Tackling Asian Privilege

No article makes a better mockery of the idea of white privilege as this one HERE.

"Though they comprise less than 4.8% of the American population, they make up 8.3% of all doctors. Only 2.3% of doctors are African American, yet they’re 13% of the population. Thirty percent of African American men will go to jail, but only 1.6% of prisoners are Asian. Nobody sees the problem with that?"

Tackling Asian Privilege - Taki's Magazine

Well, in this country, there were no asian slaves. They had it tough but blacks were owned by whites here in the states not that long ago relatively. Some of the people who have massive wealth now days owe it to black backs and some of those racist ideologies were passed down.

Fuck them. God bless.

your ignorance is showing, as usual. there were Asian slaves in this country as well. As there were white ones.
No article makes a better mockery of the idea of white privilege as this one HERE.

"Though they comprise less than 4.8% of the American population, they make up 8.3% of all doctors. Only 2.3% of doctors are African American, yet they’re 13% of the population. Thirty percent of African American men will go to jail, but only 1.6% of prisoners are Asian. Nobody sees the problem with that?"

Tackling Asian Privilege - Taki's Magazine

I don't know that this is "privilege" so much as good immigration policy. We're only (legally) bringing in people who are going to make good contributions to our country.

I guess I should include a disclaimer. Our overall open borders immigration policy sucks ass. And obviously there are illegal Asian immigrants. But Asian immigrants are much less likely than Central and South Americans to be illegal, due to the significantly greater difficulty in swimming across the Pacific, as opposed to the river.

The poor Vietnamese migrants who were able to get into our embassy in Vietnam now own half of Southern California. Asian culture simply values education more than most cultures.
The poor Vietnamese migrants who were able to get into our embassy in Vietnam now own half of Southern California. Asian culture simply values education more than most cultures.

Actually, I think Tippi Hedren was responsible for that.
No article makes a better mockery of the idea of white privilege as this one HERE.

"Though they comprise less than 4.8% of the American population, they make up 8.3% of all doctors. Only 2.3% of doctors are African American, yet they’re 13% of the population. Thirty percent of African American men will go to jail, but only 1.6% of prisoners are Asian. Nobody sees the problem with that?"

Tackling Asian Privilege - Taki's Magazine

Well, in this country, there were no asian slaves. They had it tough but blacks were owned by whites here in the states not that long ago relatively. Some of the people who have massive wealth now days owe it to black backs and some of those racist ideologies were passed down.

Fuck them. God bless.

Civil War and Reconstruction wrecked the Southern economy. Whatever wealth they accumulated was gone for most. Anyway, the below video seems to be sufficient to address your first comment.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKmU_HpTwCs]Blazing Saddles- Dock that Chink A Day's Pay for Nappin on the Job! - YouTube[/ame]
No article makes a better mockery of the idea of white privilege as this one HERE.

"Though they comprise less than 4.8% of the American population, they make up 8.3% of all doctors. Only 2.3% of doctors are African American, yet they’re 13% of the population. Thirty percent of African American men will go to jail, but only 1.6% of prisoners are Asian. Nobody sees the problem with that?"

Tackling Asian Privilege - Taki's Magazine

Asians rock! I hope they become the majority of our population. In addition to their superior math and science skills, they speak English well and are courteous, humble and loaded with integrity. They make me proud. They choose excellence. Most of them come from intact familial stability and customs, combined with responsibility and love.

That may be true for the first and second generations, however, once Asians adopt U.S. culture by the third or fourth generation they deteriorate in all those fields you speak of.
That was a joke right? Or were you attributing their success to Tippi?

Are you not aware?

Yeah, she didn't have anything to do with the Vietnamese powerhouse that currently resides in Southern California.

Really? Tippi is the one who started the ball rolling. She may not directly be associated with the current movers and shakers. But she is ultimate beginning.

