Syrian refugees split Democratic Party

Deflect, deflect, deflect. It is so obvious. The state of affsirs, along with htis poll has you and others very worried.

Out of the 2 of you, so far as getting paid, I would suspect you first.

Easy it is so Obvious that you are a Astroturfer,

What is astroturfing?
Astroturfing is the attempt to create an impression of widespread support for a policy, individual, or product, where little such support exists.

Multiple online identities and fake pressure groups are used to mislead the public into believing that the position of the astroturfer is the commonly held view.

Right-Wing and Left Wing Trolls Getting Paid to Dumb Down Online Conversations?

Perhaps I do, lol I had a forum for a long time, it is easy to spot them.
I keep hearing the lie 'totally vetted' repeated,over and over. There must have been orders to repeat it so maybe some will be fooled. Either that, or people aren't listening to the news. There is video of the head of the fbi stating they can't. The head of the fbi has already stated they can'-t be thoroughly vetted. That is the problem.
everyone agrees that it is entirely rational to be extremely careful who we let in.

there is no real disagreement on that, but people need to realize the bigger picture and the wisdom in not just closing ourselves off and giving in to fear and loathing. knee jerk responses are easy but effective leadership finds a way to common ground, however difficult.

people are fooling themselves if they think not helping thoroughly vetted refugees will keep us any safer..
everyone agrees that it is entirely rational to be extremely careful who we let in.

there is no real disagreement on that, but people need to realize the bigger picture and the wisdom in not just closing ourselves off and giving in to fear and loathing. knee jerk responses are easy but effective leadership finds a way to common ground, however difficult.

people are fooling themselves if they think not helping thoroughly vetted refugees will keep us any safer..

Where's the wisdom in "not closing ourselves off?" What do we gain from admitting these ignorant peasant immigrants?
Being a human and showing kindness to another human being? I dunno. Just guessing.

Would you invite someone into your home if you thought there was a chance they might kill you?
I have two people in my home right now, renting rooms. Neither one plan to kill me that I know of, but their references were exemplary. I vet my roomies.

Make no mistake about this refugee situation and my stance on it. They need to be vetted thoroughly before being allowed in. Period. But if they are vetted, and they are just seeking what our ancestors sought when they came to these shores....Welcome to The USA.
So in answer to your question...yes. I would. After being checked out.

I'll take that as a "no."

There's no way to vet then thoroughly, so where does you plan proceed from there?
everyone agrees that it is entirely rational to be extremely careful who we let in.

there is no real disagreement on that, but people need to realize the bigger picture and the wisdom in not just closing ourselves off and giving in to fear and loathing. knee jerk responses are easy but effective leadership finds a way to common ground, however difficult.

people are fooling themselves if they think not helping thoroughly vetted refugees will keep us any safer..

Where's the wisdom in "not closing ourselves off?" What do we gain from admitting these ignorant peasant immigrants?
Being a human and showing kindness to another human being? I dunno. Just guessing.

Would you invite someone into your home if you thought there was a chance they might kill you?
I have two people in my home right now, renting rooms. Neither one plan to kill me that I know of, but their references were exemplary. I vet my roomies.

Make no mistake about this refugee situation and my stance on it. They need to be vetted thoroughly before being allowed in. Period. But if they are vetted, and they are just seeking what our ancestors sought when they came to these shores....Welcome to The USA.
So in answer to your question...yes. I would. After being checked out.

I'll take that as a "no."

There's no way to vet then thoroughly, so where does you plan proceed from there?
Well, you are comparing apples to oranges so its kinda hard to "debate" this.
Lets go with just for my own scenario on how I do things:
When I have a room for rent, I check references. If they don't have any, then I meet with them...and those WITH references...more than once. Usually 3 times. We sit, visit, talk, have a cup of tea. Just chat. They ask me questions, I ask them questions. I watch them, as they watch me. They also have to pass the dog test. If my dogs like them, that is a plus.
They MUST be employed. No ands ifs or buts about it. And they have to prove how they get their income if retired or unemployed. Then I choose the one I think would be the best fit for the household. Which includes the other roommate.

