Syria refugees suffer Lebanon’s bitter cold


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
We should all be grateful that we are now sitting in our warm homes and not freezing like this people.

Syria refugees suffer Lebanon’s bitter cold
Dec 27, 2014 - Serene ASSIR |
With just blankets to shield them against the icy wind and rain, Abu Ali’s family huddles in a flimsy tent in Lebanon among the thousands of Syrian refugees struggling as winter sets in.

Abu Ali, 60, is now relatively safe after fleeing the threat of the ISIS in northern Syria’s Raqa province, but some of his 14 children are already coughing badly.

They have taken shelter at an unofficial camp in Al-Saadiyeh, a village in the eastern Bekaa Valley home to tens of thousands of Syrian refugees inadequately equipped to cope with the cold.

“This is our first winter here. We really didn’t expect it to be so cold,” said Abu Ali.

Syria refugees suffer Lebanon s bitter cold The Asian Age?
We should all be grateful that we are now sitting in our warm homes and not freezing like this people.

Syria refugees suffer Lebanon’s bitter cold
Dec 27, 2014 - Serene ASSIR |
With just blankets to shield them against the icy wind and rain, Abu Ali’s family huddles in a flimsy tent in Lebanon among the thousands of Syrian refugees struggling as winter sets in.

Abu Ali, 60, is now relatively safe after fleeing the threat of the ISIS in northern Syria’s Raqa province, but some of his 14 children are already coughing badly.

They have taken shelter at an unofficial camp in Al-Saadiyeh, a village in the eastern Bekaa Valley home to tens of thousands of Syrian refugees inadequately equipped to cope with the cold.

“This is our first winter here. We really didn’t expect it to be so cold,” said Abu Ali.

Syria refugees suffer Lebanon s bitter cold The Asian Age?
I really feel sorry for the millions of refugees and wish there was some way to help them all.
We should all be grateful that we are now sitting in our warm homes and not freezing like this people.

Syria refugees suffer Lebanon’s bitter cold
Dec 27, 2014 - Serene ASSIR |
With just blankets to shield them against the icy wind and rain, Abu Ali’s family huddles in a flimsy tent in Lebanon among the thousands of Syrian refugees struggling as winter sets in.

Abu Ali, 60, is now relatively safe after fleeing the threat of the ISIS in northern Syria’s Raqa province, but some of his 14 children are already coughing badly.

They have taken shelter at an unofficial camp in Al-Saadiyeh, a village in the eastern Bekaa Valley home to tens of thousands of Syrian refugees inadequately equipped to cope with the cold.

“This is our first winter here. We really didn’t expect it to be so cold,” said Abu Ali.

Syria refugees suffer Lebanon s bitter cold The Asian Age?
Oh my........ :cool:
The Zionist contribution to Syrian suffering:
"Zero-sum equations have been the name of the game in the Middle East since the early Zionist
settlements in the late 19th century. The classic Zionist motto, 'One dunum here, one dunum
has come to exemplify this logic for all the parties concerned, and the zero-sum logic
continues to regulate the peace process to date: the dunum Israelis gain Arabs lose and vice versa,
down to the ultimate square foot of disputed land. Over a century later, the published Draft
Treaty between Syria and Israel ('Establishment of Peace and Security within Recognized
Boundaries' ─, first disclosed by Ha’aretz, 13 January 2000), illustrates throughout the
persistence of this logic."
The Zionist contribution to Syrian suffering:
"Zero-sum equations have been the name of the game in the Middle East since the early Zionist
settlements in the late 19th century. The classic Zionist motto, 'One dunum here, one dunum
has come to exemplify this logic for all the parties concerned, and the zero-sum logic
continues to regulate the peace process to date: the dunum Israelis gain Arabs lose and vice versa,
down to the ultimate square foot of disputed land. Over a century later, the published Draft
Treaty between Syria and Israel ('Establishment of Peace and Security within Recognized
Boundaries' ─, first disclosed by Ha’aretz, 13 January 2000), illustrates throughout the
persistence of this logic."

Oh look, Gaza George sitting in his little subsidized apartment partly paid for by the taxpayers in Los Angeles (which includes the Jews) is back with his Zionist shtick. All losers always need a scapegoat, and the Jews are his. Meanwhile, does anyone think that Gaza George cares about this people who are freezing as described in the article? As long as he is warm and comfortable, these people never cross his mind (unless of course he can find some way to blame those darn Zionists for their condition).
Meanwhile, does anyone think that Gaza George cares about this people who are freezing as described in the article? As long as he is warm and comfortable, these people never cross his mind (unless of course he can find some way to blame those darn Zionists for their condition).
"For several years, the Syrian government has been talking of 'a full withdrawal of the Golan',
specified in the now famous formula of the June 4, 1967 line, as the bottom line for any

"The principle proposed by the late Syrian president in August 1993 [Patrick Seale,
'The Syria-Israel negotiations: Who is telling the truth ?', Journal of Palestine Studies, 29:2,
2000, 69.] has strong grounds in international law, and is embedded in Resolution 242 as 'the
inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war', a resolution upon which the Madrid
invitation of 1991 was based.