Don't get me wrong, were it almost any other culture that we were talking about, I probably wouldn't find that fact so relevant. But Vietnamese-American culture is by far the most racist and insular culture I've ever encountered. Once the ball got rolling, the community went ape-shit to promote itself, and their own.
The Vietnamese are strong enough to shut down the gay activists from destroying their parade in Westminster. No white community could do that.
YOu mean why would the darker skinned, muscular minority be less threatening than the smaller, lighter skinned minority?


I suppose I can weigh your intellect by the sentence written above.

yes, you can.

Come on, get real.

you wingnuts live in terror of the scary black man, and then you claim you are not at all racist because, hey, Asians don't bother you that much.

you really don't like them, either, but they don't get you clutching your purses when they walk by...

I think I'm going to stay away from mind-blowing assertions such as "you dislike blacks more than Asians because blacks have more muscles" -- I had to read that one a couple of times and I'm still not sure what I saw, it just seemed to shut down what few brains cells I still have and pushed me into a kind of temporary, semi-conscious, catatonic state for a few moments -- and return to planet Earth.

These are generalities, of course, and there always plenty of exceptions to the rule, but what the hell: Any relatively clear-thinking person in America can make the observation that many Asians succeed almost exclusively because of their work ethic. They are tireless, humble workers who eschew shallow pursuits such as fancy cars and flashy goodies and earn their own keep. They teach their children to do the same, and instill the same work ethic into them. Only these kids are in America, not their parents' homeland, and they quickly rise above the kids who are being told that life isn't "fair", and that someone else has to make life "fair" for them.

Shall we allow our imaginations to compare this type of lifestyle to that of many American blacks, who have been victimized by those who keep making excuses for them, and who tell them from Day One that whitey wants to keep them down and that they have no chance? What a lousy, fucked up thing to do to a black kid. Are you folks going to pretend that a child of a Korean family that arrived on these shores, somehow managed to start a small business, grow it, and put their kids through school on pure sweat are told the same thing when they're young?

American blacks have been victimized again, through the soft bigotry of reduced expectations. And those who are guilty of this will NEVER stop pointing the finger elsewhere, NEVER.

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No article makes a better mockery of the idea of white privilege as this one HERE.

"Though they comprise less than 4.8% of the American population, they make up 8.3% of all doctors. Only 2.3% of doctors are African American, yet they’re 13% of the population. Thirty percent of African American men will go to jail, but only 1.6% of prisoners are Asian. Nobody sees the problem with that?"

Tackling Asian Privilege - Taki's Magazine

The only privilege that exists is the privilege intelligent people have over non-intelligent people. Bright people of any color are overwhelmingly successful. Non-intelligent people are generally poor, uneducated, and lack skills.

Why is this so difficult to understand?

Because the unintelligent people outnumber their brainier peers. Imo at most the top 20% deserve to be called 'intelligent'.
No article makes a better mockery of the idea of white privilege as this one HERE.

"Though they comprise less than 4.8% of the American population, they make up 8.3% of all doctors. Only 2.3% of doctors are African American, yet they’re 13% of the population. Thirty percent of African American men will go to jail, but only 1.6% of prisoners are Asian. Nobody sees the problem with that?"

Tackling Asian Privilege - Taki's Magazine

Well, in this country, there were no asian slaves. They had it tough but blacks were owned by whites here in the states not that long ago relatively. Some of the people who have massive wealth now days owe it to black backs and some of those racist ideologies were passed down.

Fuck them. God bless.

I would argue that the Chinese imported into the USA to build the railways were effectively enslaved.

I think I'm going to stay away from mind-blowing assertions such as "you dislike blacks more than Asians because blacks have more muscles" -- I had to read that one a couple of times and I'm still not sure what I saw, it just seemed to shut down what few brains cells I still have and pushed me into a kind of temporary, semi-conscious, catatonic state for a few moments -- and return to planet Earth.

