Taipei Taiwan TransAsia Airways plane crash: joke about ongoing 9/11 remake, Malaysia to Indonesia


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
Deliberately fake Taipei CRASH and RESCUE VIDEO: Mockery of simulated reality
The end of the show is its mockery.

Taipei TransAsia Airways plane crash: joke about ongoing 9/11 remake, Malaysia to Indonesia, Taiwan to Jerusalem
Ongoing remake of 9/11 totally staged with actors. Episodes so far:
- Thailand: missing Boeing 777, that will be used to resurrect Osama Bin Laden at Temple Mount, Jerusalem.
- Ukraine, Boeing 777 shotdown, staged by fake rebels sent by nazi agent "Putin", was NOT originally in the script.
- AirAsia Airbus, originally scripted for early April 2014, postponed to Dec 28, 2014, because of the revolt in the Ukraine.
The annoucement that it's a remake of 9/11 Shanksville, rescheduled for Jan 17, was yet again postponed, because nazi assault on Donetsk airport failed.
- Taipei TransAsia: Video created wit computer graphics, as parody to the 9/11 WTC videos of fake planes.

Crash parody Video -
Rescue parody video -

Jan 18, 2005 - The second missing plane, originally scripted for early April 2014, was exposed also one hour later, Dec 28 2014:
Remake of Shanksville, part of the remake of 911 2001 at Jerusalem, that started with the missing Boeing 777, March 2014.
Not a beep about the act "Malaysian Airbus black boxes found" days ago, to introduce "brave passengers fight amid cries of Allah Ahkbar" - WHY:
because final assault on Donetsk failed
The nazi offensive, launched Jan 16, the final assault to Donestsk, was broken up by the rebels in the last few days, despite the treasonous leadership of Donetsk and Lugansk.
Illuminati parallel and reversed scripts Missing Malaysia Black box is a remake of 9 11 Shanlksville

Jokes by the Illuminati Taipei Taiwan TransAsia Airways plane crash mockery of ongoing 9 11 remake Malaysia to Indonesia
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