Tackling Asian Privilege

Are you not aware?

Yeah, she didn't have anything to do with the Vietnamese powerhouse that currently resides in Southern California.

Really? Tippi is the one who started the ball rolling. She may not directly be associated with the current movers and shakers. But she is ultimate beginning.

Don't get me wrong, were it almost any other culture that we were talking about, I probably wouldn't find that fact so relevant. But Vietnamese-American culture is by far the most racist and insular culture I've ever encountered. Once the ball got rolling, the community went ape-shit to promote itself, and their own.

And yet, most of the Vietnamese millionaires aren't in the nail business.
White privilege is indeed a ridiculous idea.

Rich privilege is not though. Hell, you can kill a few people and get away with it, and BLAME your wealth for it!

I take it you saw that story too. Fucking disgusting. The judge should be removed from his seat, and that rich kid sent to prison.

Juveniles are never sent to prison, unless it is a murder or rape, or something along those lines. Sending a minor to prison for vehicular manslaughter and a DUI would be setting a precedent. It seems like you want to punish the kid more severely because he is rich. You are in fact arguing in favor of the bias you supposedly oppose when it is the other way around.

His life is done, if it makes you feel better. Getting raped in prison won't change anything for the better in this case. Stiff probation and civil liability for the parents(which looks like it will happen), is more than reasonable in this case.

I think I'm going to stay away from mind-blowing assertions such as "you dislike blacks more than Asians because blacks have more muscles" -- I had to read that one a couple of times and I'm still not sure what I saw, it just seemed to shut down what few brains cells I still have and pushed me into a kind of temporary, semi-conscious, catatonic state for a few moments -- and return to planet Earth.

These are generalities, of course, and there always plenty of exceptions to the rule, but what the hell: Any relatively clear-thinking person in America can make the observation that many Asians succeed almost exclusively because of their work ethic. They are tireless, humble workers who eschew shallow pursuits such as fancy cars and flashy goodies and earn their own keep. They teach their children to do the same, and instill the same work ethic into them. Only these kids are in America, not their parents' homeland, and they quickly rise above the kids who are being told that life isn't "fair", and that someone else has to make life "fair" for them.

Shall we allow our imaginations to compare this type of lifestyle to that of many American blacks, who have been victimized by those who keep making excuses for them, and who tell them from Day One that whitey wants to keep them down and that they have no chance? What a lousy, fucked up thing to do to a black kid. Are you folks going to pretend that a child of a Korean family that arrived on these shores, somehow managed to start a small business, grow it, and put their kids through school on pure sweat are told the same thing when they're young?

American blacks have been victimized again, through the soft bigotry of reduced expectations. And those who are guilty of this will NEVER stop pointing the finger elsewhere, NEVER.


I really love how white people try to pretend that racism doesn't exist.

They don't need the "evil liberal" to tell them white people are going to keep them down.

All they need to do is send out a few resumes.

IMDiversity Does Your "Name" Keep You From Getting Hired? » IMDiversity

The resumes that had less gaps in employment and higher-level skills – if they belonged to “white-sounding names – had a 30 percent greater chance of being responded to than the less qualified resume. However, this was not true for the same skilled resume of a “black-sounding” name.

Names were chosen after a study of birth certificates. “White” names included Kristen, Greg, Neil, Emily, Brett, Anne, and Jill. “Black” names included Kareem, Tamika, Rasheed, Ebony, Aisha, and Tyrone. Resumes with “black-sounding” names had only a 6.7 percent chance of receiving a response to their resume, while resumes with “white-sounding” names had a 10.1 percent chance .

The study found as much discrimination in less-skilled jobs, such as cashiering and mailroom attendants, as in more heavily skills-based positions such as regional sales manager and assistant to the president jobs.

Moral of the story, have a normal name. This isn't a reflection of race prejudice, but class prejudice. Those names reflect a lower class standing.
The only person impressed by your points is you.

Honestly, you sing the same old tired, "Well, if you only worked harder", you can overcome the racism, like the real world works that way.

Okay Joe, I'll give up on this conversation. It's clear you won't honestly address any of the points I'm making and you keep tossing out straw men (both avoidance tactics are always a good sign), and I'm not going to hold my breath.


Guy, I'm not going to waste time arguing with an apologist dupe of plutocrats, which is what you've become lately.

The "Good minority" argument is specious, at best. It just allows racists to rationalize their racism.
If we live in a White supremacist system, how come East Asians consistently test higher and earn higher incomes than Whites on average?
The only person impressed by your points is you.

Honestly, you sing the same old tired, "Well, if you only worked harder", you can overcome the racism, like the real world works that way.

Okay Joe, I'll give up on this conversation. It's clear you won't honestly address any of the points I'm making and you keep tossing out straw men (both avoidance tactics are always a good sign), and I'm not going to hold my breath.


Guy, I'm not going to waste time arguing with an apologist dupe of plutocrats, which is what you've become lately.

