Syrian army´s southern offensive


Nov 14, 2012
The Syrian army started the first assaults.

"The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) launched a small offensive in the northeastern countryside of the Dara’a Governorate tonight.

Backed by heavy artillery and missiles, the Taha Group of the Tiger Forces made their second attempt to capture the Air Defense Base that is located near the strategic town of Busra Al-Harir.

According to preliminary reports from nearby Izra’a, the Syrian Army has allegedly taken control of the Air Defense Base after a fierce battle with the Islamist rebels in the area.

Al-Masdar is awaiting confirmation from the Syrian Army regarding the alleged capture of the Air Defense Base.

The elite Tiger Forces are heavily targeting Busra Al-Harir at the moment, as they attempt to weaken the enemy’s resolve before they make a push to capture the town."

Breaking: Syrian Army launches small offensive in northeast Daraa

Oh, and know what?
Irish troops to return to Syrian side of Golan Heights for first time in years
The forces continued but the big kick-off has yet to come.

"The Syrian Army would take control of the Air Defense Base during the twilight hours last night; this would pave the way for their advance this afternoon.

According to the National Defense Forces (NDF), the Syrian Army has since captured the towns of Al-Museikah and Al-Dallafa after a fierce battle with the jihadist rebels in the Al-Lajat region.

Following the capture of these two towns, the Syrian military worked their way around Busra Al-Harir, where they managed to seize several farms near the town.

With this advance, the Syrian Army was able to impose fire control over Busra Al-Harir, while also cutting the main supply to the rebel forces in the Al-Lajat region.

Busra Al-Harir is an imperative town in northeast Dara’a that is located directly east of the Syrian Army’s stronghold, Izra’a.

The jihadist rebels have now issued distress calls to their allies around Dara’a in an effort to help alleviate the pressure on their forces."

Rebels in Daraa find themselves besieged as Syrian Army troops advance
The rebelz launched a failed attack at the occupied Golan Heights. Meanwhile, the Syrian army continues shelling them with artillery, missiles and airstrikes.

"A source told Al-Masdar around midnight that the Syrian military had effectively cutoff the rebel supply lines from Masifrah to Al-Karak and Masifrah to Umm Wald.

The Syrian Army has yet to make any push on the ground; however, that could change in the coming hours, as they continue to press the rebel forces in southwest Syria."

No sleep for rebels in Daraa tonight as Syrian troops launch big assault
Jihadist rebels launch offensive along border of occupied Golan Heights
US-backed al-Tanf "rebels" have shelled the Syrian army. The strikes was first believe to be an US airstrike. Jordan sends troops to the border. They certainly want to make sure no terrorists flee to Jordan. Although they support the terrorists, they don´t want them on their own soil. They have killed escaping "rebels" before.
Meanwhile, the army has encircled more terrorists. They hope this makes them surrender.

US-backed rebels behind attack against Syrian Army in southern Syria
Jordanian Army sends large convoy to Syrian border
Syrian Army cuts northern supply lines to jihadist rebels in northeast Daraa
What excellent propaganda sources you have. :113:
Thank you very much. But I have to admit they are not as excellent as yours.

"QUESTION: Can I just – one very – extremely briefly? What makes you so sure that this is a crematorium and not just some other building? Is it this thing with the snowmelt? Because, I mean, people are going to look at this – the regime in particular or – and the Russians, who you’re – are going to look at this and say: Well, all this proves is that there is a building there and that that part where there’s – snow is melted is simply warmer than the rest of the building. It looks --

MR JONES: So if you look – so obviously, these photos date over several years from 2013 to 2017. If you look at the earliest photo, the August 13 photo, this is during the construction phase, and these HVAC facilities, the discharge stack, the probable firewall, the probable air intake, this is in the construction phase. This would be consistent if they were building a crematorium.

Then we look at the January 15 and we’re looking at snowmelt on the roof that would be consistent with a crematorium. So --

QUESTION: Or just a warmer part of a building, right?

MR JONES: Possibly."

Briefing by Acting Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs Stuart Jones on Syria
What excellent propaganda sources you have. :113:
Thank you very much. But I have to admit they are not as excellent as yours.

"QUESTION: Can I just – one very – extremely briefly? What makes you so sure that this is a crematorium and not just some other building? Is it this thing with the snowmelt? Because, I mean, people are going to look at this – the regime in particular or – and the Russians, who you’re – are going to look at this and say: Well, all this proves is that there is a building there and that that part where there’s – snow is melted is simply warmer than the rest of the building. It looks --

MR JONES: So if you look – so obviously, these photos date over several years from 2013 to 2017. If you look at the earliest photo, the August 13 photo, this is during the construction phase, and these HVAC facilities, the discharge stack, the probable firewall, the probable air intake, this is in the construction phase. This would be consistent if they were building a crematorium.

Then we look at the January 15 and we’re looking at snowmelt on the roof that would be consistent with a crematorium. So --

QUESTION: Or just a warmer part of a building, right?

You lost me there. I'll leave you here. Alone.
What excellent propaganda sources you have. :113:
Thank you very much. But I have to admit they are not as excellent as yours.

