Taking back border control - terrorists can wander in today

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Civil servants who man the border check points are on strike today. They are so badly paid that they have to use food banks.
They will be replaced by low paid soldiers who have been given a massive 2 days training.
The last time this happened they just waved through all visitors. So its open day today for muzzie and far right terrorists thanks to the actions of this conservative govt.
500k public servants are on strike today. Nurses,ambulance drivers,teachers and so on. They are all sick of relying on chrity so that the Conservativees can give tax cuts to billionaires.

The UK needs a resset and this is a great day. #fuckthetories
Civil servants who man the border check points are on strike today. They are so badly paid that they have to use food banks.
They will be replaced by low paid soldiers who have been given a massive 2 days training.
The last time this happened they just waved through all visitors. So its open day today for muzzie and far right terrorists thanks to the actions of this conservative govt.
500k public servants are on strike today. Nurses,ambulance drivers,teachers and so on. They are all sick of relying on chrity so that the Conservativees can give tax cuts to billionaires.

The UK needs a resset and this is a great day. #fuckthetories
Funny, here its the far left wacko government allowing the far left terrorists to wander in...drug dealers, slavers, murderers, etc. The new Dim voter base.
Meh, London's No-Go Zones are full of terrorists....What's another day or two worth going to matter?
Civil servants who man the border check points are on strike today. They are so badly paid that they have to use food banks.
They will be replaced by low paid soldiers who have been given a massive 2 days training.
The last time this happened they just waved through all visitors. So its open day today for muzzie and far right terrorists thanks to the actions of this conservative govt.
500k public servants are on strike today. Nurses,ambulance drivers,teachers and so on. They are all sick of relying on chrity so that the Conservativees can give tax cuts to billionaires.

Resident Welsh Communist , Tommy Tummy, gives us his nut job analysis of things he finds too difficult to understand .

The same things are happening everywhere but this would require a few more brain cells than Mr Tummy has to see a common cause explanation .
What a turd you are Tommy . Last time it was you trying to make party politics out of 96 dead people squashed at a football match .
This time you try to make political capital out of a problem that is near global but you want others to believe is special to the UK .

You truly are a Turd , Mr Tummy.
Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.

What job do you have, that is better than mine?

From what profession do you look down on me for my profession?
Civil servants who man the border check points are on strike today. They are so badly paid that they have to use food banks.
They will be replaced by low paid soldiers who have been given a massive 2 days training.
The last time this happened they just waved through all visitors. So its open day today for muzzie and far right terrorists thanks to the actions of this conservative govt.
500k public servants are on strike today. Nurses,ambulance drivers,teachers and so on. They are all sick of relying on chrity so that the Conservativees can give tax cuts to billionaires.

The UK needs a resset and this is a great day. #fuckthetories
Your country is falling apart, it started with Brexit, and now it is filtering down into all aspects of daily life, affecting first responders, and those who need medical care. Eventually your system will resemble ours, and medical care will improve, but only for those who can afford it.
It is worse than those of us who knew "Brexit" was a mistake could have thought. That's democratic process for you; a deluded and lazy voter base leads to catastrophe. Democracy only works when an educated populace is actively engaged.
Enlightened dictatorship would be great, if it weren't an oxymoron.
Your country is falling apart, it started with Brexit, and now it is filtering down into all aspects of daily life, affecting first responders, and those who need medical care. Eventually your system will resemble ours, and medical care will improve, but only for those who can afford it.
The wholr of society has been hollowed out to provide tax breaks for the super rich. There needs to be a massive reset that ensures ordinary people are paid a decent wage.
We have too many billionaires feeding off the carcasses of the poor.

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