"The bottomline for successive Israeli governments is also entrenched in law. It is based on the
1923 Map set by France and Britain over Syria and Palestine, and known as the PauletNewcombe

"The Israelis have traditionally vindicatesd Paulet-Newcombe as the
“international boundary” between the two former Mandatory Powers on the basis of the sanctity
of colonial borders.

"They also rest their case on the argument that Israel is the Successor State to

^Do you believe that?^
Meanwhile, does anyone think that Gaza George cares about this people who are freezing as described in the article? As long as he is warm and comfortable, these people never cross his mind (unless of course he can find some way to blame those darn Zionists for their condition).
"For several years, the Syrian government has been talking of 'a full withdrawal of the Golan',
specified in the now famous formula of the June 4, 1967 line, as the bottom line for any

"The principle proposed by the late Syrian president in August 1993 [Patrick Seale,
'The Syria-Israel negotiations: Who is telling the truth ?', Journal of Palestine Studies, 29:2,
2000, 69.] has strong grounds in international law, and is embedded in Resolution 242 as 'the
inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war', a resolution upon which the Madrid
invitation of 1991 was based.

"The bottomline for successive Israeli governments is also entrenched in law. It is based on the
1923 Map set by France and Britain over Syria and Palestine, and known as the PauletNewcombe

"The Israelis have traditionally vindicatesd Paulet-Newcombe as the
“international boundary” between the two former Mandatory Powers on the basis of the sanctity
of colonial borders.

"They also rest their case on the argument that Israel is the Successor State to

^Do you believe that?^

Gaza George, you can cut and paste all you want to, but the bottom line is that you care nothing about the refugees who are cold and starving and just look upon their suffering as a chance to bring up your scapegoats (the Jews) again.
No doubt some of these refugees will be coming to America; and since they will be attending churches and mosques with their relatives here, why not stand outside and as they exit from the services tell them it was all the "Zionists" fault.
Gaza George, you can cut and paste all you want to, but the bottom line is that you care nothing about the refugees who are cold and starving and just look upon their suffering as a chance to bring up your scapegoats (the Jews) again.
Inflicting a Jewish state within Palestine during a time when Jews were ten percent of all Palestinians is where the misery started; not that a self-absorbed, kosher hack like you would know.
This has got nothing to do with Israel and Jews, and everything to do with Syrian refugees suffering from cold and hunger in a strange land, with little or no support to help sustain them through the coming winter.

Where are the billionaires of the Arab League and their respective governments in all of this?

Why are they not pumping ship after ship and plane after plane full of men and materials and foodstuffs and equipment into these areas, to help alleviate the suffering of their co-religionists and ethnic brethren?

Why is the Ummah not moving more quickly and effectively to relieve this suffering?
Gaza George, you can cut and paste all you want to, but the bottom line is that you care nothing about the refugees who are cold and starving and just look upon their suffering as a chance to bring up your scapegoats (the Jews) again.
Inflicting a Jewish state within Palestine during a time when Jews were ten percent of all Palestinians is where the misery started; not that a self-absorbed, kosher hack like you would know.

Why of course a loser like you knows everything, don't you, Gaza George? That's why you weren't able to get yourself a good job and now have to depend on those who do work hard. Since this thread is about the refugees who are suffering in such inclement weather, how about a little sympathy and compassion for them instead of your dragging in your favorite scapegoats, the Jews? Nobody expects you to contribute anything to a relief organization to help these unfortunate people, do they, but at least keep your scapegoats out of this thread and concentrate what the thread is all about.
This has got nothing to do with Israel and Jews, and everything to do with Syrian refugees suffering from cold and hunger in a strange land, with little or no support to help sustain them through the coming winter.
In fact it has everything to do with al-Nakba and the thousands of refugees driven by rabid Jews into Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and Syria in 1948. Since you regularly endorse greater ethnic cleansing in Palestine, I'm not surprised you're blind to the reality of the Zionist zero-sum game that's gone on for nearly a century now.
Gaza George, you can cut and paste all you want to, but the bottom line is that you care nothing about the refugees who are cold and starving and just look upon their suffering as a chance to bring up your scapegoats (the Jews) again.
Inflicting a Jewish state within Palestine during a time when Jews were ten percent of all Palestinians is where the misery started; not that a self-absorbed, kosher hack like you would know.

