Syrian "Opposition" ends Ceasefire


Nov 14, 2012
Representatives of the "opposition" declared the end of the ceasefire. Head of the "opposition´s" delegation in Geneva, terrorgroup Jaish al-Islam´s Mohammed Alloush, called on to resume fight against the government troops. The move probably aims to make the Geneva talks a failure as the Obama terror regime threatens to arm the "opposition" with sophisticated weapons, including AA-systems, in case the talks fail to end the hostilities or the ceasefire collapses. Russia on its part declared it will continue to support the Syrian government.

However, it should be noted, that the Geneva delegation does not represent all of the armed groups fighting against government troops. Each group will make an own decision but it is to be expected that many will follow the call from Geneva.

Syria's armed opposition officially announces 'end of truce'

U.S. Readies ‘Plan B’ to Arm Syria Rebels
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Representatives of the "opposition" declared the end of the ceasefire. Head of the "opposition´s" delegation in Geneva, terrorgroup Jaish al-Islam´s Mohammed Alloush, called on to resume fight against the government troops. The move probably aims to make the Geneva talks a failure as the Obama terror regime threatens to arm the "opposition" with sophisticated weapons, including AA-systems, in case the talks fail to end the hostilities or the ceasefire collapses. Russia on its part declared it will continue to support the Syrian government.

However, it should be noted, that the Geneva delegation does not represent all of the armed groups fighting against government troops. Each group will make an own decision but it is to be expected that many will follow the call from Geneva.

Syria's armed opposition officially announces 'end of truce'

U.S. Readies ‘Plan B’ to Arm Syria Rebels

Washington DC always intended Plan B....the "ceasefire" Washington DC wanted to collapse, they're Warmongers in the control of the Psychopaths the Neo-Conservatives, their intention for years has been WWIII, they're insane.
Obama's administration doesn't even make a pretense anymore of their overthrowing of other governments. It's surreal. And for all the wailing, screaming and gnashing of teeth the D's had against Bush overthrowing Hussein..........................crickets.
April 18: "The attempts to say that there is a kind of a secret negotiations channel and moreover that as part of this secret negotiations channel someone has promised to solve the fate of Assad outside intra-Syrian talks… This is not true," Lavrov said.

"This is an attempt to disrupt the implementation of the UNSC resolutions that say directly on the basis of the Russian-US agreement supported by everyone: only the Syrian people can decide on the fate of Syria," he said.According to the minister, there are quite a few people in the United States and Turkey who are willing to work on ‘Plan B’ for Syria and overthrow this country’s President Bashar al-Assad.

"Despite the denials made in Washington, including by US Secretary of State John Kerry, there are many people who wish to think about such ‘Plan B', if not in the heart of the Pentagon, but certainly in the region." he said. "Let me mention, in particular, Turkey, which perseveres in its attempts to intervene by force."

The Russian top diplomat has also once again pointed out that the Syrian government troops are not acting against Syrian opposition groups, which have agreed to the ceasefire, in various parts of Syria, including Aleppo.

"The government troops, which are supported by the Russian aerospace group in Syria, are not acting against that part of the opposition which has accepted the truce terms. The Syrian army is fighting terrorists with the Russian Aerospace Forces’ support," the minister said.

According to Lavrov, Moscow has many questions for the moderate Syrian opposition about their cooperation with Jebhat al-Nusra terrorist organization.

"If the moderate [opposition] does not want to leave positions occupied by Jebhat al-Nusra, maybe it is not moderate? Maybe they are just cooperating with Jebhat al-Nusra in violation of UN Security Council resolution?" Lavrov said.
Russia, US are not holding any secret talks on Syria - Lavrov
It should be noted that the end of the ceasefire serves ISIS very well as offensives towards Raqqa and Deir Ezzor were pending. Now, the government has to redeploy troops to counter an offensive in northern Syria and maybe elsewhere.

I strongly hope that President Putin is going to redeploy the aviation group as Russia´s efforts to broker a peace deal probably have failed.

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