"QUESTION: Can I just – one very – extremely briefly? What makes you so sure that this is a crematorium and not just some other building? Is it this thing with the snowmelt? Because, I mean, people are going to look at this – the regime in particular or – and the Russians, who you’re – are going to look at this and say: Well, all this proves is that there is a building there and that that part where there’s – snow is melted is simply warmer than the rest of the building. It looks --

MR JONES: So if you look – so obviously, these photos date over several years from 2013 to 2017. If you look at the earliest photo, the August 13 photo, this is during the construction phase, and these HVAC facilities, the discharge stack, the probable firewall, the probable air intake, this is in the construction phase. This would be consistent if they were building a crematorium.

Then we look at the January 15 and we’re looking at snowmelt on the roof that would be consistent with a crematorium. So --

QUESTION: Or just a warmer part of a building, right?

You lost me there. I'll leave you here. Alone.
Feel free to visit my threads for reliable news.
What excellent propaganda sources you have. :113:
Thank you very much. But I have to admit they are not as excellent as yours.

"QUESTION: Can I just – one very – extremely briefly? What makes you so sure that this is a crematorium and not just some other building? Is it this thing with the snowmelt? Because, I mean, people are going to look at this – the regime in particular or – and the Russians, who you’re – are going to look at this and say: Well, all this proves is that there is a building there and that that part where there’s – snow is melted is simply warmer than the rest of the building. It looks --

MR JONES: So if you look – so obviously, these photos date over several years from 2013 to 2017. If you look at the earliest photo, the August 13 photo, this is during the construction phase, and these HVAC facilities, the discharge stack, the probable firewall, the probable air intake, this is in the construction phase. This would be consistent if they were building a crematorium.

Then we look at the January 15 and we’re looking at snowmelt on the roof that would be consistent with a crematorium. So --

QUESTION: Or just a warmer part of a building, right?

You lost me there. I'll leave you here. Alone.
Feel free to visit my threads for reliable news.
I don't need them. I have a brain. But thank you, that's very kind.
What excellent propaganda sources you have. :113:
Thank you very much. But I have to admit they are not as excellent as yours.

"QUESTION: Can I just – one very – extremely briefly? What makes you so sure that this is a crematorium and not just some other building? Is it this thing with the snowmelt? Because, I mean, people are going to look at this – the regime in particular or – and the Russians, who you’re – are going to look at this and say: Well, all this proves is that there is a building there and that that part where there’s – snow is melted is simply warmer than the rest of the building. It looks --

MR JONES: So if you look – so obviously, these photos date over several years from 2013 to 2017. If you look at the earliest photo, the August 13 photo, this is during the construction phase, and these HVAC facilities, the discharge stack, the probable firewall, the probable air intake, this is in the construction phase. This would be consistent if they were building a crematorium.

Then we look at the January 15 and we’re looking at snowmelt on the roof that would be consistent with a crematorium. So --

QUESTION: Or just a warmer part of a building, right?

You lost me there. I'll leave you here. Alone.
Feel free to visit my threads for reliable news.
I don't need them. I have a brain. But thank you, that's very kind.
A brain is even required.
While the army captured more towns I thought the major news is that the Russians joined the battle! They did indeed and bombed the terrorists with already over 30 air strikes. However, the major news seems to be a US message to the so called rebels:



Syrian Army captures 7 towns during massive advance in southwest Syria - map
Russian strikes overwhelm jihadists as Syrian troops prepare to attack northeast Daraa
New message from U.S. Embassy Amman to southern rebels: Make your own decision, but "you should not base your decision on the assumption or expectation of military intervention by us." - Map of Syrian Civil War - Syria news today -
White Helmets Plotting False Flag Chemical Attack In Southern Syria – Sources

"The White Helmets, accused by Damascus and Moscow of being the “media arm” of the Nusra Front terrorist group, have repeatedly been charged with helping stage chemical attacks and blaming the Syrian government to try to prompt Western military intervention in Syria.

Syrian field sources speaking to Sputnik Arabic have said that they are monitoring the movement of White Helmets members in the town of Basr al-Harir and other regions in Eastern Daraa in southwest Syria.

The sources warned that the NGO’s presence in the region may signify preparations for a new false flag chemical attack amid the Syrian Army’s advance against jihadists in the region. The sources added that the tightness of the frontlines in the area may hinder the White Helmets from going ahead with their plans.

The Russian Defense Ministry reported Saturday that Syrian government forces supported by militants from the Free Syrian Army, who recently allied with Damascus, had repulsed a massed Nusra Front attack in the southern de-escalation zone.

The Syrian military’s Eastern Daraa offensive against a combination of jihadist militias, including Nusra Front, began last week. On Saturday, Jordan reportedly deployed troops on its border with Syria amid the violence. Meanwhile, US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley demanded that Damascus stop its operations in the region and accused Russia of “ultimately bear[ing] responsibility for further escalations in Syria.”

Earlier this month, Syrian President Bashar Assad charged the US, UK and France of using the White Helmets’ claims about a chemical attack in Eastern Ghouta as a pretext to attack Syria in mid-April and called the group a “PR stunt by the UK.”

On Saturday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova and Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Kirillov said in a briefing that the equipment used to make chemical weapons and advanced explosives at labs in liberated Douma was manufactured in Western Europe and North America."

White Helmets Plotting False Flag Chemical Attack in Southern Syria – Sources | Muraselon
The "sources" (sic) warned that the NGO’s presence in the region may signify preparations for a new false flag chemical attack.

Sheeeeesh------the Baathist dogs ANNOUNCE THEIR PLANNED LIBELS---
kinda polite of them

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