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syrian rebels caught with chemical weapons!


Active Member
Jan 26, 2007
only a week after asking the UN to arm the rebels they are found with chemical weapons

Turkish security forces found a 2kg cylinder with sarin gas after searching the homes of Syrian militants from the Al-Qaeda linked Al-Nusra Front who were previously detained, Turkish media reports. The gas was reportedly going to be used in a bomb.

The sarin gas was found in the homes of suspected Syrian Islamists detained in the southern provinces of Adana and Mersia following a search by Turkish police on Wednesday, reports say. The gas was allegedly going to be used to carry out an attack in the southern Turkish city of Adana.

On Monday, Turkish special anti-terror forces arrested 12 suspected members of the Al-Nusra Front, the Al-Qaeda affiliated group which has been dubbed "the most aggressive and successful arm” of the Syrian rebels. The group was designated a terrorist organization by the United States in December.

Police also reportedly found a cache of weapons, documents and digital data which will be reviewed by police.

Following the searches, five of those detained were released following medical examinations at the Forensic Medicine Institution Adana. Seven suspects remain in custody. Turkish authorities are yet to comment on the arrests.
France & Britain confirm chemical weapons used in Syria...
France, Britain confirm use of sarin gas in Syria
Jun 4,`13 -- France said Tuesday it has confirmed that the nerve gas sarin was used "multiple times and in a localized way" in Syria, including at least once by the regime. It was the most specific claim by any Western power about chemical weapons attacks in the 27-month-old conflict.
Britain later said that tests it conducted on samples taken from Syria also were positive for sarin. The back-to-back announcements left many questions unanswered, highlighting the difficulties of confirming from a distance whether combatants in Syria have crossed the "red line" set by President Barack Obama. The regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad has refused to allow U.N. investigators into the country. The French and British findings, based on samples taken from Syria, came hours after a U.N. team said it had "reasonable grounds" to suspect small-scale use of toxic chemicals in at least four attacks in March and April.

The U.N. probe was conducted from outside Syria's borders, based on interviews with doctors and witnesses of purported attacks and a review of amateur videos from Syria. The team said solid evidence will remain elusive until inspectors can collect samples from victims directly or from the sites of alleged attacks. Some experts cautioned that the type of evidence currently available to investigators - videos, witness reports and physiological samples of uncertain origin - leaves wide doubts. At the same time, forensic evidence of alleged chemical weapons use is fading away with time, and the longer U.N. inspectors are kept out of Syria, the harder it will be to collect conclusive proof, they said.

Syria is suspected of having one of the world's largest chemical weapons arsenals, including mustard and nerve gas, such as sarin. In recent weeks, the regime and those trying to topple Assad have increasingly used accusations of chemical weapons as a propaganda tool, but have offered no solid proof. In the West, meanwhile, the lack of certainty about such allegations is linked to a high stakes political debate over whether the U.S. should get more involved in the Syria conflict, including by arming those fighting Assad. Obama has been reluctant to send weapons to the Syrian rebels, in part because of the presence of Islamic militants among them. Obama has warned that the use of chemical weapons or their transfer to a terrorist group would cross a "red line," hinting at forceful intervention in such an event.

Yet he has insisted on a high level of proof, including a "chain of custody," that can only come from on-site investigations currently being blocked by the regime. In Tuesday's announcement about sarin, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said his government had analyzed several samples, including some brought back from Syria by reporters from the Le Monde newspaper. He said that there was "no doubt" that at least in one case, the regime and its allies were responsible for the attack. "We have integrally traced the chain, from the attack, to the moment people were killed, to when the samples were taken and analyzed," Fabius told the TV station France 2. He said a line was crossed and that "all options are on the table," including intervening "militarily where the gas is produced or stored."

Impossible! The US backs the Al Qaida "rebels" in Syria!

That would mean that the US is the Bad Guy!
Syrian rebel zombie army...
Putin warns of flesh-eating rebels as Syrian war rages
Tue, Jun 18, 2013 - PARALLEL LINE:The Russian president said the US and EU’s move to arm rebels who committed atrocities contradicted the ‘values preached in Europe for hundreds of years’
Russian President Vladimir Putin, arriving in Britain before the G8 summit set to be dominated by disagreement over the US’ decision to send weapons to Syria’s rebels, said the West must not arm fighters who eat human flesh. In Syria, rebels fought back on Sunday against forces of President Bashar al-Assad and his Lebanese Hezbollah allies near Aleppo, where al-Assad has announced a campaign to recapture the rebel-held north after seizing a key town this month. A huge explosion shook the Mezze military airport on the western edge of Damascus, a major base for al-Assad’s elite Republican Guards and a source of rocket and artillery attacks against rebellious Sunni Muslim neighborhoods.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a monitoring group based in Britain, said it appeared that a booby-trapped car had exploded at a roadblock near the compound, killing or wounding about 20 members of al-Assad’s forces. “At least 10 soldiers were killed and at least 10 others were injured,” Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman told reporters yesterday. Syrian state media confirmed the blast that occurred late on Sunday, but have not released the number of those killed and injured. After months of deliberations, Washington decided last week to send weapons to the rebels, saying that al-Assad’s forces had crossed a “red line” by using nerve gas.

