Syria plan blows up in Obama's face


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
heh....even The Nation is criticizing Obiewan....

President Obama’s catastrophically bad idea of arming Syria’s rebels is exploding in his face like one of Laurel and Hardy’s cigars.

The rebels are battling each other—including beheadings!—amid growing atrocities by the Islamists and pro–Al Qaeda types among them. President Bashar al-Assad is chortling that the toppling of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt kicks the pins out from under the Muslim Brotherhood–led factions in Syria. Congress, normally a pushover for anything like a covert operation backed by the White House, is fighting back. And now the CIA has been forced to warn Hezbollah—yes, you read that correctly: the CIA is warning Hezbollah—that pro–Al Qaeda Syrian rebel factions are planning attacks on Shiites, including Hezbollah, in Lebanon.

Let’s start with that last piece of shocking news first.

Read more: Syria Plan Blows Up in Obama's Face | The Nation Syria Plan Blows Up in Obama's Face | The Nation
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Our Foreign Policy is being conducted as if a Community Organizer is running the show. Same for our Health Care Policy.

IRS, Justice, NSA are reminiscent of Brezhnev's Soviet Union, an overall apparatus for oppression that Nixon could only have dreamed of.

Headed toward 17 trillion in debt. Can't afford to let school kids tour the White House & can barely afford a 100 million dollars for the President and his entourage to vacation in Africa.

Untroubled by scruples, our President has taken to enforcing the laws selectively, dependent entirely on his discretion, in spite of clear constitutional language to the effect that he "shall faithfully execute the laws".

But good news is at hand.

As has always happened so far in our history, the American people are waking up.

It is in the nick of time.
The thing should worry about most is Israel's ridiculous attacks on Syria and the Russian reaction that will eventually come if it continues.
The Nation is not the only left wing commentary source of stature to point out that Obama has pretty much conducted the whole mid east, arab spring issue with very poor political acumen or alacrity.

I don't think its funny, we will suffer for all this, not today, not even in 6 months, but, we will....

The thing is, we have to sppt any overthrow of Assad and due to obamas amateurish handling of the Mid east these are the playas we are stuck with...
I said it before and I'll say it again. Hussein Obama is Jimmy Carter on steroids.

Just like 30 years later we and the world are still paying for Carter's major fuckups, it'll take even longer after Hussein has left the building. And we'll be wondering and discussing "how did we let the left and media help this shyster con artist Obama pull the wool on us like this?" .
I said it before and I'll say it again. Hussein Obama is Jimmy Carter on steroids.

Just like 30 years later we and the world are still paying for Carter's major fuckups, it'll take even longer after Hussein has left the building. And we'll be wondering and discussing "how did we let the left and media help this shyster con artist Obama pull the wool on us like this?" .
I don't know, Roudy. The left has made up its mind to destroy the right. If hatred gets any worse, the dam is going to break.
I said it before and I'll say it again. Hussein Obama is Jimmy Carter on steroids.

Just like 30 years later we and the world are still paying for Carter's major fuckups, it'll take even longer after Hussein has left the building. And we'll be wondering and discussing "how did we let the left and media help this shyster con artist Obama pull the wool on us like this?" .
I don't know, Roudy. The left has made up its mind to destroy the right. If hatred gets any worse, the dam is going to break.
I agree. And it seems like they'll do anything to achieve that goal.
The thing is, we have to sppt any overthrow of Assad and due to obamas amateurish handling of the Mid east these are the playas we are stuck with...
Even if it means supporting Al Qaida in the process right?

Next thing you know Trajan is gonna' change his name to Caligula!
The thing is, we have to sppt any overthrow of Assad and due to obamas amateurish handling of the Mid east these are the playas we are stuck with...
Even if it means supporting Al Qaida in the process right?

Next thing you know Trajan is gonna' change his name to Caligula!

Geo-politics is a harsh game and can be unforgiving in the present.

we have to think ahead 5- 10 years, who are we better off with, and without? I vote to take Assad down, there by taking Iran and Hezbollah down a peg, we'll deal with AQ later....

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