Syria´s Democratic Rebels celebrate Taliban Takeover


Nov 14, 2012
The oh so democratic rebels in oh so democratic Idlib, according to the Jerusalem Post, they are Al-Qaida, celebrate the victory of the Taliban in Afghanistan. The rulers, HTS (Nusra Front rebranding to escape the US terror list, worked under Trump), distribute candy among the population.

"HTS is a descendant of the Syrian equivalent of al-Qaeda. However, in recent years it tried to work more closely with Turkey and the United States. Several US officials in the Trump administration thought it could be an asset against the Iranian- and Russian-backed Syrian regime.
This was Cold War thinking: Use the jihadists against the Russians; use the Sunnis against the Shi’ites.
Nevertheless, there was quiet outreach. There was also one problem: The US sees HTS as a terrorist group, and now the Biden administration has also sanctioned Turkish-backed Ahrar al-Sharqiya, another extremist group."

Not even funny.

So thanks to Joe Biden, radical Islamic factions all over the world are going to be emboldened by the Taliban's win.

You can bet the the 20th anniversary of 9/11 is going to be a hootenanny or a hoedown for them.

Might be a good time to stay frosty and keep your head on a swivel.
So thanks to Joe Biden, radical Islamic factions all over the world are going to be emboldened by the Taliban's win.

You can bet the the 20th anniversary of 9/11 is going to be a hootenanny or a hoedown for them.

Might be a good time to stay frosty and keep your head on a swivel.
Who initiated the US-withdrawal?
So thanks to Joe Biden, radical Islamic factions all over the world are going to be emboldened by the Taliban's win.

You can bet the the 20th anniversary of 9/11 is going to be a hootenanny or a hoedown for them.

Might be a good time to stay frosty and keep your head on a swivel.
So some Syrians celebrated the Taliban taking over Afghanistan....

And some Kurds are somewhere saying "what about us?""


Once again, Trumpers are revealing themselves to be the same full of shit Neocons they have always been.....
right ----it is tragic------politics in the world of islam------just a matter of orchestrating
one barbaric tribe vs the other
The oh so democratic rebels in oh so democratic Idlib, according to the Jerusalem Post, they are Al-Qaida, celebrate the victory of the Taliban in Afghanistan. The rulers, HTS (Nusra Front rebranding to escape the US terror list, worked under Trump), distribute candy among the population.

"HTS is a descendant of the Syrian equivalent of al-Qaeda. However, in recent years it tried to work more closely with Turkey and the United States. Several US officials in the Trump administration thought it could be an asset against the Iranian- and Russian-backed Syrian regime.
This was Cold War thinking: Use the jihadists against the Russians; use the Sunnis against the Shi’ites.
Nevertheless, there was quiet outreach. There was also one problem: The US sees HTS as a terrorist group, and now the Biden administration has also sanctioned Turkish-backed Ahrar al-Sharqiya, another extremist group."

Not even funny.

The Alawites aren't democrats.. They're Baathist smugglers.
There may be as many as 500 AQ all over East Africa, Yemen and Afghanistan.
The oh so democratic rebels in oh so democratic Idlib, according to the Jerusalem Post, they are Al-Qaida, celebrate the victory of the Taliban in Afghanistan. The rulers, HTS (Nusra Front rebranding to escape the US terror list, worked under Trump), distribute candy among the population.

"HTS is a descendant of the Syrian equivalent of al-Qaeda. However, in recent years it tried to work more closely with Turkey and the United States. Several US officials in the Trump administration thought it could be an asset against the Iranian- and Russian-backed Syrian regime.
This was Cold War thinking: Use the jihadists against the Russians; use the Sunnis against the Shi’ites.
Nevertheless, there was quiet outreach. There was also one problem: The US sees HTS as a terrorist group, and now the Biden administration has also sanctioned Turkish-backed Ahrar al-Sharqiya, another extremist group."

Not even funny.

USA approves Taliban taking over, where's the problem ?

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