Why of course a loser like you knows everything, don't you, Gaza George? That's why you weren't able to get yourself a good job and now have to depend on those who do work hard. Since this thread is about the refugees who are suffering in such inclement weather, how about a little sympathy and compassion for them instead of your dragging in your favorite scapegoats, the Jews? Nobody expects you to contribute anything to a relief organization to help these unfortunate people, do they, but at least keep your scapegoats out of this thread and concentrate what the thread is all about.
Gaza George, you can cut and paste all you want to, but the bottom line is that you care nothing about the refugees who are cold and starving and just look upon their suffering as a chance to bring up your scapegoats (the Jews) again.
Inflicting a Jewish state within Palestine during a time when Jews were ten percent of all Palestinians is where the misery started; not that a self-absorbed, kosher hack like you would know.

Why of course a loser like you knows everything, don't you, Gaza George? That's why you weren't able to get yourself a good job and now have to depend on those who do work hard. Since this thread is about the refugees who are suffering in such inclement weather, how about a little sympathy and compassion for them instead of your dragging in your favorite scapegoats, the Jews? Nobody expects you to contribute anything to a relief organization to help these unfortunate people, do they, but at least keep your scapegoats out of this thread and concentrate what the thread is all about.

That's very nice, Gaza George. I hear that there is an old synagogue in your area that will be happy to have you come for Hanukkah and have some latkas. Since you actually live in an Hispanic neighborhood, did anyone invite you over for some tamales for Christmas? Now what do Palestinians have to do with the refugees who are suffering. It is quite obvious why you have been such a big loser in life.
This has got nothing to do with Israel and Jews, and everything to do with Syrian refugees suffering from cold and hunger in a strange land, with little or no support to help sustain them through the coming winter.
In fact it has everything to do with al-Nakba and the thousands of refugees driven by rabid Jews into Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and Syria in 1948. Since you regularly endorse greater ethnic cleansing in Palestine, I'm not surprised you're blind to the reality of the Zionist zero-sum game that's gone on for nearly a century now.

Gaza George, this has nothing to do with the Palestinians. You are the one making this about the Palestinians. Two hundred thousands people dead, over a million wounded, and two million refugees (many of whom are starving and freezing), and Gaza George can't show any sympathy but has to make it all about his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. I wonder when Gaza George figures out a way to blame his favorite scapegoats for all the killings of Shiites, Ahmadiyya, and Christians in Pakistasn and other places outside of the Middle East. It will be a difficult endeavor, but Gaza George is putting on his thinking cap and working on it all the time.
That's very nice, Gaza George. I hear that there is an old synagogue in your area that will be happy to have you come for Hanukkah and have some latkas. Since you actually live in an Hispanic neighborhood, did anyone invite you over for some tamales for Christmas? Now what do Palestinians have to do with the refugees who are suffering. It is quite obvious why you have been such a big loser in life.
Why is it you spam this forum with dozens of venal threads you seldom manage to respond to, Alzheimer's?
This has got nothing to do with Israel and Jews, and everything to do with Syrian refugees suffering from cold and hunger in a strange land, with little or no support to help sustain them through the coming winter.
In fact it has everything to do with al-Nakba and the thousands of refugees driven by rabid Jews into Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and Syria in 1948. Since you regularly endorse greater ethnic cleansing in Palestine, I'm not surprised you're blind to the reality of the Zionist zero-sum game that's gone on for nearly a century now.
Oh, horseshit.

This is about long-established Syrian Muslim-Arab population elements in Syria, being driven away from their homes by fighting between other Muslim factions.

This is about their suffering in tents and blankets under the most primitive of conditions, mere days or weeks or months after fleeing from fighting between Muslims.

This is about the need for Relief Efforts, to ease the suffering of these Syrian refugees.

Let's clothe the naked and feed the hungry and warm the frozen and give them shelter from the winter, before we start pissing in the wind about Jews again, eh?

Your posts here are off-topic and should be reported and deleted, as a blatant attempt to hijack yet another thread, to advance your anti-Israeli agenda.
That's very nice, Gaza George. I hear that there is an old synagogue in your area that will be happy to have you come for Hanukkah and have some latkas. Since you actually live in an Hispanic neighborhood, did anyone invite you over for some tamales for Christmas? Now what do Palestinians have to do with the refugees who are suffering. It is quite obvious why you have been such a big loser in life.
Why is it you spam this forum with dozens of venal threads you seldom manage to respond to, Alzheimer's?

You talking about yourself, Gaza George? You have constantly cut and pasted the same old stuff all the time from your favorite websites. Do you think that the viewers have that poor a memory that they don't remember all of this? Meanwhile, have you anything to say about the unfortunate refugees without dragging in your favoriate scapegoats, the Jews? This is what the thread is about -- the suffering refugees.

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