Syrian refugees split Democratic Party


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
LINK: Syrian refugees split Democratic Party

"Desire for restrictions on refugees has caused blow back on the left"

President Barack Obama’s Syrian refugee program is driving a wedge through the Democratic Party, pitting liberal stalwarts against nervous Senate candidates and some senior lawmakers.

With the White House scrambling to defend its resettlement program and Republicans pressing to “pause” or even eliminate it, liberals were alarmed earlier this week when third-ranking Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York expressed openness to a time-out on resettling Syrian refugees. Meanwhile, Democrats battling in competitive races from Ohio to New Hampshire to Nevada are voicing concerns with the vetting process for refugees fleeing Syria, a nation millions have left since a civil war began four years ago
The GOP is afraid of widows and orphans. Makes sense. :D
The GOP is afraid of widows and orphans. Makes sense. :D

Only widows and orphans are being allowed in? I don't think so. But go with your liberal talking point but keeping your head in the sand won't protect your ass from getting killed.
But I could be wrong, the GOP might be afraid of granmothers and granfathers too.
I think this will be the FINAL push for people that are already FED UP with that party and especially with that thug Obama. as they are showing they are more worried over Illegal immigrants and Foreigners they labeled refugees. A poll this morning show almost 70% of the people do NOT want these people brought into our country or have it stopped for the time being anyway. they are proving they are a DANGER to us as well as any terrorist they want to let in with the bunch of people from a Muslim country.

vote them out folks
Easy it is so Obvious that you are a Astroturfer,

What is astroturfing?
Astroturfing is the attempt to create an impression of widespread support for a policy, individual, or product, where little such support exists.

Multiple online identities and fake pressure groups are used to mislead the public into believing that the position of the astroturfer is the commonly held view.

Right-Wing and Left Wing Trolls Getting Paid to Dumb Down Online Conversations?
Time for the billions to trillions of tax dollars homeland security and intelligence agencies have gotten the past 10 years, to put that money and workforce we've paid for, to use....
Time for the billions to trillions of tax dollars homeland security and intelligence agencies have gotten the past 10 years, to put that money and workforce we've paid for, to use....

yeas sure, they haven't stopped an attack yet. look at Fort hood, the Boston marathon, etc. what they need to be looking at is these domestic Terrorist the BLMs and other groups supported by the Democrat party. I think I'll pass on relying on this administration who has shown they care more about illegal immigrants and foreigners than they do us
Tea Party splits Republican Party

same damn thing, it's a tie
everyone agrees that it is entirely rational to be extremely careful who we let in.

there is no real disagreement on that, but people need to realize the bigger picture and the wisdom in not just closing ourselves off and giving in to fear and loathing. knee jerk responses are easy but effective leadership finds a way to common ground, however difficult.

people are fooling themselves if they think not helping thoroughly vetted refugees will keep us any safer..
The GOP is afraid of widows and orphans. Makes sense. :D

Only widows and orphans are being allowed in? I don't think so. But go with your liberal talking point but keeping your head in the sand won't protect your ass from getting killed.
They could say we'll take the widows and orphans. Did they? No. You fail.

I fail? How you figure?
You always fail. Then you lie to try and cover it up convict.

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