These are generalities, of course, and there always plenty of exceptions to the rule, but what the hell: Any relatively clear-thinking person in America can make the observation that many Asians succeed almost exclusively because of their work ethic. They are tireless, humble workers who eschew shallow pursuits such as fancy cars and flashy goodies and earn their own keep. They teach their children to do the same, and instill the same work ethic into them. Only these kids are in America, not their parents' homeland, and they quickly rise above the kids who are being told that life isn't "fair", and that someone else has to make life "fair" for them.

Shall we allow our imaginations to compare this type of lifestyle to that of many American blacks, who have been victimized by those who keep making excuses for them, and who tell them from Day One that whitey wants to keep them down and that they have no chance? What a lousy, fucked up thing to do to a black kid. Are you folks going to pretend that a child of a Korean family that arrived on these shores, somehow managed to start a small business, grow it, and put their kids through school on pure sweat are told the same thing when they're young?

American blacks have been victimized again, through the soft bigotry of reduced expectations. And those who are guilty of this will NEVER stop pointing the finger elsewhere, NEVER.


I really love how white people try to pretend that racism doesn't exist.

They don't need the "evil liberal" to tell them white people are going to keep them down.

All they need to do is send out a few resumes.

IMDiversity Does Your "Name" Keep You From Getting Hired? » IMDiversity

The resumes that had less gaps in employment and higher-level skills – if they belonged to “white-sounding names – had a 30 percent greater chance of being responded to than the less qualified resume. However, this was not true for the same skilled resume of a “black-sounding” name.

Names were chosen after a study of birth certificates. “White” names included Kristen, Greg, Neil, Emily, Brett, Anne, and Jill. “Black” names included Kareem, Tamika, Rasheed, Ebony, Aisha, and Tyrone. Resumes with “black-sounding” names had only a 6.7 percent chance of receiving a response to their resume, while resumes with “white-sounding” names had a 10.1 percent chance .

The study found as much discrimination in less-skilled jobs, such as cashiering and mailroom attendants, as in more heavily skills-based positions such as regional sales manager and assistant to the president jobs.
I suppose I can weigh your intellect by the sentence written above.

yes, you can.

Come on, get real.

you wingnuts live in terror of the scary black man, and then you claim you are not at all racist because, hey, Asians don't bother you that much.

you really don't like them, either, but they don't get you clutching your purses when they walk by...

Typical American parochialism. In Europe it is not 'black men' who are feared but Muslims who are mostly Asian. It is Islam which is the threat to European civilisation and holding it in contempt has nothing to do with 'racism'.

I think I'm going to stay away from mind-blowing assertions such as "you dislike blacks more than Asians because blacks have more muscles" -- I had to read that one a couple of times and I'm still not sure what I saw, it just seemed to shut down what few brains cells I still have and pushed me into a kind of temporary, semi-conscious, catatonic state for a few moments -- and return to planet Earth.

These are generalities, of course, and there always plenty of exceptions to the rule, but what the hell: Any relatively clear-thinking person in America can make the observation that many Asians succeed almost exclusively because of their work ethic. They are tireless, humble workers who eschew shallow pursuits such as fancy cars and flashy goodies and earn their own keep. They teach their children to do the same, and instill the same work ethic into them. Only these kids are in America, not their parents' homeland, and they quickly rise above the kids who are being told that life isn't "fair", and that someone else has to make life "fair" for them.

Shall we allow our imaginations to compare this type of lifestyle to that of many American blacks, who have been victimized by those who keep making excuses for them, and who tell them from Day One that whitey wants to keep them down and that they have no chance? What a lousy, fucked up thing to do to a black kid. Are you folks going to pretend that a child of a Korean family that arrived on these shores, somehow managed to start a small business, grow it, and put their kids through school on pure sweat are told the same thing when they're young?

American blacks have been victimized again, through the soft bigotry of reduced expectations. And those who are guilty of this will NEVER stop pointing the finger elsewhere, NEVER.


I really love how white people try to pretend that racism doesn't exist.

They don't need the "evil liberal" to tell them white people are going to keep them down.

