Tacitus describes Germans


Gold Member
Nowadays I read often a anti-christian argument, that christianity is a "desert religion" and "uneuropean" and that greeks and romans practiced orgies, homosexuality, free sex etc... and that restricting sexuality is un-european


But Tacitus described the germans as less corrupted then romans, and he subscribed them those virtues, as if they are virtues, so even if he had a bias to critice the imperial roman society and take germans as uncorrupted example, still it shows that romans were not all for the decadence, there was decadence but im not sure how well accepted it was among every roman, certainly Tacitus think what he writes is a good thing

Thus with their virtue protected they live uncorrupted by the allurements of public shows or the stimulant of feastings. Clandestine correspondence is equally unknown to men and women. Very rare for so numerous a population is adultery, the punishment for which is prompt, and in the husband’s power. Having cut off the hair of the adulteress and stripped her naked, he expels her from the house in the presence of her kinsfolk, and then flogs her through the whole village. The loss of chastity meets with no indulgence; neither beauty, youth, nor wealth will procure the culprit a husband. No one in Germany laughs at vice, nor do they call it the fashion to corrupt and to be corrupted. Still better is the condition of those states in which only maidens are given in marriage, and where the hopes and expectations of a bride are then finally terminated. They receive one husband, as having one body and one life, that they may have no thoughts beyond, no further-reaching desires, that they may love not so much the husband as the married state. To limit the number of children or to destroy any of their subsequent offspring is accounted infamous, and good habits are here more effectual than good laws elsewhere.
For my own part, I agree with those who think that the tribes of Germany are free from all taint of intermarriages with foreign nations, and that they appear as a distinct, unmixed race, like none but themselves. Hence, too, the same physical peculiarities throughout so vast a population. All have fierce blue eyes, red hair, huge frames, fit only for a sudden exertion. They are less able to bear laborious work. Heat and thirst they cannot in the least endure; to cold and hunger their climate and their soil inure them.
I can see that as an acting German SS Officer you are desperate to paint the Nazi Race in colours which it barely deserves .

Just a small point Morticia .
At the time of Tacitus there was no Germany .
His study of tribes was not from personal experience . He quoted others .
How you waste your time .
Nowadays I read often a anti-christian argument, that christianity is a "desert religion" and "uneuropean" and that greeks and romans practiced orgies, homosexuality, free sex etc... and that restricting sexuality is un-european


But Tacitus described the germans as less corrupted then romans, and he subscribed them those virtues, as if they are virtues, so even if he had a bias to critice the imperial roman society and take germans as uncorrupted example, still it shows that romans were not all for the decadence, there was decadence but im not sure how well accepted it was among every roman, certainly Tacitus think what he writes is a good thing

Thus with their virtue protected they live uncorrupted by the allurements of public shows or the stimulant of feastings. Clandestine correspondence is equally unknown to men and women. Very rare for so numerous a population is adultery, the punishment for which is prompt, and in the husband’s power. Having cut off the hair of the adulteress and stripped her naked, he expels her from the house in the presence of her kinsfolk, and then flogs her through the whole village. The loss of chastity meets with no indulgence; neither beauty, youth, nor wealth will procure the culprit a husband. No one in Germany laughs at vice, nor do they call it the fashion to corrupt and to be corrupted. Still better is the condition of those states in which only maidens are given in marriage, and where the hopes and expectations of a bride are then finally terminated. They receive one husband, as having one body and one life, that they may have no thoughts beyond, no further-reaching desires, that they may love not so much the husband as the married state. To limit the number of children or to destroy any of their subsequent offspring is accounted infamous, and good habits are here more effectual than good laws elsewhere.
nice text
German citizenship - only if the applicant recognizes Israel's right to exist.
Such an order was issued by the Interior Ministry of the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt. Citizenship applicants living there will now have to confirm in writing that they recognize Israel's right to exist and "condemn any efforts against the existence of the State of Israel."

The masses of immigrants will be willing to swear that the earth is flat (if there is such a condition), especially when Islam allows a muslim to lie to infidels.
Why not pretend "like the germans are smart" and give passports based on profession and qualifications?
German citizenship - only if the applicant recognizes Israel's right to exist.
Such an order was issued by the Interior Ministry of the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt. Citizenship applicants living there will now have to confirm in writing that they recognize Israel's right to exist and "condemn any efforts against the existence of the State of Israel."

The masses of immigrants will be willing to swear that the earth is flat (if there is such a condition), especially when Islam allows a muslim to lie to infidels.
Why not pretend "like the germans are smart" and give passports based on profession and qualifications?

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