.
My personal ideology is old school conservatism. Something Trumptards know absolutely nothing about.

You'll have to take your snipe hunt elsewhere.
My personal ideology is old school conservatism. Something Trumptards know absolutely nothing about.

You'll have to take your snipe hunt elsewhere.
If you believe in the Bible, the vision of the Founders, the Constitution, nationalism, patriotism, the rule of law, and common decency, then you're on the right path.
Unlimited Poll Choices

Generally speaking, a “Police State” can be described as a totalitarian government that regulates or over-regulates a society by a set of very strict standards. It is usually run by a single individual or political party. It's possible that two parties can share control as long as both parties share a vision of complete control over the populace and are able to work in concert. Any deviation from that specific goal is seen as antagonistic towards the State and will be met with punitive actions.

Current Police States like China and North Korea practice mass surveillance through video monitoring; strategically placed cameras; and other forms of electronic surveillance like monitoring social media sites; cell phone traffic; etc.

It's very common for the leader or leaders of a Police State to persecute and/or arrest and/or assassinate their political opponents. This process is directed via those in power by use of police actions and/or “kangaroo courts” not unlike them found in Banana Republics.

Police States are prone towards censoring information not in line with the official, political narrative and are quick to push their political ideals and agendas via various indoctrination centers like public schools; media outlets (television, radio, newspapers, etc.); school boards meetings; signage; etc.

In your opinion, has the USA become a Banana Republic, Police State, or is she rapidly moving in that direction?

NOPE. But magaturds certainly seem to want to get us there. :dunno:
Who are we prosecuting right now? How many have we had thrown in jail? When do we censor media?

Supreme projection fails too.
"lock her up!! Lock her up!!" SOund familiar? You couldn't have her locked up because she hadn't committed any crimes.

"lock her up!! Lock her up!!" SOund familiar? You couldn't have her locked up because she hadn't committed any crimes.

Hillary admitted on national TV that she had operated thatvserver AND that she had allowed her attorneys to “ vet” all the emails on it. Her
attorneys didn’t have security clearances, let alone the secretaries and low- level associates that actually did the vetting.

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