With would have to be a different process for me. I'd have to vet them myself I guess. And go with gut instinct. And dog test.
Where's the wisdom in "not closing ourselves off?" What do we gain from admitting these ignorant peasant immigrants?
Being a human and showing kindness to another human being? I dunno. Just guessing.

Would you invite someone into your home if you thought there was a chance they might kill you?
I have two people in my home right now, renting rooms. Neither one plan to kill me that I know of, but their references were exemplary. I vet my roomies.

Make no mistake about this refugee situation and my stance on it. They need to be vetted thoroughly before being allowed in. Period. But if they are vetted, and they are just seeking what our ancestors sought when they came to these shores....Welcome to The USA.
So in answer to your question...yes. I would. After being checked out.

I'll take that as a "no."

There's no way to vet then thoroughly, so where does you plan proceed from there?
Well, you are comparing apples to oranges so its kinda hard to "debate" this.
Lets go with just for my own scenario on how I do things:
When I have a room for rent, I check references. If they don't have any, then I meet with them...and those WITH references...more than once. Usually 3 times. We sit, visit, talk, have a cup of tea. Just chat. They ask me questions, I ask them questions. I watch them, as they watch me. They also have to pass the dog test. If my dogs like them, that is a plus.
They MUST be employed. No ands ifs or buts about it. And they have to prove how they get their income if retired or unemployed. Then I choose the one I think would be the best fit for the household. Which includes the other roommate.

With would have to be a different process for me. I'd have to vet them myself I guess. And go with gut instinct. And dog test.
So you're going to vet 10,000 refugees - meet each one 3 times, have a cup of tea with them and see if they pass the dog test?

BTW, none of the refugees are employed.
Being a human and showing kindness to another human being? I dunno. Just guessing.

Would you invite someone into your home if you thought there was a chance they might kill you?
I have two people in my home right now, renting rooms. Neither one plan to kill me that I know of, but their references were exemplary. I vet my roomies.

Make no mistake about this refugee situation and my stance on it. They need to be vetted thoroughly before being allowed in. Period. But if they are vetted, and they are just seeking what our ancestors sought when they came to these shores....Welcome to The USA.
So in answer to your question...yes. I would. After being checked out.

I'll take that as a "no."

There's no way to vet then thoroughly, so where does you plan proceed from there?
Well, you are comparing apples to oranges so its kinda hard to "debate" this.
Lets go with just for my own scenario on how I do things:
When I have a room for rent, I check references. If they don't have any, then I meet with them...and those WITH references...more than once. Usually 3 times. We sit, visit, talk, have a cup of tea. Just chat. They ask me questions, I ask them questions. I watch them, as they watch me. They also have to pass the dog test. If my dogs like them, that is a plus.
They MUST be employed. No ands ifs or buts about it. And they have to prove how they get their income if retired or unemployed. Then I choose the one I think would be the best fit for the household. Which includes the other roommate.

With would have to be a different process for me. I'd have to vet them myself I guess. And go with gut instinct. And dog test.
So you're going to vet 10,000 refugees - meet each one 3 times, have a cup of tea with them and see if they pass the dog test?

BTW, none of the refugees are employed.
Do you have reading problems?
Would you invite someone into your home if you thought there was a chance they might kill you?
I have two people in my home right now, renting rooms. Neither one plan to kill me that I know of, but their references were exemplary. I vet my roomies.

Make no mistake about this refugee situation and my stance on it. They need to be vetted thoroughly before being allowed in. Period. But if they are vetted, and they are just seeking what our ancestors sought when they came to these shores....Welcome to The USA.
So in answer to your question...yes. I would. After being checked out.

I'll take that as a "no."

