Symptoms Of A Totalitarian Police State. Does The USA Fit The Description?

What Are The Symptoms Of A Police State? (Unlimited Poll Choices)

  • Censorship

    Votes: 18 78.3%
  • Indoctrination

    Votes: 18 78.3%
  • Persecution Of Political Opponents

    Votes: 18 78.3%
  • Discouraging Religious Liberty

    Votes: 17 73.9%
  • Banana Republic

    Votes: 14 60.9%
  • Kangaroo Courts

    Votes: 18 78.3%
  • Mass Surveillance

    Votes: 18 78.3%
  • Dictatorship or Oligarchy

    Votes: 15 65.2%
  • Excessive Policing

    Votes: 16 69.6%
  • Stifling Public Descent

    Votes: 12 52.2%
  • Banning Public Assemblage

    Votes: 11 47.8%
  • Disarming The Populace

    Votes: 14 60.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 21.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Democrats want to RULE WITH AN IRON FIST. Control every aspect of our lives. What we can think, say, do, buy, read, our right to disagree with them or dare even challenge their lies, corruption and cheating.
That is the ultimate goal, it is the long game, but it is their game, no doubt about that.
The game is called GLOBALIZATION.
Not yet, but I believe you and yours are definitely pulling us in that direction.

COuld you honestly not tell that from my answer?
Haven't Obama and Biden issued executive orders that stifle personal liberty? Isn't Biden's DOJ actively persecuting their political enemies? Remember what your first grade teacher taught you: “When you point your finger at others ... you have three pointing back at you.” Keep those words of wisdom in mind.
3 idiots voted "Banana Republic" ... those are Feudal States ... sheesh ... slaves can't call the police on their masters, so they don't need police ...
Banana Republics are almost always Totalitarian Police States.
There are attributes of every form of government that may be symptoms shared with a police state.
Wrong, I did answer the question, I just didn't give the answer you wanted.
He does make a point. If a person is old enough to determine their gender AND can legally take action to create that gender than logically, they are old enough to own firearms, drink or take any other adult responsibility/privilege. They are also old enough to be held fully legally responsible for their actions.
He does make a point. If a person is old enough to determine their gender AND can legally take action to create that gender than logically, they are old enough to own firearms, drink or take any other adult responsibility/privilege. They are also old enough to be held fully legally responsible for their actions.

WTF are you talking about? That's not even part of the topic here.
The shut down of free speech on political social media sites like YouTube, and Facebook is a sign of a problem . All under the guise “oh it’s a private company”, which ironically it is left wingers saying that. Betraying American values.

When you have massively popular political platforms, like YouTube and Facebook, shutting down the free speech of Trump supporters and response Democrats say

“Its a private company “

When they should say

“that ain’t right “

Another problem is school boards penalizing and silencing parents who complain about boys going into girls bathrooms.
YOu conservative types got those first five nailed hands down, and I know fr a fact you're working on the rest as we speak. We must remove the banana republicans from our government if we want to survive as a country.
You're delusional. Dims are running the police state.
The shut down of free speech on political social media sites like YouTube, and Facebook is a sign of a problem . All under the guise “oh it’s a private company”, which ironically it is left wingers saying that. Betraying American values.

When you have massively popular political platforms, like YouTube and Facebook, shutting down the free speech of Trump supporters and response Democrats say

“Its a private company “

When they should say

“that ain’t right “

Another problem is school boards penalizing and silencing parents who complain about boys going into girls bathrooms.
The FBI was telling youTube and Facebook what to censor, os it isn't a private company.
I put "other" ...

A sure sign of a Police State is the police ... or should I say too many police ... it shouldn't take four white police officers to beat to death a black motorist ... that's three white officers too many ... they get bored sitting around with nothing else to do ...

911 service is for fire and medical emergencies ... you can take your petty problems to the police station during normal business hours ... so, you know it's a police state when people stop solving their own problems and call the police ...

This thread is proof there is no police state here ... police states don't allow police states to be discussed ...
An occasional police beating is not the sign of a a police state. The mass arrest of political protesters is an unnistable sign.
Unlimited Poll Choices

Generally speaking, a “Police State” can be described as a totalitarian government that regulates or over-regulates a society by a set of very strict standards. It is usually run by a single individual or political party. It's possible that two parties can share control as long as both parties share a vision of complete control over the populace and are able to work in concert. Any deviation from that specific goal is seen as antagonistic towards the State and will be met with punitive actions.

Current Police States like China and North Korea practice mass surveillance through video monitoring; strategically placed cameras; and other forms of electronic surveillance like monitoring social media sites; cell phone traffic; etc.

It's very common for the leader or leaders of a Police State to persecute and/or arrest and/or assassinate their political opponents. This process is directed via those in power by use of police actions and/or “kangaroo courts” not unlike them found in Banana Republics.

Police States are prone towards censoring information not in line with the official, political narrative and are quick to push their political ideals and agendas via various indoctrination centers like public schools; media outlets (television, radio, newspapers, etc.); school boards meetings; signage; etc.

In your opinion, has the USA become a Banana Republic, Police State, or is she rapidly moving in that direction?

Thanks to Thief in Chief Biden, his DOJ and IRS among others we are headed in that direction.

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