The move throws the superpower’s weight behind the revolt and signals a potential turning point in global involvement in a two-year-old war that has already killed at least 93,000 people. It has also infuriated Russia, Cold War-era ally of Syria, which has sold arms to al-Assad and used its veto at the UN Security Council to block resolutions against him. Russia has dismissed US evidence that al-Assad’s forces used nerve gas. The White House said US President Barack Obama will try to lobby Putin to drop his support for al-Assad during at the summit.

After meeting British Prime Minister David Cameron in London, Putin said Russia wanted to create the conditions for a resolution of the conflict. “One does not really need to support the people who not only kill their enemies, but open up their bodies, eat their intestines in front of the public and cameras,” Putin said. “Are these the people you want to support? Are they the ones you want to supply with weapons? Then this probably has little relation to the humanitarian values preached in Europe for hundreds of years.” The incident Putin referred to was likely that of a rebel commander filmed last month cutting into the torso of a dead soldier and biting into a piece of one of his organs.


See also:

Assad Warns Europe Will 'Pay the Price' for Arming Rebels
June 17, 2013 > Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is warning Europe it will "pay the price" if it arms the rebels fighting to drive him from power.
Assad told Germany's Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper that giving the rebels weapons would "export" terrorists to Europe. He said fighters in Syria would gain combat experience and return to Europe with extremist ideologies.

The Syrian president also denied U.S. accusations that he has used chemical weapons on rebel fighters with deadly results. He called it illogical. The United States said last week it plans to arm Syrian rebels after uncovering evidence of chemical weapons.

Also Monday, U.S. Ambassador to NATO Ivo Daalder told Reuters that neither the alliance nor the United States is considering a no-fly zone over Syria at this time. The White House has not ruled it out completely, but Russia warns it would not permit enforced restrictions of Syrian airspace.

Assad Warns Europe Will 'Pay the Price' for Arming Rebels
Let us not be naive-----of course ASSAD has chemical weapons-----both
he and papa assad have been in the murder business for decades and
that stuff ----notrogen mustard gas and sarin is in the hands of criminas
all over the world----in fact pig nasser used nitrogent mustard gas in
the 60s ----it is not even difficult to make------uhm ---some sort of nitric
acid plus alkylated organic compounds ---or something like that----PANTRY
ITEMS--------sarin? some sort of organo-phosphate-----like pesticides,

Syria is in such a state of disarray-----who you gonna blame?

nerve gases and nitrogen mustard are not HYDROGEN BOMBS-----they
are relatively easy stuffs
So America's casus belli is a lot of horseshit. What's the REAL reason Obama wants to get us involved. Could I get a liberal to answer me please ?
only a week after asking the UN to arm the rebels they are found with chemical weapons .

That is so last month.

In another thread, I posted UN evidence of rebels using chemical weapons but, if you actually look, there is no evidence at all of Assad using them; only word from the Israeli government, repuked by others.

They say it but none have actually shown any solid evidence in public.
It's all 'reports' and 'conclusions' but not so much as a used can of mosquito repellent to back it up.

The American taxpayer is about to fund yet another set of extremists groups because your government lies and you lot seem way too stupid to bother looking.

As I suggested, get hold of your congressman and ask him what the evidence actually is.
He/she would be able to answer because there isn't any at all.
You mean the Obama backed Syrian Cannibal Rebels were caught with chemical weapons!
Were these Rebels officially cited by John McCain as being the good rebels?
So America's casus belli is a lot of horseshit. What's the REAL reason Obama wants to get us involved. Could I get a liberal to answer me please ?

Because the Syrian government is aligned with Iran so Israel wants them out of the way.
They know, if the rebels win, Syria will fall into chaos and be little help to Iran or little threat to Israel.
The militant groups that form large sections of the rebels will be a minor problem to Israel as they'll probably be too disorganised to mount much of an attack and Israel will be able to strike their bases at will because Syria will be pretty much undefended against their American taxpayer supplied technology.

Now, be good little American and lick the Israeli government's shoes clean (again).

Bloody hell, you lot, wake up and realise, the Israeli government is bending you over and fucking you up the arse.
So America's casus belli is a lot of horseshit. What's the REAL reason Obama wants to get us involved. Could I get a liberal to answer me please ?

Because the Syrian government is aligned with Iran so Israel wants them out of the way.
They know, if the rebels win, Syria will fall into chaos and be little help to Iran or little threat to Israel.
The militant groups that form large sections of the rebels will be a minor problem to Israel as they'll probably be too disorganised to mount much of an attack and Israel will be able to strike their bases at will because Syria will be pretty much undefended against their American taxpayer supplied technology.

Now, be good little American and lick the Israeli government's shoes clean (again).

Bloody hell, you lot, wake up and realise, the Israeli government is bending you over and fucking you up the arse.

I believe you might be on to something. This is one explanation that does make sense.

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