All they need to do is send out a few resumes.

IMDiversity Does Your "Name" Keep You From Getting Hired? » IMDiversity

The resumes that had less gaps in employment and higher-level skills – if they belonged to “white-sounding names – had a 30 percent greater chance of being responded to than the less qualified resume. However, this was not true for the same skilled resume of a “black-sounding” name.

Names were chosen after a study of birth certificates. “White” names included Kristen, Greg, Neil, Emily, Brett, Anne, and Jill. “Black” names included Kareem, Tamika, Rasheed, Ebony, Aisha, and Tyrone. Resumes with “black-sounding” names had only a 6.7 percent chance of receiving a response to their resume, while resumes with “white-sounding” names had a 10.1 percent chance .

The study found as much discrimination in less-skilled jobs, such as cashiering and mailroom attendants, as in more heavily skills-based positions such as regional sales manager and assistant to the president jobs.

One of my favorite intellectually dishonest straw men.

Of COURSE racism still exists. And people like you make reducing it far more difficult by constantly diluting the word. You have screamed "racism" so often, and so many times when it was just meant for effect, that you have turned the word into a joke, a punchline. And you keep the door open for the REAL racists when you dilute the term. You're hurting the very people you claim to "care" about, and you absolutely, positively don't see it. Or maybe you do, and maybe you have a more important agenda and don't care, I don't know.

And I notice that you diverted away from points I made in my post. Understandable, of course, because they're very good points.


One of my favorite intellectually dishonest straw men.

Of COURSE racism still exists. And people like you make reducing it far more difficult by constantly diluting the word. You have screamed "racism" so often, and so many times when it was just meant for effect, that you have turned the word into a joke, a punchline. You're hurting the very people you claim to "care" about, and you absolutely, positively don't see it. Or maybe you do, and maybe you have a more important agenda and don't care, I don't know.

And I notice that you diverted away from points I made in my post. Understandable, of course, because they're very good points.


The only person impressed by your points is you.

Honestly, you sing the same old tired, "Well, if you only worked harder", you can overcome the racism, like the real world works that way.

One of my favorite intellectually dishonest straw men.

Of COURSE racism still exists. And people like you make reducing it far more difficult by constantly diluting the word. You have screamed "racism" so often, and so many times when it was just meant for effect, that you have turned the word into a joke, a punchline. You're hurting the very people you claim to "care" about, and you absolutely, positively don't see it. Or maybe you do, and maybe you have a more important agenda and don't care, I don't know.

And I notice that you diverted away from points I made in my post. Understandable, of course, because they're very good points.


The only person impressed by your points is you.

Honestly, you sing the same old tired, "Well, if you only worked harder", you can overcome the racism, like the real world works that way.

Okay Joe, I'll give up on this conversation. It's clear you won't honestly address any of the points I'm making and you keep tossing out straw men (both avoidance tactics are always a good sign), and I'm not going to hold my breath.

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One of my favorite intellectually dishonest straw men.

Of COURSE racism still exists. And people like you make reducing it far more difficult by constantly diluting the word. You have screamed "racism" so often, and so many times when it was just meant for effect, that you have turned the word into a joke, a punchline. You're hurting the very people you claim to "care" about, and you absolutely, positively don't see it. Or maybe you do, and maybe you have a more important agenda and don't care, I don't know.

And I notice that you diverted away from points I made in my post. Understandable, of course, because they're very good points.


The only person impressed by your points is you.

Honestly, you sing the same old tired, "Well, if you only worked harder", you can overcome the racism, like the real world works that way.

Okay Joe, I'll give up on this conversation. It's clear you won't honestly address any of the points I'm making and you keep tossing out straw men (both avoidance tactics are always a good sign), and I'm not going to hold my breath.


Guy, I'm not going to waste time arguing with an apologist dupe of plutocrats, which is what you've become lately.

The "Good minority" argument is specious, at best. It just allows racists to rationalize their racism.

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