Talia/Selina: DC Constitution


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a gender-podium about Talia al Ghul (fictional female terrorist) and Catwoman (fictional female fanatical vigilante).

This 'gender-limerick' is dedicated to First Lady Melania Trump (I believe she cares more about democracy-apothecaries than her husband!).




Talia and Selina had only one thing in common --- they were both in love with the handsome Gotham City socialite-businessman Bruce Wayne (CEO of Wayne Industries!). Bruce was secretly the Gotham masked vigilante Batman, but no one knew that. Bruce/Batman likewise had no idea that Talia was actually Talia al Ghul (the nefarious daughter of eco-terrorist Ra's al Ghul and head of the underworld organization known as Leviathan). Talia al Ghul sent notices to the Gotham Gazette, but no one knew what she looked like, so Batman had no idea that Talia (an apparent Romanian heiress) was actually Talia al Ghul(!). Bruce/Batman also didn't know Selina was actually the Gotham rogue-vigilante Catwoman (Batman's rival on the streets!).

Talia and Selina were both in love with Bruce Wayne, but they had very different approaches to dealing with Batman (aka, 'the Dark Knight'). Talia al Ghul wanted to seduce Batman into joining Leviathan, while Catwoman wanted to remain a 'rival-counterpart' of Batman in Gotham. Talia al Ghul and Catwoman were both investigating a scheme involving the Penguin (Oswald Cobblepot), a ghoulish crime-master. Penguin wanted to kidnap all the daughters of Gotham and hold them for ransom unless the mayor paid a heavy ransom. Penguin wanted to carry out this deranged evil deed so Gothamites would remember why the modern city was such an 'arena' for danger.

Talia al Ghul and Catwoman did not want Penguin to carry out his devilish criminal act. Both women believed kidnapping the helpless daughters of Gotham would not accomplish anything(!). So, they decided to tip off Batman to Penguin's scheme, though they had no idea that they each called the Dark Knight as informants. Batman realized this and used the unwitting coincidence to trap Talia al Ghul, Catwoman, and the Penguin in a warehouse on the outskirts of the city. Batman simply told each criminal (using a voice-scrambling device) that the warehouse contained blueprints for a secret project-weapon that Batman was developing.
Batman 'escorted' all three criminally-insane 'super-villains' to Arkham Asylum where he interviewed them (separately).

BATMAN: It's a mystery why you work for Ra's al Ghul.
TALIA: No one cares about the need for revolution...

BATMAN: Do you think rogue-vigilantism will help women?
CATWOMAN: Women are frustrated with the promises of policemen!

BATMAN: This kidnapping-scheme really makes you a freak.
PENGUIN: I do what makes the Devil happy, Batman.

BATMAN: Why did you tip me off about Penguin's scheme?
TALIA: Penguin wanted to kidnap helpless girls; that's deranged.

BATMAN: Do you hate the Penguin now?
CATWOMAN: I certainly realize he's no maestro.

BATMAN: When you run out of friends, what will you do?
PENGUIN: I'll go underground...

BATMAN: We have to rehabilitate your faith in democracy!
TALIA: I only care about my father, Ra's al Ghul.

BATMAN: I want you to help me write a letter to the mayor's wife.
CATWOMAN: So, you want to 'treat' my insanity regarding governance, eh?

BATMAN: I intend to make you a butler of cheeseburgers.
PENGUIN: That's neat; "Batman convinces Penguin to love fast-food!"

BATMAN: I'm not Romeo, but I care about your faith in women's rights.
TALIA: We'll see if your 'vision' promotes abortion-clinic sanitation!
BATMAN: You don't think I appreciate women's medical concerns?
TALIA: You're neither Romeo nor Ra's; so, we'll see if you're at least JFK.

The End



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