The "Good minority" argument is specious, at best. It just allows racists to rationalize their racism.

"Good Majority"? Yet another straw man, and now you're down to name-calling.

Have you reached a point where it's literally impossible for you to have an intellectually honest, civil conversation?

I made several clear points, and you keep avoiding them. If someone did that to you in a conversation, you'd know you were correct in your points and the other guy knew he was wrong.


Names were chosen after a study of birth certificates. “White” names included Kristen, Greg, Neil, Emily, Brett, Anne, and Jill. “Black” names included Kareem, Tamika, Rasheed, Ebony, Aisha, and Tyrone. Resumes with “black-sounding” names had only a 6.7 percent chance of receiving a response to their resume, while resumes with “white-sounding” names had a 10.1 percent chance .

The study found as much discrimination in less-skilled jobs, such as cashiering and mailroom attendants, as in more heavily skills-based positions such as regional sales manager and assistant to the president jobs.

Moral of the story, have a normal name. This isn't a reflection of race prejudice, but class prejudice. Those names reflect a lower class standing.

Oh, is that a nice way to say "Racism"?
Okay Joe, I'll give up on this conversation. It's clear you won't honestly address any of the points I'm making and you keep tossing out straw men (both avoidance tactics are always a good sign), and I'm not going to hold my breath.


Guy, I'm not going to waste time arguing with an apologist dupe of plutocrats, which is what you've become lately.

The "Good minority" argument is specious, at best. It just allows racists to rationalize their racism.
If we live in a White supremacist system, how come East Asians consistently test higher and earn higher incomes than Whites on average?

1) They don't.

2) Statisticla anomolies usually relate to the fact they are such small numbers. (Less than 3% of the population.)
"Good Majority"? Yet another straw man, and now you're down to name-calling.

Have you reached a point where it's literally impossible for you to have an intellectually honest, civil conversation?

I made several clear points, and you keep avoiding them. If someone did that to you in a conversation, you'd know you were correct in your points and the other guy knew he was wrong.


Guy, your clear points have Iceman the White Supremist agreeing with you.

Maybe you need to review your clear points before someone fits you for a white sheet.
No article makes a better mockery of the idea of white privilege as this one HERE.

"Though they comprise less than 4.8% of the American population, they make up 8.3% of all doctors. Only 2.3% of doctors are African American, yet they’re 13% of the population. Thirty percent of African American men will go to jail, but only 1.6% of prisoners are Asian. Nobody sees the problem with that?"

Tackling Asian Privilege - Taki's Magazine

I don't know that this is "privilege" so much as good immigration policy. We're only (legally) bringing in people who are going to make good contributions to our country.

I guess I should include a disclaimer. Our overall open borders immigration policy sucks ass. And obviously there are illegal Asian immigrants. But Asian immigrants are much less likely than Central and South Americans to be illegal, due to the significantly greater difficulty in swimming across the Pacific, as opposed to the river.

You're an idiot.

I think I'm going to stay away from mind-blowing assertions such as "you dislike blacks more than Asians because blacks have more muscles" -- I had to read that one a couple of times and I'm still not sure what I saw, it just seemed to shut down what few brains cells I still have and pushed me into a kind of temporary, semi-conscious, catatonic state for a few moments -- and return to planet Earth.

These are generalities, of course, and there always plenty of exceptions to the rule, but what the hell: Any relatively clear-thinking person in America can make the observation that many Asians succeed almost exclusively because of their work ethic. They are tireless, humble workers who eschew shallow pursuits such as fancy cars and flashy goodies and earn their own keep. They teach their children to do the same, and instill the same work ethic into them. Only these kids are in America, not their parents' homeland, and they quickly rise above the kids who are being told that life isn't "fair", and that someone else has to make life "fair" for them.

Shall we allow our imaginations to compare this type of lifestyle to that of many American blacks, who have been victimized by those who keep making excuses for them, and who tell them from Day One that whitey wants to keep them down and that they have no chance? What a lousy, fucked up thing to do to a black kid. Are you folks going to pretend that a child of a Korean family that arrived on these shores, somehow managed to start a small business, grow it, and put their kids through school on pure sweat are told the same thing when they're young?

American blacks have been victimized again, through the soft bigotry of reduced expectations. And those who are guilty of this will NEVER stop pointing the finger elsewhere, NEVER.


I really love how white people try to pretend that racism doesn't exist.

They don't need the "evil liberal" to tell them white people are going to keep them down.

All they need to do is send out a few resumes.

IMDiversity Does Your "Name" Keep You From Getting Hired? » IMDiversity

The resumes that had less gaps in employment and higher-level skills – if they belonged to “white-sounding names – had a 30 percent greater chance of being responded to than the less qualified resume. However, this was not true for the same skilled resume of a “black-sounding” name.