There's no way to vet then thoroughly, so where does you plan proceed from there?
Well, you are comparing apples to oranges so its kinda hard to "debate" this.
Lets go with just for my own scenario on how I do things:
When I have a room for rent, I check references. If they don't have any, then I meet with them...and those WITH references...more than once. Usually 3 times. We sit, visit, talk, have a cup of tea. Just chat. They ask me questions, I ask them questions. I watch them, as they watch me. They also have to pass the dog test. If my dogs like them, that is a plus.
They MUST be employed. No ands ifs or buts about it. And they have to prove how they get their income if retired or unemployed. Then I choose the one I think would be the best fit for the household. Which includes the other roommate.

With would have to be a different process for me. I'd have to vet them myself I guess. And go with gut instinct. And dog test.
So you're going to vet 10,000 refugees - meet each one 3 times, have a cup of tea with them and see if they pass the dog test?

BTW, none of the refugees are employed.
Do you have reading problems?

I have two people in my home right now, renting rooms. Neither one plan to kill me that I know of, but their references were exemplary. I vet my roomies.

Make no mistake about this refugee situation and my stance on it. They need to be vetted thoroughly before being allowed in. Period. But if they are vetted, and they are just seeking what our ancestors sought when they came to these shores....Welcome to The USA.
So in answer to your question...yes. I would. After being checked out.

I'll take that as a "no."

There's no way to vet then thoroughly, so where does you plan proceed from there?
Well, you are comparing apples to oranges so its kinda hard to "debate" this.
Lets go with just for my own scenario on how I do things:
When I have a room for rent, I check references. If they don't have any, then I meet with them...and those WITH references...more than once. Usually 3 times. We sit, visit, talk, have a cup of tea. Just chat. They ask me questions, I ask them questions. I watch them, as they watch me. They also have to pass the dog test. If my dogs like them, that is a plus.
They MUST be employed. No ands ifs or buts about it. And they have to prove how they get their income if retired or unemployed. Then I choose the one I think would be the best fit for the household. Which includes the other roommate.

With would have to be a different process for me. I'd have to vet them myself I guess. And go with gut instinct. And dog test.
So you're going to vet 10,000 refugees - meet each one 3 times, have a cup of tea with them and see if they pass the dog test?

BTW, none of the refugees are employed.
Do you have reading problems?

Obviously you do. Or you are just twisting in the wind, flapping around.
I will not bother to explain further.
LINK: Syrian refugees split Democratic Party

"Desire for restrictions on refugees has caused blow back on the left"

President Barack Obama’s Syrian refugee program is driving a wedge through the Democratic Party, pitting liberal stalwarts against nervous Senate candidates and some senior lawmakers.

With the White House scrambling to defend its resettlement program and Republicans pressing to “pause” or even eliminate it, liberals were alarmed earlier this week when third-ranking Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York expressed openness to a time-out on resettling Syrian refugees. Meanwhile, Democrats battling in competitive races from Ohio to New Hampshire to Nevada are voicing concerns with the vetting process for refugees fleeing Syria, a nation millions have left since a civil war began four years ago
Title should be Syrian refugees unite America.
LINK: Syrian refugees split Democratic Party

"Desire for restrictions on refugees has caused blow back on the left"

President Barack Obama’s Syrian refugee program is driving a wedge through the Democratic Party, pitting liberal stalwarts against nervous Senate candidates and some senior lawmakers.

With the White House scrambling to defend its resettlement program and Republicans pressing to “pause” or even eliminate it, liberals were alarmed earlier this week when third-ranking Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York expressed openness to a time-out on resettling Syrian refugees. Meanwhile, Democrats battling in competitive races from Ohio to New Hampshire to Nevada are voicing concerns with the vetting process for refugees fleeing Syria, a nation millions have left since a civil war began four years ago

I expected nothing less.

Hell. I have liberal and Dem friends who think he's seven kinds of a fool to bring Syrian refugees here. These folks voted voted for that idiot twice.