Names were chosen after a study of birth certificates. “White” names included Kristen, Greg, Neil, Emily, Brett, Anne, and Jill. “Black” names included Kareem, Tamika, Rasheed, Ebony, Aisha, and Tyrone. Resumes with “black-sounding” names had only a 6.7 percent chance of receiving a response to their resume, while resumes with “white-sounding” names had a 10.1 percent chance .

The study found as much discrimination in less-skilled jobs, such as cashiering and mailroom attendants, as in more heavily skills-based positions such as regional sales manager and assistant to the president jobs.

Racism isn't confined to any one color. Every group encounters bigotry. You have to ask yourself the question: Why have blacks done so poorly relative to every other ethnic group? If your only answer is racism you probably need to look at other variables. Racism may be part of the equation....but to say it is all of the equation doesn't cut it.
No article makes a better mockery of the idea of white privilege as this one HERE.

I don't know that this is "privilege" so much as good immigration policy. We're only (legally) bringing in people who are going to make good contributions to our country.

I guess I should include a disclaimer. Our overall open borders immigration policy sucks ass. And obviously there are illegal Asian immigrants. But Asian immigrants are much less likely than Central and South Americans to be illegal, due to the significantly greater difficulty in swimming across the Pacific, as opposed to the river.

You're an idiot.

Thank you for a meaningful and well thought out response.
I don't know that this is "privilege" so much as good immigration policy. We're only (legally) bringing in people who are going to make good contributions to our country.

I guess I should include a disclaimer. Our overall open borders immigration policy sucks ass. And obviously there are illegal Asian immigrants. But Asian immigrants are much less likely than Central and South Americans to be illegal, due to the significantly greater difficulty in swimming across the Pacific, as opposed to the river.

You're an idiot.

Thank you for a meaningful and well thought out response.

We have these things called ships and airplanes, genius.

Names were chosen after a study of birth certificates. “White” names included Kristen, Greg, Neil, Emily, Brett, Anne, and Jill. “Black” names included Kareem, Tamika, Rasheed, Ebony, Aisha, and Tyrone. Resumes with “black-sounding” names had only a 6.7 percent chance of receiving a response to their resume, while resumes with “white-sounding” names had a 10.1 percent chance .

The study found as much discrimination in less-skilled jobs, such as cashiering and mailroom attendants, as in more heavily skills-based positions such as regional sales manager and assistant to the president jobs.

Moral of the story, have a normal name. This isn't a reflection of race prejudice, but class prejudice. Those names reflect a lower class standing.

Oh, is that a nice way to say "Racism"?

No, that is the problem of the modern liberal, you only view things through a race prism, ignoring the class prism(which is very convenient for the corporate sponsors of the Democrats and Republican parties).

You are the only one who said anything about "black" names, I said they are low class names, low class black names. There are white trash names as well.
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Guy, I'm not going to waste time arguing with an apologist dupe of plutocrats, which is what you've become lately.

The "Good minority" argument is specious, at best. It just allows racists to rationalize their racism.
If we live in a White supremacist system, how come East Asians consistently test higher and earn higher incomes than Whites on average?

1) They don't.

2) Statisticla anomolies usually relate to the fact they are such small numbers. (Less than 3% of the population.)
Yes they do. Asians have higher incomes.
Do Asians in the U.S. have high incomes? | Family Inequality

And higher test scores
The Test Score Gap | Secrets Of The Sat | FRONTLINE | PBS

This is funny, now Asians are a statistical anomaly! You just had to cover your bases right? Once you knew I would disprove your point that Asians don't earn more than Whites.

Jews are the highest earning ethnic group overall. All that White Privilege! lol
Poll: Jews highest-earning religious group in US | JPost | Israel News
Blacks do better in America, then any where else in the world

Racism isn't confined to any one color. Every group encounters bigotry. You have to ask yourself the question: Why have blacks done so poorly relative to every other ethnic group? If your only answer is racism you probably need to look at other variables. Racism may be part of the equation....but to say it is all of the equation doesn't cut it.

Not every group encounters bigotry and not every group encounters the same level of bigotry.

For instance, I doubt i would ever see you using an avatar or screen name making fun of Asians...
Moral of the story, have a normal name. This isn't a reflection of race prejudice, but class prejudice. Those names reflect a lower class standing.

Oh, is that a nice way to say "Racism"?

No, that is the problem of the modern liberal, you only view things through a race prism, ignoring the class prism(which is very convenient for the corporate sponsors of the Democrats and Republican parties).

You are the only one who said anything about "black" names, I said they are low class names, low class black names. There are white trash names as well.

Please name a "white trash" name? (Psst. I don't think anyone actually names their kid "Cleetus". )
Oh, is that a nice way to say "Racism"?

No, that is the problem of the modern liberal, you only view things through a race prism, ignoring the class prism(which is very convenient for the corporate sponsors of the Democrats and Republican parties).

You are the only one who said anything about "black" names, I said they are low class names, low class black names. There are white trash names as well.

Please name a "white trash" name? (Psst. I don't think anyone actually names their kid "Cleetus". )


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