His actions are going to shoot the Dems in the ass come 2016.
The GOP is afraid of widows and orphans. Makes sense. :D

Only widows and orphans are being allowed in? I don't think so. But go with your liberal talking point but keeping your head in the sand won't protect your ass from getting killed.

No one has been allowed in.

It takes two years to Vet people.


If your head wasn't buried so far up your ass you would know that we've been letting refugees in. 70,000 last year alone.

"Syrian refugees are already here. The New York Times published this map of where Syrians have settled in the United States since arriving in 2012 (the map isn’t current with the states (shown in yellow) not accepting refugees)."

Here’s the map of where Syrian refugees are in the US already - Allen B. West -
everyone agrees that it is entirely rational to be extremely careful who we let in.

there is no real disagreement on that, but people need to realize the bigger picture and the wisdom in not just closing ourselves off and giving in to fear and loathing. knee jerk responses are easy but effective leadership finds a way to common ground, however difficult.

people are fooling themselves if they think not helping thoroughly vetted refugees will keep us any safer..

Where's the wisdom in "not closing ourselves off?" What do we gain from admitting these ignorant peasant immigrants?
You're a selfish twat. America was built on such people. Anyways, most of them come from cities, so not peasants like your ancestors were when they came here.
How many are you letting in your home?
I'll take that as a "no."

There's no way to vet then thoroughly, so where does you plan proceed from there?
Well, you are comparing apples to oranges so its kinda hard to "debate" this.
Lets go with just for my own scenario on how I do things:
When I have a room for rent, I check references. If they don't have any, then I meet with them...and those WITH references...more than once. Usually 3 times. We sit, visit, talk, have a cup of tea. Just chat. They ask me questions, I ask them questions. I watch them, as they watch me. They also have to pass the dog test. If my dogs like them, that is a plus.
They MUST be employed. No ands ifs or buts about it. And they have to prove how they get their income if retired or unemployed. Then I choose the one I think would be the best fit for the household. Which includes the other roommate.

With would have to be a different process for me. I'd have to vet them myself I guess. And go with gut instinct. And dog test.
So you're going to vet 10,000 refugees - meet each one 3 times, have a cup of tea with them and see if they pass the dog test?

BTW, none of the refugees are employed.
Do you have reading problems?

Obviously you do. Or you are just twisting in the wind, flapping around.
I will not bother to explain further.

I simply paraphrased what you posted. If my characterization was inaccurate, please feel free to correct it.
This issue is a political loser for Obama--65k people from a country we are bombing?

True--you should not let fear control
Nor should you be a fool and ignore why there is fear......
everyone agrees that it is entirely rational to be extremely careful who we let in.

there is no real disagreement on that, but people need to realize the bigger picture and the wisdom in not just closing ourselves off and giving in to fear and loathing. knee jerk responses are easy but effective leadership finds a way to common ground, however difficult.

people are fooling themselves if they think not helping thoroughly vetted refugees will keep us any safer..

Where's the wisdom in "not closing ourselves off?" What do we gain from admitting these ignorant peasant immigrants?
You're a selfish twat. America was built on such people. Anyways, most of them come from cities, so not peasants like your ancestors were when they came here.
How many are you letting in your home?
14. How about you?
Don't worry, I'm sure that they can count higher than you can.

And being selfish is common sense? Ummm... no.

Whenever a libturd says "don't worry," that's when you should start worrying.

Self interest is common sense and even instinctual. You act in your self interest every day all day long. Altruistic behavior is rare among humans, and thank god it is because it's thoroughly stupid.
Ya, more common sense to thank your invisible big guy in the sky? And he probably really likes selfish people. :lol:

I'm an atheist.

How does that square with all your preconceived idiotic notions?

One problem I have with Christianity is that it endorses the altruism abracadabra. Although many have tried, no one has ever managed to prove that acting in your own-self interest, not in the entire history of civilization.
An atheist who thanks god. Ya, sure you are. :lol:

Where did I do that?
"Altruistic behavior is rare among humans, and thank god it is because it's thoroughly stupid."

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